Ajani's Legion of Heroes

Standard* xTCBxNightmare


Getting Pumped for Journey to Nyx! —April 17, 2014

Has anybody seen the New God removal Card??? Deicide ! This card makes me rock hard, and I cannot wait to smash some Gods on their Journey to Nyx >:D

Also, as a side note, I have been taking into consideration a lot of what you guy have been saying. I have made a much more midrange version of this deck, where i plugged in most of the feedback i was given. I will make it un-private later tonight.

Also, take a peak at my new Junk Deck that could also easily have a home for the new Ajani, Mentor of Heroes:

Shrine of Unending Midrange

Hovvitzer says... #1

One thing to say Sunbond ... That is all.

April 12, 2014 3:06 p.m.

xTCBxNightmare says... #2

@ Hovvitzer, your going to have to explain a little. Sure, Soldier of the Pantheon and Courser of Kruphix have lifegain abilities, but it will not be worth adding Sunbond to this deck, when there is plenty out there that fits the two slot better in the world of Selesnya.

April 12, 2014 10:13 p.m.

UnknownPhate says... #3

I think the sunbond is related to the ajani ult...but the odds of getting it off are so low that the Sunbond is a dead card

April 12, 2014 10:15 p.m.

usohatchi says... #4

If you're planning on moving this to a more mid ranged deck, then i would definetly recommend Karamatra, I recently played a midrange slesyna deck, and she was a huge pain. Other then that, i would also reccomend Advent of the Wurm .

Awesome deck. +1

April 13, 2014 8:30 p.m.

JamestheJoo says... #5

cool deck! I'm piecing a similar build. nice to know I'm not the only one who likes it. have you considered Bioshift ? I have Ben play testing using it to sneak in damage moving counters from ex. one to fleece main and so far it seems pretty effective.

April 13, 2014 11:04 p.m.

Energycore says... #6

All my yes. I love selesnya aggro, i love the amount of big dudes it can put out fast into the battlefield, and Ajani is going to make your dudes even bigger.

Ajani's first +1 buffs your dude. That means you can make a specially powerful Selesnya Hexproof-Based Aggro, where you make a hexproof creature and buff them with Ajani. Creatures like Witchstalker or Fleecemane Lion are big hitters in that respect, especially the Lion lategame against control (indestructible + hexproof = impossible to remove). On the enchantment side, Alpha Authority gives hex proof to anything and Unflinching Courage gives you the life gain necessary against aggro.

Another approach would be to use Ajani's second as a way to generate card advantage, in order to board vomit using ramps and a lot of creature cards. Against wrath effects, instant speed / hasty creatures like Boon Satyr , Skylasher and Mistcutter Hydra will help; and Advent of the Wurm , although not a creature card, is powerful because you can end-step cast it, and it's a big dude. Boon Satyr is not only wrath-proof thanks to flash, but also thanks to bestow.

April 14, 2014 12:18 p.m.

Energycore says... #7

I forgot to mention that if you're running a board-vomit G/W, you're going to need some ramp. Mana dorks are a given, but maybe Karametra, God of Harvests finally gets a home in a competitive deck. I sure hope so since i opened two of them during the BNG prerelease :>.

April 14, 2014 12:28 p.m.

-Logician says... #8

I'd play Boon Satyr over Courser of Kruphix. By the time that you can play Courser, you pretty much have the mana base you need. While it is a nice card, it's also really awesome to have a card that can be an effective 3 drop as much as it can also be an effective 5 drop.

I wouldn't play the new ajani. Caller of the Pride is better for this deck. It has been recommend four times now, and I'll recommend it for a fifth time. Advent of the Wurm is amazing. :)

I'd run Gods Willing instead of Brave the elements. Rarely do you ever need to actually give protection to more than two creatures, and the scry is very relevant for this deck. Also, brave doesn't protect a few of your creatures, and God's Willing can potentially protect anything.

Almost all of the numbers for each card seems exactly what you'd want. Great job on that. the only thing I would change would be to drop one Brimaz (because he's legendary) for a 23rd land. I only say that because you're running two mutavaults, and the colored land is important to have. I feel like 2 mutavaults among 22 lands is a little too greedy for my tastes. 2 among 23 seems more legit. Dropping a brimaz drops a card that has double white, which makes adding one forest ideal because your white:green ratio will be closer.

April 14, 2014 12:46 p.m.

Energycore says... #9

I'd also like to suggest switching Imposing Sovereign for Blind Obedience . The enchantment is harder to remove, has the same mana cost and has the advantage of extort, which might give you the lifegain needed to survive against the fastest of aggro decks, or against a powerful burn.

April 14, 2014 12:53 p.m.

-Logician says... #10

I think Imposing Sovereign makes more sense from the WW perspective. If it get removed, whatever. Gotta get in there for that damage. As a WW player, you are on a time limit. You control the game for the first turns of the game, but if it goes past a sort of event horizon, the game becomes unwinable.

April 14, 2014 1:10 p.m.

hsmangat12 says... #11

I think this is a nicely constructed deck! I just got back into playing magic after not playing for 10 years, so my feedback may not be the best. But perhaps a Spear of Heliod maybe a nice addition to boost your creatures as well as having an ability that lets you destroy creatures that attacked you.

If you have a second, I would love to get some feedback on my deck, Pride of Ajani. Thanks!

April 14, 2014 7:04 p.m.

Macdman11 says... #12

I would suggest moving the 2x Unflinching Courage to the sideboard and dropping Imposing Sovereign because the only time you need to get powerful creatures is vs monogreen or gruul monsters. That gives you room for a 5/5 trample and end of their turn with 4x Advent of the Wurm . I would also recommend 3x Plummet in the sideboard for when game 1 you see Stormbreath Dragon or Desecration Demon . If you do decide to add in Advent, this gives Rootborn Defenses a better reason to be used but the only other tokens being produced our Brimaz's minions & Voice's creatures. The next suggestion is to run 4x Selesnya Charm . It is selesnya's only mana cost efficient creature removal that counters indestructible. You also can use it to trample over a weak creature, or in dire need of some defenses at end of their turn tossing a 2/2 vigilance token. The final suggestion is Gods Willing for 1 mana you protect a creature but also get to scry 1. Brave the Elements is great but I would choose Gods Willing because I can move an unwanted land to the bottom and end the game with a descent top deck. I hope this helps you out. Just a few suggestions.

April 15, 2014 7:44 a.m.

Energycore says... #13

Splash black for athreos :P

April 15, 2014 12:33 p.m.

DietOfLiquor says... #14

Dictate of Heliod is another awaited card!

April 15, 2014 5:25 p.m.