What's a life total? (Infect with a Plan B!)

Modern crexalbo

SCORE: 107 | 177 COMMENTS | 11919 VIEWS | IN 31 FOLDERS

RochiTomRochi says... #1

September 23, 2015 6:24 a.m.

crexalbo says... #2

I debated a long time over whether or not to use Distortion Strike, Artful Dodge, or Aqueous Form. I have settled on Distortion Strike for a number of reasons.

1) Distortion Strike, along with Aqueous Form, cost only . Artful Dodge costs if i am going to get the full value out of it. Yes, it can be cast from the graveyard without being cast from your hand first, but that is only occasionally handy. And i need every single mana i spend to count for as much as possible.

2) Distortion Strike is harder to interfere with than Aqueous Form. Counterspells like Mana Leak, Remand, and Spell Pierce hit both of these. In addition, though, Aqueous Form is vulnerable to hate like Back to Nature, Wear / Tear, Erase, and my favorite utility hate, Hide/Seek. Distortion Strike is not vulnerable to any of these enchantment hate spells. Nothing feels worse than having your unblockability enchantment removed after you declare attackers but before they declare blockers!

3) The real reason i chose Distortion Strike: It grants +1/+0 for each of two consecutive turns. This two extra damage is extremely relevant and useful. I have won many games from the damage of Distortion Strike's and Noble Hierarch's alone, no pump spells required!

So to recap, the rebound saves me mana, the spell-like nature makes it harder to deal with, and the power boost wins games. I would rather end the gamr quickly than gain the flexibility of Artful Dodge or the scrying of Aqueous Form. The whole consecutive turns thing is hardly a drawback, since i usually win the turn after i cast it anyways.

September 23, 2015 8:19 a.m.

Fried_Mana says... #3

How did you make those sweet Dropdown Menus in the Description? +1 for awesomeness and a cool deck.

September 23, 2015 3:58 p.m.

crexalbo says... #4

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September 23, 2015 5:29 p.m.

Fried_Mana says... #5


September 23, 2015 5:38 p.m.

psyopsauce says... #6

Great Build! I like that you include Ajani's Presence!

September 24, 2015 1:18 a.m.

crexalbo says... #7

Thanks! I have been considering Valorous Stance instead of Ajani's Presence though. What are your thoughts?

September 24, 2015 1:42 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #8

Your upvote button is broken.

September 24, 2015 8:16 a.m.

crexalbo says... #11

I permanently fixed it. Thanks for letting me know :3 (Made it so the upvote link's HREF isn't dependent upon the deck slug.)

September 24, 2015 1:33 p.m.

bromerta says... #12


September 25, 2015 2:22 a.m.

crexalbo says... #13

@bromerta Yes, i have already read all of the primers; i have been playing infect for a couple years now. No, i will not make my deck look like that, because i feel my build is stronger. I've got good reasons for making my deck the way it is, and i won't change it unless you can offer a better reason than a meager link. If you'd like to offer constructive criticism, though, i would love to hear what you can offer.

September 25, 2015 2:28 a.m.

bromerta says... #14

This is my list if that helps. (http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/fatal-infect/)

September 25, 2015 2:28 a.m.

crexalbo says... #15

@bromerta: Fatal Infect

Sure, i'll take a look. :) What changes based off your deck do you suggest i make?

September 25, 2015 2:31 a.m.

bromerta says... #16

Sorry. I saw the huge creature count and the favoring of Rancor over Become Immense and thought you were new. Especially not having the full boat of VoV which is considered the deck's best card. No need to be snippy. You clearly know more than the pros so I'll leave you be. Sorry for wasting your time

September 25, 2015 2:35 a.m.

bromerta says... #17

Sorry wrong Infect guy (looking through all the infect lists tonight). I'll just show you my card analysis in a moment. You are a lot friendlier than the other infect folks. My mistake

September 25, 2015 2:38 a.m.

crexalbo says... #18

I do run a higher creature count than just about all infect decks out there; that's just because i found myself mulling too many hands with great pump and no creatures.

I agree that my lack of a fourth Vines of Vastwood has been a grave disadvantage. I think i will take your suggestion, and cut the singleton Become Immense for a fourth Vines of Vastwood.

I don't claim to know more than the pros. I've never been to a tournament; heck, i don't even have this version of this deck in person. But eventually, with a large amount of support, i'll get there.

I do invite any and all constructive, well-formed criticism... or at least i hope i do. I apologize if i've come across otherwise. This deck is more of a fun experiment than anything, one that i hope will give me some victories once i have the money to build it.

September 25, 2015 2:45 a.m.

crexalbo says... #19

Is all good man :) Thanks for the help!

September 25, 2015 2:46 a.m.

bromerta says... #20

Anyways your list is different but has real thought in it. For one, I love Become Immense and my build is all about that (hence all the cantrips and phyrexian mana). But you took a different take. Rather than trying to hold up mana for protection, you have added more creatures. The next best creature to add is the Myr (like you did) and logically Rancor is great in these builds. Rancor isn't so great with Become Immense and you wisely took that into account. So what would I change? 4 Spell Pierce is a little heavy so you could maybe split those with Dispel. And Ajani's presence seems bad. But honestly between all of these things it seems like your local meta has little instant speed removal (like path) compared to the general metagame. It seems like the deck was built with that meta in mind. If this is true, I have no advice. While versions like mine (and most pro players) will do well at large events or online, they would not be prepared for your specific meta. If I'm speculating correctly nobody can build this as well as you. If you have specific matchups that are driving you nuts, I could probably help you swing those matchups

September 25, 2015 2:51 a.m.

bromerta says... #21

Oh and on Vines. It is the best card in my little "mainstream" version but you might be onto something. You likely won't need so many of them because your list can hold up things like Spell Pierce that I lack. Since I am often forced to waste my Vines on the opponent's turn I really need 4 but you could likely skimp and be just fine. (The other guy had 0 ways to protect his guys and still only ran 2. It was a sort of weird hybrid between our lists.)

September 25, 2015 3:02 a.m.

crexalbo says... #22

Fair enough. Thank you for taking the time to look :)

I have been looking for a replacement for Ajani's Presence. I do come across a lot of board wipes, like Anger of the Gods and Supreme Verdict, so i would really like some sort of indestructibility spell in here. I have been considering Valorous Stance instead. What are your thoughts on that? Maybe the additional mana is worth it. I honestly wanna see how my opponent reacts when i destroy their Primeval Titan blocking my Ichorclaw Myr enchanted with Rancor!

I really, really love Dispel, and it would solve a lot of my problems. I completely forgot it existed! I will probably add it in as a one- or two-of.

I tried Become Immense, but i have yet to be able to cast it. It's been a dead draw in this creature-based build, so i have tossed it.

I absolutely love it when an opponent Path to Exile's my creature. Even if i can save my creature, i am usually happy to trade it for some ramp so i can cast two more creatures next turn! :D

Also, for anyone else looking at these comments, check out this person's build! It is a lot different than mine, and can give you an idea of how diverse the infect field can be.

Fatal Infect Playtest

Modern bromerta


September 25, 2015 3:04 a.m.

crexalbo says... #23

Hmm, fair enough. You should have seen my first infect list! It was Sultai-colored and ran Flensermite instead of Blighted Agent. I said i would rather have lifegain than evasion! I have learned a lot since then.

The three Vines of Vastwood have been bugging me anyways, and i also sadlt needed to get rid of Become Immense. So i figured cutting the uncastable (in my build) delve spell for castable protection/pump was a better move.

September 25, 2015 3:08 a.m.

bromerta says... #24

I definitely think that is a good switch. I think we all had our bad infect lists (shoutout to Livewire Lash) but this guy wasn't hearing any of it. And apparently Tom Ross is a bad player. But how good is Geist out of the board? I've strongly considered it

September 25, 2015 3:17 a.m.

crexalbo says... #25

I have not used Geist of Saint Traft all that often, to be honest – mostly because i have been playing easy matchups where i haven't needed it. No tron, affinity, burn, merfolk, or jund for me! :( But whenever i do play it, i win the next turn if my opponent doesn't scoop on the spot. The pump/protection/evasion spell suite works pure miracles with this guy.

It takes everyone completely off guard.

September 25, 2015 3:33 a.m.

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