Aggro Boros Humans
Standard Results —Nov. 3, 2012
I've played yesterday at Standard.
It was terrible!!! LOL, 1win, 3 loose.
I have a lot of trouble with mana. I went to mulligan in every single match at least one time. :-(
I have the following recomendations for this deck:
-3x Kessig Malcontents for +3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
-1x Burn at the Stake and -3x Gather the Townsfolk for +4 Pillar of Flame
-1x Mizzium Mortars and -1x Oblivion Ring for +2 Searing Spear
What do you think?
Have anyone any other recomendations for this deck?
Not bad
Take out the two Somberwald Vigilante and the three Instigator Gang Flip and replace with 4x Stonewright and 1X Hellrider . Stonewrights soulbond ability works wonders with Silverblade Paladin
In an aggro deck such as yours, your tempo seems too heavily reliant on land. Its generally better in aggro decks that cant afford to miss a play to splash a color rather than 50/50 splitting. In other words it hurts us aggro players alot more to have to wait an extra turn to play our turn 1/2 drop than it would for a control player.
So, I would recommend focusing your first two or three turns more on either white or red, and upping that respective colors land count. You might have to sacrifice a creature or two but it should increase the reliability of the deck for you overall
October 14, 2012 9:47 a.m.
Nice. Maybe add some Geist-Honored Monk . It could be a good strategy with Cloudshift .
Casshern says... #1
Looks pretty good. I'd take out 1 Oblivion Ring an main 1 card:Cathars' Crusade. It would be good to draw into mid game to buff up the token's.
October 13, 2012 3:48 p.m.