Ajani's Legion of Heroes
Changes developed from Exciting Feedback —April 12, 2014
So after a little play testing myself, I have decided that i need a bit more power on the creatures I am playing. I could just add another copy or two of Spear of Heliod, I am going to do the following to beef up some of the power:
I'm taking out 4x Precinct Captain, even though he is one of my favorites, and I am throwing the Loxodon Smiters mainboard. 11 or 12 three-drop creatures will be fine.
Also, I am dropping all 4 of my Dryad Militants, even though it is my cover photo, for 4 Experiment One, as it is just way nastier. I know that i am loosing some versatility and the plays with Brave the Elements, but The power that this little ooze can achieve is very high.
Still contemplating with 2x Polukranos, World Eater - similar to how i had my bant deck set up - but we shall see.
I have seen the new Ajani: Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, and I am excited for him. When Journey to Nyx drops, so will some of my lower-CMC Creatures that aren't as powerful. I can say for certain almost all of my 3 drop creatures will likely stay, as will Voice of Resurgence. I expect to be extending the curve to 6 to include Elspeth, if it will have to be at least 5 for the Rising Ajani.
StanleyHartman says... #2
You have a lot of creatures, and I have been beaten more times then I would care to share by a Garruk, Caller of Beasts giving massive card advantage. Conversely, the deck has little in the form of evasion and trample, so I can't imagine Warriors' Lesson hitting home for you all that often, but I could be totally wrong. I know it's a massive uptick in CMC and real money, so there may be a better spot for Garruk.
April 7, 2014 11:59 a.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #3
@StanleyHartman, Instead of Garruk, Caller of Beasts
, I have chosen Warriors' Lesson
and Courser of Kruphix
To fix my draws, as they are more the speed of the deck. I feel that Garruk is far to expensive (CMC wise) to be an effective planeswalker in any other combonation besides mono green and Green/Red, as Burning-Tree Emissary
and other assortments of 2 drops and mana dorks like Elvish Mystic
and Sylvan Caryatid
allow for those kinds of decks to race to Garruk as a win con.
Also, his middle ability is a dead ability, as my biggest green creature that i could cheat into play would be Courser of Kruphix
. By the time i reach 6th land, i want to have my life at one or two points of life, if not completely demolished.
Basically, Garruk simply does not fit in my 3-mana curve.
I have been pondering main-boarding Spear of Heliod
and or Unflinching Courage
for the extra damage and the trample+Lifelink. Both of these things would be used against other aggro decks. The Spear would allow for an outlet of excess mana in the form of slow-removal. Unflinching Courage
, as all other enchantment auras, can simply be countered with a removal spell, killing my creature, setting up my opponent for a simple 2-for-1. As I curve out at three, and my speed, I cannot allow to give my opponent that sort of advantage.
I am also considering a singleton Hunter's Prowess
to help possibly refill my hand, but as you can see, its CMC is 5, which is extremely pricy for this deck.
Any thoughts anybody?
April 7, 2014 12:14 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #4
Rootborn Defenses and a Fog are super exciting and fun to throw out when you try to swing to the fences and don't leave much back when facing aggro. And I would mainboard the charms bc you're gonna get so much use out of them regardless of matchup. I'd swap them for the Warriors' Lesson and keep the lessons in the side. You should be able to aggro out enough you shouldn't worry much about 2 cards max. Check out my g/w deck too I've made some tinkering a on it and am sucking horrible against control(like everyone else) and suicide rakdos
April 7, 2014 9:01 p.m.
WingardiumLeviosa says... #5
I don't think the Warriors' Lesson is going to help you as much as you want. You are running a lot of 4-ofs that have less than three toughness, so Bile Blight is going to be especially effective against you. With Desecration Demon and Grey Merchant of Asphodel hanging around, I'd almost rather have a pump spell than Warrior's Lesson. I'd move 2 Selesnya Charm into the mainboard, and take out two Warrior's Lessons, at least. Since they take pump and take care of the Desecration Demon/Thassa.
The Selesnya Guildgates should be replaced with Mutavault . Running a low curve doesn't matter if over a third of your lands enter the battlefield tapped. I'm not even sure I would run the Temples, it might just be better to throw in 3 more Plains and a Forest.
April 7, 2014 10:03 p.m.
you could always look into Alpha Authority . hexproof and making it harder to block brimaz will help you out a little bit. slap on an Unflinching Courage and you have a 5/6 lifelink, trample, hexproof. other cards you could look into Gift of Orzhova , Ethereal Armor granted you arent running alot of auras so thats an iffy one. BOON SAYTR!!!!!. 3 drop for a 4/2 that can be flashed in. if you have spare mana, bestowed for 5. Fiendslayer Paladin would help against Hero's Downfall , Bile Blight , Dreadbore , Abrupt Decay , ect. its a good target for auras as well.
I do have to agree with WingardiumLeviosa on the land bit. 8 lands that have to enter tapped and 4 that cost you two life might bite you in the end and you aren't running Sylvan Caryatid .
April 8, 2014 3:46 a.m.
Boon Satyr is definitely a good idea. Also, Godsend looks like it could be an amazing against things like Jund Monsters, so maybe a sideboard card? Also, Loyal Pegasus is great in this shell as you can play him and another one drop t2 and you're insured 2 in the air every turn. Also, I'd replace Rootborn Defenses with Ready // Willing. +1 from me! Cool deck idea! :)
April 9, 2014 12:13 p.m.
+1x Courser of Kruphix , -1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos , -4x Dryad Militant , +4x Loxodon Smiter , -2x Imposing Sovereign , +2x Fleecemane Lion . If you're awaiting Ajani, he will thrive in mid-range games, not aggro. He costs 5 to send out. So you want mid-range powerful but cheap creatures, not just 1 drop 2/1's. Boon Satyr is also another one you should consider. Especially if you run 4x Fleecemane Lion (which you should).
April 9, 2014 7:56 p.m.
+1x Courser of Kruphix , -1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos , -4x Dryad Militant , +4x Loxodon Smiter , -2x Imposing Sovereign , +2x Fleecemane Lion . If you're awaiting Ajani, he will thrive in mid-range games, not aggro. He costs 5 to send out. So you want mid-range powerful but cheap creatures, not just 1 drop 2/1's. Boon Satyr is also another one you should consider. Especially if you run 4x Fleecemane Lion (which you should).
April 9, 2014 7:56 p.m.
archerwizard says... #10
Looks like you have a pretty solid deck set up so far. The one thing I would suggest considering is that, in my experience, cheap CMC aggro decks fall to control. This is because once control decks have enough mana to take everything you have away, the small creatures you topdeck aren't significant enough to win the game. I understand the goal is to win before this can happen, but there will be times when it does. Because of this, I suggest putting more things that protect your creatures in the sideboard. I cannot suggest anything that might help other than Gods Willing and Brave the Elements , both of which you have, but I suggest you think about it.
Second, I suggest you consider (but not necessarily put in) cards that grow your creatures, particularly Phalanx Leader and Archangel of Thune (though the angel might be too expensive CMC-wise). These will be very helpful for the long games when your opponent's creatures are simply bigger than yours.
Third and last, Mistcutter Hydra . This would be for late-game turns when you have extra mana open, perhaps turn 4 or 5. The protection from blue means it can't be countered or destroyed by things like Rapid Hybridization . The haste is also a huge advantage and possibly a game-winner.
April 9, 2014 10:18 p.m.
lotusofblackness says... #11
When the new ajani mentor of heroes is released, Selesnya will be l played a lot more.
Cool deck! +1
April 9, 2014 10:52 p.m.
lotusofblackness says... #12
I would say to take out Courser of Kruphix or Brave the Elements for a few Loxodon Smiter .
April 9, 2014 10:58 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #13
Thank you. Courser of Kruphix
keeps the deck thin, and allows me to not have dead draws. Brave the Elements
allows me to swing for lethal without a threat of being blocked, except in a a handful of cases.
Loxodon Smiter
will be used against aggro, as the 4/4 body will keep them from being able to compete.
April 9, 2014 11:09 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #14
Due to feedback, i have removed all 4 of my Warriors' Lesson
s, as apparently nobody thinks that they will do very much. I find it funny, but i had high hopes for such a card.
@WingardiumLeviosa, I do not have 4 mutavaults, but I do have one, and an additional one i can trade for. I know that they are super useful, but even though i have a 3 mana curve, most of my cards take specific mana. But there is a reason that mutavault its like 30$.
I also Moved 2x Selesnya Charm from the sideboard to the mainboard. I know that they are good in many match ups, but i just wanted to use the slot for Warriors' lesson to give it a shot.
April 10, 2014 10:19 a.m.
UnknownPhate says... #15
Karametra, God of Harvests may not be too terrible here. By sifting through to get lands, you help ensure you hit all the drops so you get creatures more often.
Godsend should really be considered too. Not alot of artifact removal running around and putting it on a Fleecmane with mostorous basically ends the game
April 10, 2014 8:50 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #16
@UnknownPhate actually, I thoroughly like this idea. I will have to play test it. Do you have experience using Karametra? She seems expensive for what you get, but I like the effect. Kinda moves the deck more midrange though.
April 10, 2014 9:39 p.m.
archerwizard says... #17
xTCBxNightmare did you see my comment? Now that ajani is spoiled, will you put him in?
April 10, 2014 10:23 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #18
If you end up adding the new Ajani, Mentor of Heroes , you will likely want to go a bit "bigger." Add some more expensive cards and a few more lands. Some cards to think about if you go that route are: Loxodon Smiter , Fleecemane Lion , Elvish Mystic , Scavenging Ooze , Advent of the Wurm , Polukranos, World Eater , Archangel of Thune , Mistcutter Hydra , Boon Satyr . Some of these cards also overlap into this more aggressive approach so I would consider these as options for the deck as is. The problem with the new Ajani is that he doesn't fit into an aggro deck because he costs 5 and that's usually to high on the curve for them. But by adding more lands and bigger creature I think Ajani would be much better here and the deck would be much more resilient in the long game, though not nearly as powerful in the early game.
April 10, 2014 11:15 p.m.
UnknownPhate says... #19
yeah, she went straight into my selesnya EDH deck(trostani at the front). When she hits the board, you can already feel her do more work than what people credit her for. Every creature you draw and cast makes for more mana to cast. and when you remove 1 forest/plains for every creature spell cast, it is quite easy to hit every land drop and way more creatures. Also, you can expect her to do work when she comes online.
Truth be told, though, I would more likely add more ajani, Mentor to Heroes than Karametras. The delve 4 is way too good for selesnya to be waiting for. IMO he is a 3 of in this kind of deck.
Im also wondering if Boros Elite would better fit in the 1 drop than Dryad Militant .
Also, currently under-rated is the Spirit of the Labyrinth . The 3/1 body hits hard and also gives green white some advantage in depriving others from addition draws, keeping their hand less full. Great agaisnt control and mono black
April 10, 2014 11:27 p.m.
KrosanTusker says... #20
+1, it's good to see something unknown in standard. I am inclined to agree with Boros Elite . It doesn't look like you'll have trouble finding three creatures!
You could consider moving Imposing Sovereign
to the side and putting in Boros Elite
for them. Think of it as taking out Dryad Militant
for Boros Elite
, which I think is an upgrade, and then taking out Imposing Sovereign
for Dryad Militant
, which I think is also an upgrade.
The Sovereign's ability is only useful against Chandra's Phoenix
(and maybe Desecration Demon
so you don't have to swing into a 6/6 or sac a creature that turn). Other than that, there isn't anything you wouldn't be able to attack into that I can think of (except an active god) or any haste card that sees play.
Both Imposing Sovereign
and Dryad Militant
are 2/1s with abilities that are basically gravy, so the lower CMC puts the Militant on top for me.
Obviously this debate is moot if you don't add Boros Elite !
April 11, 2014 10:39 a.m.
in my personal opinion you should take out the four precinct captain for loxodon smiters, advent of the wurm, polukranos(2 of), or a split of them. turn two you get a 2/2 first strike or next turn you can have a 4/4 along with two other creatures. Experiment one is also a card you may want to consider, i originally did not like it, but it has proven itself to be deadly. Espesially since each creature you have will evolve him. NIce deck
xTCBxNightmare says... #1
All of the cards in the sideboard are what I am contemplating putting in the mainboard.Looking forward to playing this at FNM.
April 6, 2014 12:44 a.m.