
Enchantment (3)

Instant (2)

Hey guys, this is my first deck on TappedOut, and I'm completely open to suggestions and recommendations, especially with the sideboard.

The idea is pretty simple. Detain and tap out as many of their creatures as you can to poke holes in their defense, then plow through with indestructible and/or double strike creatures. With plenty of battlefield control and lifelink, the Boros Reckoner can be super scary. Always bind him with a pilgrim if you can, as giving him double strike will take away his main ability most of the time, rendering him nearly useless. If your opponent knows of the life loop he will be forced to take his damage if you attack with the reckoner/pilgrim/medic trio, and will make him think twice about attacking with groundlings for fear of Boros Charm.

Legion's Initiative. My god what an amazing card. The deck is white heavy, with Boros Reckoner being the only creature getting the +1/+0, but it will save your low toughness white creatures from pings such as Izzet Staticaster and such all day long! If the game goes long enough and tends to stall out, there are several creative ways to use Legion's Initiative to completely turn the advantage as well. This is what this deck is completely built around if the game goes too long.

-Most obvious is using it to block an entire wave of enemies, but letting the damage fizzle by exiling them. Turn passes and now your opponent is tapped out, ready for you to attack him all out (or not if you absolutely have to block next turn).
-Playing creatures and then exiling Legion's Intiative before your combat phase will bring the creatures back to fight with haste.
-All detain mechanics will retrigger, so when used during your 1st main phase it will not only make it safer for you to attack, but keep you safer for a turn as well.
-Soulbond creatures will be able to be reassigned which is great if something attacted to one was removed or you need to adapt to what your opponent has.
-Dodge your own board wipes from Supreme Verdict or Gideon, Champion of Justice by exiling Legion's Initiative first thing in your turn, cast verdict, move to combat phase to attack a barren battlefield.
-Dodge enemy wipes....duh.

You can still dodge your own Supreme Verdicts without Legion's Initiative by either casting Boros Charm then wipe, or wipe in your 2nd main phase after Frontline Medic has made everything indestructible. Sadly, you still need Legion's Initiative to dodge Gideons board wipe...however if you happen to draw both Gideon and verdict with no flicker or indestructible available, you can go the route of giving up all your creatures to clear their side, then attacking with Gideon for the win. Talk about last resort though. Be super careful if you exile with Gideon if you swapped in Detention Sphere. If you removed any of their creatures with them, it will almost certainly complicate things if they come back.

On a side note, Azorius Charm. What another GREAT card. Not only does it provide an effective 1 turn creature removal, but it can be used to trigger the Reckoner life loop in a pinch. Bait them into blocking your single Reckoner on turn 4, then Azorius and Boros Charm and POOF....infinite life. At very worst it lets you draw a card. Not bad at all.

Side board is pretty self-explanatory too. Detention Sphere for straight removal, Wear / Tear for specific artifact and enchantment removal, Izzet Staticaster for token/weenie decks, Intrepid Hero for scavenge/evolve/undying combos, and Hellrider if you find yourself racing aggro you can't remove.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 8 Rares

14 - 5 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
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