wbroomhead says... #3
Your deck is almost completely soldier tribal, I would cut the Spear of Heliod for at least 2 Preeminent Captain , it's too good to pass up
July 31, 2014 5:23 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #5
You may have better luck with Imposing Sovereign over Ajani's Pridemate , the evasion was vital in my white weenie that I was playing up until recently. Makes cards like Courser of Kruphix , Blood Baron of Vizkopa , and Desecration Demon not such a beating for you
July 31, 2014 7:40 p.m.
@selith6869 I agree with you, Preeminent Captain is a good addition.
@wbroomhead Agree about the Captain, but I see a fair amount of value including Spear of Heliod .
@corythackston Another good call. I wanted to take advantage of the counter ability of Ajani's Pridemate , but I think you need a deck focused on exploiting it to really reap rewards.
August 1, 2014 9:10 a.m.
NerdPounder says... #7
Thought about replacing Judge's Familiar with Precinct Captain ? There's a hidden clause with Precinct Captain, if you ever connect with it, you win the game (that is to say, if things are that bad for your opponent, you're gonna probably win unless they draw Supreme Verdict ASAP). It is also a soldier to cheat in with your other Captain. Judges familiar seems like your weakest 1 drop, and 16 seems like a lot of them (especially against Supreme Verdict, it gives you no ability to play around it). However, if you don't want to cut a 1 drop for a 2 drop, you could replace the Familiar with Loyal Pegasus . When I first saw that card, I thought it sucked, but then I played with it and the 2 powered 1 drop with evasion is really important, especially in a metagame filled with Courser of Kruphix decks, because it stunts your ground attackers, and you can't make any headway because of the lifegain if you're pecking away with a Judges Familiar. And as for the drawback, worst case scenario you play it on turn 1 because you have no other 1 drops in hand and it doesn't attack until t3. On t3 it does 2 damage, the exact same that a Judges Familiar would have done by that point, on t4 it is upped to 4 damage, compared to 3 from the 1/1. So, I think either of those cards could probably replace Judges Familiar. Plus, don't you just feel like your deck isn't very good if you ever cast Judges Familiar? Lol =P
selith6869 says... #1
Imo, Preeminent Captain should replace the slot of Precinct Captain b/c of the sheer amount of 'soldiers' you have in the deck -- just a thought 8D
July 31, 2014 2:02 p.m.