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"Ah, Koz... Or some say, Kozilek.."

Commander / EDH Colorless Combo Primer




Hello my name is XinZhao(had a lol phase). This is my attempt at a Kozilek primer and this deck is far from finished. My goal with this deck is too make it the best it can be given the few resources available to us in colorless, able to at the very least compete with other semi competitive commander deck as is my play group. The general strategy of this deck is too get Kozzy into play ASAP and start smashing face of course this isn't always possible so alternative routes have been added as well. The Three Possible wincons in this deck include: Voltron, Eldrazi Pressure, and Artifact Combo.

  • Artifact ramp (No need for color fixing)
  • BigBoi( a 12/12 is nothing to scoff at)
  • Tons of utility and answers(Counter spell on an ability nice)
  • Card Draw on a cast trigger
  • Colorless(Few options)
  • High casting cost(slower than most commanders)
  • Artifact wipes(No ramp=GG!)
  • Reliant on ramp
The Strategy of this deck is pretty straight forward, Ramp until you can cast kozzy. Before you cast Kozilek it would ideal to blow out your hand first to get the most out of kozilek's trigger and then to hold on to those cards as use for counter spells to protect your commander and then to voltron for the win we have cards to support this strategy such as Fireshrieker, Akroma's memorial, and Shadowspear etc. There are few combo's that allow us to produce infinite mana and then to dump that mana into card draw to better take advantage of kozzy's active or to dump into alternative wincons that will be discussed later.
Probably the simplest way we can win is turning kozzy side ways for the win. Kozilek is 12/12 with menace and an active the can counter spells, Meaning he is a commander with built in evasion and psudo-protection and the ability to hit for lethal in 2 turn after hitting board all on his own. So to better play on this a small vontrol package has been added. Akroma's Memorial is a huge combat power house, making our commander and other Bigbois a much bigger threat. This biggest reason for Akroma's memorial's slot was a haste enabler to start pumping out that commander damage ASAP however the cherry on top of that delicious cake is that this also gives our creature protection in the from: Protection from Red, Protection from Black, and First Strike( Psudo-protection from death strike, infect, etc.) and even MORE EVASION in the form of Flying and Trample allowing us to get through and drop those juicy life points. Rogue's passage while humble can be the difference between a Win or a Loss. Giving our big 12/12 commander unblockable for virtual 5 mana on a land is well worth the slot. Fireshrieker is pretty straight forward, it turns our 12/12 2 turn clock into One punch man with tentacles. Lastly but not least Shadow spear. Again pretty straight forward +1/+1 trample and life link for 3 mana is a great deal more evaions and hey who doesn't like more life. The main reason for this add was the sexy active however allowing us to get past protection for our spot removal and board wipes. Now you ask why not add more things that buff power like Eldrazi conscriptions, to that I say its not necessary, you can but you really don't need to is it just win more its better to focus on ways that allow your BIGBOIS to slip on by.
Ever have that feeling of extensional dread and hopelessness when some resolves an Eldrazi, specifically an Eldrazi Titan now multiply that by 6. Pretty scary right? Using combo's like sensei's diving tip+ mystic forge+ any cost reduction would allow us to draw our entire deck for FREE allowing us to gain access to all our infinite mana combos allowing us to resolve all of our Eldrai like void winnower or Ulamog and on top of that give them all haste(Akroma's memorial wink) and To be honest that is just rough.
We have an assortment of different ways to produce infinite mana or even just alot of mana, Admittedly alot of these combos include rings of bright hearth(love me some Bright hearth). Then to take that mana and either dump that into your good old Walking ballista or Steel hellkite(yes steel hellkite for all that combat damage).

  • Basalt Monolith + Rings of Bright hearth + 2 mana = INFINITE MANA
  • Mystic Forge + Sensei's Diving top + 1 cost reducer = INFINITE DRAW
  • Voltaic Key + Thran Dynamo + Rings of Bright Hearth = INFINITE MANA
  • Voltaic key + Gilded Lotus + Rings of Bright Hearth = INFINITE MANA
  • Voltaic key + Grim Monolith + Rings of Bright Hearth = INFINITE MANA
  • Voltaic key + Mana Vault + Rings of Bright Hearth = INFINITE MANA
  • Deserted Temple + Scorched Ruins + Rings of Bright Hearth = INFINITE MANA
  • Voltaic Key + Metalworker(3 or more artifacts in hand) + Rings of Bright Hearth = INFINITE MANA

  • Conduit of Ruin
  • An Eldrazi that fetches Eldrazi and reduces the cost of the first creature you cast each turn by 2 what more could we ask for

  • Duplicant
  • Duplicant is a great addition to our removal package. Exile effect on a body not much else you can ask for when you can only play colorless.

  • Emrakul, the Promised End
  • Eldrazi titan nuff said. For real though this thing is a powerhouse, 13/13 with built in cost reduction, flying, trample, protection from spot removal, and takes control of an opponents turn. There honestly is no reason not to include this card.
  • Endbringer
  • Enbringer is a decent card on their own of its abilities are unimpressive however having all those actives on one body really adds to our utility package. with the ability to untap on other players upkeep the more players there are the stronger this guy gets. his ping ability can take out mana dorks, his second active can help kozzy connect and who doesnt like a little bit of draw.
  • Geode Golem
  • I don't like the condition of having to connect to use his triggered ability and of this guy didnt have trample he wouldnt be in this deck however being able to cast our commander for free given his mana cost its a hard effect to pass up.
  • It That Betrays
  • It that Betrays is a solid Eldrazi. Not only is it a non legendary with Annihilator but allows us to take any permanent that is sacrificed from our opponents, Meaning not only do we get any permanent that is sacrificed too Annihilator but also anything that is willing sacrificed like tap sacs. It that Betrays also out right counters most graveyard combos such as Protean hulk combos assuming your opponent cannot kill or exile It that Betrays. Synergizes very well with All is Dust. WE OWN ALL THE THINGS.
  • Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
  • Another Scary Eldrazi. Draws 4 on cast. Annihilator 4. Prevents Mill and can be used to cycle graveyard back into our deck which is super nice. Not much more we can ask for.
  • Metalworker
  • A good chunk of the deck is artifacts. The number of artifacts can't be avoided so might as well lean into it. This bad boy can ramp us into oblivion in combination with the amount of draw we can pump out. Plus its super good ramp on body, Potential blocker if need be. Synergies well with Voltaic key and Rings of Brighthearth.
  • Meteor Golem
  • Permanent removal on a body, synergies well with Mimic vat. We don't have mana options in the way of spot removal so this is a nice weapon in our arsenal.
  • Oblivion Sower
  • This guy is the main reason I am considering adding strionic resonator. The more cards you eat the less cards your opponents have access too with in their arsenals, plus who doesnt like more lands. Synergies well with Emergence zone, Casting an Oblivion sower after an opponent casts and resolves a Mystic/Enlightened/Vampiric/Wordly Tutor etc. is a nasty response.
  • Palladium Myr
  • Mana Dork that pumps out 2 mana for 3 mana. Virtual Worn power stone on a body. Worth.
  • Steel Hellkite
  • Removal/Psudo-Boardwipe and a possible wincon in one, to me this is worth a slot.
  • Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
  • Scary Elrazi. Exiles 2 permanents on cast. Mills 20 CARDS!! on attack. More difficult to kill. Big oof. Well worth the slot.
  • Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
  • Scary Eldrazi. Destroys permanents on cast. Difficult to kill due to indestructible. ANNILATOR!! and like Kozilek prevents mill and can be used to refill library.
  • Void Winnower
  • Your Oppnents CANT EVEN!! locks out most counter spells and board wipes and can prevent your oppnents from playing their commanders.
  • Walking Ballista
  • Alternative wincon to sink all that infinite mana into.(if for some reason you cannot resolve or connect with kozzy).
  • Not of This World
  • Counter spells are nice especially when they can hit abilities and can be free(LEAVE KOZZY ALONE!). Cherry on top is that this baby is an Eldrazi and its cost can be reduced by Eye of Ugin or can be paid for with Eldrazi Temple if need be.
  • Scour from Existence
  • yes its 7 mana and yeah its rough. However it can hit any permanent and that's why I chose this card over Titan's Presence. Titan's Presence is conditional removal and your opponent can buff your target in response and can cause the spell to fizzle and can only target creatures. In my opinion Scour from Existence is a better form of removal and is the only instant we have access to that can remove permanents.
  • Warping Wail
  • can do 1 of 3 things for 2 mana. Counters mass artifact removal(OUR BANE!) or Torment of Hailfire(My play group loves Torment of Hailfire). can exile creature with a power or toughness of 1(Cough!Deathrite Shaman..), or give you a body that can pop for 1 mana. Very flexible spell and in colorless we gotta take what we can get.
  • Akroma's Memorial
  • Makes our hard to deal with commander and other Eldrazi harder to deal with.
  • Basalt Monolith
  • Mana rock that returns 100% of the mana we put into it and is apart of an infinite combo.
  • Chromatic Lantern
  • Not a great mana rock for us but allows cards like temple of the false gods and Eye of Ugin tap for mana and not be dead cards when in play in our early game.
  • Clock of Omens
  • Using non mana rocks to untap mana rocks. Yes.
  • Coalition Relic
  • in tandem with untap mechanics can store mana for a more explosive turn. Can be risky.
  • Codex Shredder
  • multi purpose use artifact. can be used to mill unwanted cards off the top of our own libraries or to mill the top card of an opponents library after a tutor. Can recur any card out of our graveyard to be used again whether to be cast again or retuned to hand to discard to Kozzy.
  • Ensnaring Bridge
  • Helps out in the early again against heavy aggro opponents. Gives us time to get Kozzy out and can be sacrificed later when its time to turn our board side ways.
  • Everflowing Chalice
  • Mana rock that always gives us 50% of the mana back that we put into it, It terms of mana rocks this is ideal.
  • Expedition Map
  • can fetch any land needed almost all lands we have are utility lands(benefit of a colorless deck).
  • Fellwar Stone
  • 2 mana mana rock that taps for 1 can be replaced with Fractured Powerstone or Prismatic lens and probably should be. If your opponents have no lands cannot be tapped for mana.
  • Fireshrieker
  • double strike on a 12/12 commander is nice. ONE PUNCH!
  • Gilded Lotus
  • Mana rock that can be tapped for more that 50% of the mana we put into it. Can be apart of an infinite mana combo.
  • Grim Monolith
  • Taps for 3 for the price of 2. can be apart of an infinite mana combo.
  • Hedron Archive
  • taps for 50% of the mana we put into it and can draw us cards. not bad.
  • Helm of Awakening
  • Cost reduction for 2 mana(can be risky affects opponents). Can be apart of an infinite draw combo.
  • Krark-Clan Ironworks
  • More mana. who doesn't want more mana. Can sacrifice rocks that don't untap, or artifacts that are no longer needed, or Mana crypt or mana vault if death is a worry.
  • Lotus Petal
  • 0 mana artifact that produces 1 can be switched out for mox opal and probably will be.
  • Mana Crypt
  • cost 0 produces 2 nuff said.
  • Mana Vault
  • costs 1 produces 3. Can be apart of an infinite mana combo.
  • Manifold Key
  • Untaps rocks like mana vault and grim monolith giving us more mana. Apart of combo.
  • Mimic Vat
  • can prevent opponent graveyard antics and synergies well with Duplicant and Meteor golem.
  • Mind Stone
  • Again gives us back 50% of the mana we dump into it. Can draw a card should we need it. Nice utility on a rock.
  • Mirage Mirror
  • The utility of this card is boundless and is my favorite card in this entire deck. can become other creatures like it that betrays or a mana rock or can copy lands like scorched ruins. I have personally used this to sacrifice my Kozilek when I didn't have a sacrifice mechanic to reset my Kozilek so I can draw more cards. Can protect itself from removal by changing permanent types if needed.
  • Mystic Forge
  • Cheaper Bolas' Citdel with out the option of casting for life so super nice.
  • Nevinyrral's Disk
  • Board wipe on an ability. does come into play tapped but that can be circumvented with cards like Voltaic key or Unwinding clock.
  • Planar Bridge
  • Permanent search. Since most of our spot removal are etb effects attached to a permanent this is nice. Plus being able to fetch out an permanents to close out the game such as Akroma's Memorial or fireshireker can make or break a game.
  • Rings of Brighthearth
  • key component to most of our combos and can also copy other activated abilites such as those found on lands(Strip mine winky face) or other artifacts like hedron archive or mimic vat. really no reason for this too not be included in the deck.
  • Sculpting Steel
  • can copy any artifact. Utility is nice. Can be removal, ramp, draw etc.
  • Sensei's Divining Top
  • brain storm on a stick. can protect itself and is apart of a combo.
  • Shadowspear
  • one half voltron, one half control so our removal can get through. Pesky hexproof and indestructible(Im looking at you Heroic intervention).
  • Sisay's Ring
  • rock that gives us back 50% of the mana we put into it.
  • Sol Ring
  • Staple, gives us 200% of the mana we put into it. OP.
  • Spine of Ish Sah
  • removal that can recur itself. Synergizes with Krark-clan ironworks or Trading post.
  • Swiftfoot Boots
  • Will probably be taken out for Lightning greaves. Chances are we will not have the 1 mana to spare after casting Kozzy.
  • Thought Vessel
  • gives 50% of the mana put into it and also gives us no maximum hand size decent rock with decent utility.
  • Thran Dynamo
  • cost 4 mana gives us 3. far succeeding that 50% requirement.
  • Trading Post
  • does alot and can answer different situations. Can sacrifice Kozzy in a pinch or as a reset.
  • Unwinding Clock
  • opens up our mana and untaps our team on opponents turn for blockers.
  • Ur-Golem's Eye
  • rock gives us 50% of the mana we put into it.
  • Urza's Incubator
  • reduces the cost of our Eldrazi by 2 doesn't get much better than that.
  • Voltaic Key
  • Same as manifold key.
  • Worn Powerstone
  • Give us more than 50% of the mana we put into it. makes up for the etb tapped.
  • Ancient Tomb
  • taps for 2 for only 2 life, makes casting kozzy alot easier.
  • Arch of Orazca
  • Land that can draw a card. Not difficult for us to ascend.
  • Blast Zone
  • Land that doesn't ETB Tapped and can remove permanents(may even justify a crucible of worlds add)
  • Bonders' Enclave
  • land that doesn't ETB tapped and can draw a card if we control a creature with a power 4 or great. Kozzy is a 12/12 so it seems to check out.
  • Buried Alive
  • Given that half our deck is artifacts this is nice recursion.
  • Cavern of Souls
  • Pesky counter spells. good chuck of creatures are Eldrazi and can tap for colorless.
  • Crystal Vein
  • can sac for 2 or tap for 1.
  • Darksteel Citadel
  • doesn't ETB tapped, is an artifact(syergizes with clock of omens or Krak-clan ironworks).
  • Deserted Temple
  • apart of a combo with Scorched Ruins.
  • Eldrazi Temple
  • can tap for 2 and makes casting our commander easier.
  • Emergence Zone
  • casting stuff at instant speed is nice. Especially since alot of our removal is a sorcery speed.
  • Eye of Ugin
  • reduces the cost of Eldrazi by 2 and can search. can't tap for mana(Thats what Chrom Lanturn and Urborg are for)
  • High Market
  • Can Sacrifice kozzy in a pinch or reset kozzy for more draw.
  • Inventors' Fair
  • Another land with a search engine. Pretty good.
  • Mirrorpool
  • comes into play tapped =(. However it can copy creature(meteor golem, or it that betrays) and the token doesnt go away. It can Also copy a All is dust or Not of this world should someone decide to counter them.
  • Reliquary Tower
  • No maximum hand size. deal.
  • Rogue's Passage
  • Evasion on a land that doesnt etb tapped. Yes please.
  • Sanctum of Eternity
  • resets kozzy for more draw or to avoid removal like (song of the dryad..Rough).
  • Sanctum of Ugin
  • More search. Alot of our search is on lands.
  • Scavenger Grounds
  • Graveyard hate on a land. Considering we can't run Bojuka Bog this is nice.
  • Scorched Ruins
  • taps for 4 at the price of 2 lands. Provided the 2 lands sacrificed only tap for 1 each this nets us 1 mana. Apart of a combo.
  • Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
  • A better Shrine of the false gods.
  • Strip Mine
  • destroys lands you dont want to deal with like field of the dead or Gaea's cradle.
  • card: Temple of the False Gods
  • cant tap for mana until we hit 5 lands. can tap for 2. Justifies the chrom lanturn add and the urborg add.
  • Thespian's Stage
  • can copy any land like sorched ruins
  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
  • allows our lands that cant tap for mana to tap for mana
  • Urza's Mine
  • land that has potential to produce more mana
  • Urza's Power Plant
  • land that has potential to produce more mana
  • Urza's Tower
  • land that has potential to produce more mana
  • Vesuva
  • 1 of 2 lands that etb tapped in this deck but can copy any land.
  • Wasteland
  • see Strip mine
  • Wastes
  • need basics for cards like Path to Exile
  • Winding Canyons
  • See Emergence Zone.
  • All Is Dust
  • Virtual one sided board wipe that very few cards can stop. Nuff said.
  • Karn, the Great Creator
  • Can help remove artifacts by turning them into creatures. Shuts off opponents rocks(not ours =D) and can get back artifacts previously exiled.
  • Ugin, the Ineffable
  • Cost reduction, Psudo-draw, and removal. TAKE MY MONEY!


Updates Add

These are in the long run have turned out to be under whelming or win more and thus have been placed on the choping block for possible cuts in hopes to make the deck more efficient.

Akroma's Memorial: The main reason this was included was to be a haste enabler for my team i figure all the other stuff would make a difference as well and after play testing i have found that by the time akromas is having an impact i am already winning the game so this will most likely be coming out for a cheaper haste enabler.

Endbringer: In my opinion this card is a trap. It looks good it does alot and is an eldrazi but at no point have i ever found myself saying man i wish i had endbringer or boy im glad i have end bringer i just look at it and for the most part wish it was something else.

Helm of awakening: I like this card alot however it has served to hurt more than it has helped due to all my opponents having much cheaper commanders.



97% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.09
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Goat 0/1 W, Spirit 2/2 C
Ignored suggestions
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