Ajani's Legendary Pride

Legacy* hsmangat12


44hawx says... #1

I have to say I like the idea, but I had some consistancy issues when I play tested it. I almost feel as if you have just a little too much going on, personally i would recomend focusing on ether making your cats big or on life gain, but thats just my style so take it with a grain of salt.

April 20, 2014 4:56 p.m.

hsmangat12 says... #2

I appreciate it the feedback! I just added green to this deck and I agree, I have too much going on. I have to still fine-tune it by taking out some of the life gain items. I might just keep Noble Purpose and Boon Reflection , but take out Ajani's Mantra , Ajani's Pridemate . This is a new change, so I have a lot of research to do.

Thanks for the help!

April 20, 2014 5:22 p.m.

Sach_squatch says... #3

You can't have 8 Selesnya Guildgate in one deck only 4.

April 25, 2014 4:59 p.m.

hsmangat12 says... #4

Just fixed it, thanks for the help!

April 25, 2014 7:22 p.m.

Sach_squatch says... #5

No problem I would also suggest adding some more removal. Things like Beast Within

April 25, 2014 7:37 p.m.

hsmangat12 says... #6

I agree, this deck needs some defensive items. What would you suggest replacing for removal spells? I was thinking of adding something like Argentum Armor , what do you think? Thanks again.

April 26, 2014 2:40 p.m.

Candanz says... #7


Temple of Plenty is better imho, since it allows you to scry.

Sunpetal Grove are great too.

April 26, 2014 3:02 p.m.

hsmangat12 says... #8

That helps a lot! Thanks!!

April 26, 2014 3:08 p.m.

Sandman1278 says... #9

swamping 4x plains for 4x Temple Garden will help your Loam Lion get pumped up, as they all count as forests! as well as helping make sure you have the right colour available

June 24, 2014 2:37 p.m.

Sach_squatch says... #10

Not sure exactly what I recommended the first time But nonetheless I'd like to offer a 2nd set of recommendations! Here they are:

Brimaz, King of Oreskos -- I feel like he/she is the best card in Cat Tribal which is sort of what you have here currently... However I only see 1 in here.. I think at least 2 deserve to be in here. They are pricey so I'd understand why you only have 1.

Kemba, Kha Regent -- Love her (I think she's a female...) You might want to build in more Equipment cards or consider making a second draft of this deck build purely around 4 of her and other cats so maybe a Cat Equipment Tribal2.0 because I find when I play Legacy I'm often encountering things like Abrupt Decay and people love to play 3 of those. I certainly do. Those Abrupt Decay can destroy 1 of your only 4 Equipment you have in this deck... So then Kembra is significantly less effective.

I'm not criticizing your deck because I love this deck. It looks very fun! I often find when I play Legacy if I play anything spells over 4 CC I'm often losing or winning barely but having never even casted those spells. I play 4 Tarmogoyf and 3 Abrupt Decay as well as 4 Brainstorm . Those 3 cards are prime examples of cards I want to see every time I play my B/U/G Legacy deck.

The equivalent of those in this deck would be Selesnya Charm , Fleecemane Lion and Brimaz, King of Oreskos .

Side note your kinda low on removal. I would recommend Swords to Plowshares You'll get rid of life much easier than they will gain it back. I would not recommend Path to Exile because the last thing you want is to give your opponent mana.

You should also look into things like Krosan Grip That will shut down an Abrupt Decay for instance if you see your opponent tapping 1 Black mana and 1 Green mana you can cast Krosan Grip First and then they've wasted their mana and cannot play Abrupt Decay this turn assuming it's turn 2. The same effect still applies after its casted I think. I'm only mentioning Abrupt Decay so much because I believe it may be worth splashing black if you're already playing green.

I like what you have already this is all just food for thought.. Thanks for the shoutout! I really wanna see how you run with this deck! Keep me posted man!

June 25, 2014 12:39 a.m.

hsmangat12 says... #11

Thanks for the feedback! I agree Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a great tribal creature for this deck, but ya he is sort of expensive. If I had a second one, I would put him in.

This deck offers a few different approaches of play, depending on which one of the four legendary creatures you end up with, Kemba, Kha Regent , Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Jedit Ojanen of Efrava , or Raksha Golden Cub . All four contribute a lot of power and if you end up with one or more of them, it is sure to be a fun game.

I agree that I need to add more equipment in this deck for Kemba, Kha Regent and Raksha Golden Cub . I was thinking of adding something that adds flying like Bladed Pinions .

In regards to destruction, what are your thoughts of me keeping Argentum Armor and Pentarch Paladin . Do you think I should replace one or both of them with instant and/or sorcery instead?

I definitely need more destruction for enchantments, Qasali Pridemage isn't enough. Instead of Krosan Grip , I was thinking of Consign to Dust . Simply because it costs the same, but gives the option to destroy additional.

June 29, 2014 3:31 p.m.

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