Ajani's Hexproof Pride (1$t @ FNM, #3 @ Gameday)
Technically, the percentage (assuming it's a repeating 3) would remain 18.333333% no matter how you manage to round it.
May 17, 2014 10:11 p.m.
tomtom9112 says... #5
Fiendslayer Paladin while yes he's "not hexproof" he does get around burn and black removal like it's nothing
May 17, 2014 10:16 p.m.
Did a test of this. I like it. Got a 23/23 with hexproof, flying, first strike, and lifelink for a very reasonable cost. turn 1 scout, turn 2 Ethereal Armor , turn 3 Unflinching Courage , turn 4 Gift of Orzhova and another Ethereal Armor , turn 5 banishing light, turn 6 Eidolon of Countless Battles bestow. I really like the potential of this deck.
May 19, 2014 10:48 a.m.
I'd say to replace Eidolon of Countless Battles . If you have many creatures and/or auras, chances are you're gonna win anyway. He only gets a significant boost in those conditions, and no extra skills. Against Supreme Verdict it will likely leave you with a 1/1.
I'd suggest Boon Satyr as he gives you a major boost even if you have no other auras. Also it can be used to get rid of a troublesome creature with the Flash. Also, if your hexproof died, you'd still have a 4/2,which is not that bad.
Good idea to keep the Eidolon of Blossoms in the SB, very astute. You get my upvote.
May 20, 2014 2:59 p.m.
thanks for the suggestion!. Boon Satyr is one i had in here during play-testing, and is still in my Maybeboard. The flash ability and 4/2 body are nice for sure. However, the cheaper bestow cost of the Eidolon, along with it's ability to get insane when 2 or more are out really made the choice clear for me. It seemed every time i bestowed it, it simply gave better stats than Boon Satyr . I will test it again, specifically against Supreme Verdict decks now, and will make the adjustment if it works. thanks again!
May 20, 2014 3:54 p.m.
If your goal with plummet is to kill deso demon, wouldn't selesnya charm be just a 100% superior card.
May 20, 2014 6:12 p.m.
Stormbreath Dragon , Nightveil Specter , Archangel of Thune , etc. Also a great way to stop an Ajani, Caller -3. Plummet is great. Although the charm is probably the better choice overall. Thanks!
May 20, 2014 7:11 p.m.
cogumerlim says... #11
sharkudi, very nice deck! I have a very similar one, but with Eidolon of Blossoms and Sylvan Caryatid mainboard for the card advantage (AND the possibility of sacrificing the caryatid for Devour Flesh hehe). The deck is here: Selesnya Hexproof JOU.
I noticed you don't use any Celestial Flare . I really love Plummet but I think that, for this specific case, Celestial Flare might be better right now, because all the creatures you want to kill with Plummet you'll probably also get with Celestial Flare (since they usually attack alone), PLUS you can get a win on those nasty mirror matches.
+1 from me!
May 21, 2014 3:13 p.m.
MalisonRouge says... #12
Great deck! It's very close to my standard deck. I only use 22 lands though, took out the two guild gates.
Personally I think 16 creatures is a little low I play around 20. All you need is one devour flesh and a bad draw and that's game. Sometimes all you need is a bad draw and you'll not see a creature.
I'd suggest a rotation between Fiendslayer Paladin , Mistcutter Hydra , or Aegis of the Gods depending upon the deck you're playing. If they have no removal then Eidolon of Blossoms of course.
Other than that +1 awesome deck.
May 21, 2014 3:15 p.m.
cogumerlim says... #13
Ah! And one thing: Why do you use Mistcutter Hydra instead of Skylasher ? Against MUD, what you need is a quick hexproof creature that grows, right? So I think Skylasher is a lot better suited than Mistcutter Hydra in this specific matchup with this deck. Plus, Skylasher has reach (AND flash), and that can really save you from those early blue flyers they have...
May 21, 2014 3:23 p.m.
i never attack or block with a single creature when i see WW open for the opponent in games 2-3 fearing Celestial Flare . It is a great surprise card, but i fear that most savvy players are expecting it and will successfully play around it. I will continue to playtest with it to see how it works for me.
Great call on Skylasher ]. the Haste on Miscutter is a great late game finisher, but i feel like going a 2 : 2 Split in the SB makes a lot of sense (esp since i only have 2 Skylasher )
Trying to rework the SB to fit my 1x copy of Fiendslayer Paladin but what to remove?
16 creatures has been working great for me. Never be afraid to mulligan a few times until you get a creature or two in hand. also, if the opponent is playing black, i always make sure there are 2-3 creatures out before casting aura's to stop a Devour Flesh from being a blowout. if they're playing Supreme Verdict i never play more than 1 creature, and only use 1 aura + bestow creatures on it.
Certainly don't want non-hexproof/non-bestow creatures mainboard either. What creatures do you have mainboard? I've have a playset of Voice of Resurgence
, but it just isn't as effective as every other creature i have mainboard during my time with the deck.
Thanks for the great suggestions! Keep them coming!
May 21, 2014 4:08 p.m.
MalisonRouge says... #15
What do you think instead of Boon Satyr , Trollhide ? The regenerate could really be helpful. Albeit you lose a neat element of surprise it is less mana costly.
May 22, 2014 10:41 p.m.
If you don't like the Boon Satyr I would maybe suggest a Selesnya Charm . One of the best charms overall and really versatile: can get you a creature when you have nothing else (with vigilance!); can get rid of big monsters; and can get you that extra damage or the trample if you don't have it!
May 27, 2014 11:23 a.m.
what do you plan on putting in once the next rotation comes in; Ethereal Armor is a big card to replace.
Honiotes4life says... #1
Take out Arrest since your trying to be more aggro. Since you're running quite a few enchantments, Hero of Iroas may be something to look at. Granted it doesn't have hexproof, but you could possibly run Alpha Authority along side it.
+1 from me either way though
April 15, 2014 6:22 p.m.