Aggressive and surprisingly competitive, and costs only $70.
Here's an example of how the first few turns might go:
Turn 1: Plains, Soul Warden/Attendant.
Turn 2: Plains, Ajani's Pridemate (comes into play with a +1/+1 counter because of the Sister)
Turn 3: Plains, Soul Warden/Attendant, Nearheath Pilgrim (soulbond with the Pridemate)
Now all of the sudden on Turn 3, you have a 6/6 Lifelink creature ready to attack thanks to four Soul Sister triggers and the Soulbond.
Attach Armored Ascension to the Pridemate on Turn 4, and your Pridemate turns into a 10/10+ Flying, Lifelink game ender.
There is a playset of Gods Willing to protect against removal (and a little deck-fixing from the Scry is always nice). If you're playing against a deck that has really strong control elements, it is inevitable that some or perhaps nearly all of your threats will be sent to the graveyard during the initial Threat/Response exchanges. Fortunately, there are four Return to the Ranks, which are conveniently capable of bringing back every single creature in this deck. So your assault becomes relentless, your creatures can get big very quickly, and your life total constantly goes up. Most decks just can't deal with it.
This deck unfortunately has a few really bad matchups, but that's inevitable for such an inexpensive build. It's really difficult to score a win against G/x Tron or Abzan CoCo for instance. 90% of the time, they go off before we can deal 20 damage, and there's just not much to do about it.
Decks that run hard sweepers like Damnation or Supreme Verdict can be difficult matchups, but only if the opponent knows to hold back a counter for Return to the Ranks. It also pays to be wary of decks that pack plentiful removal for Ajani's Pridemate and other serious threats this deck can assemble, like Precinct Captain + Spirit Mantle or Knight of Meadowgrain + Armored Ascension.
Ajani Aggro crushes most other Aggro decks, especially Burn, because dealing 20 damage in four turns as a viable win condition is really difficult when the other deck is gaining 15+ life in the same amount of time. I have never lost against Goblins either. Even Tier 1 Affinity and Storm builds will beat this deck only about 2/3 of the time.
Personally, I love this deck. It's not going to win a GP, but it's inexpensive, a blast to play, and can take on decks that cost five times as much as it does.