Ahhh... the first FNM with a deck. Almost like the first date. Find out whats good and whats bad about it.
2-1 against green monsters. first game i played Akroan Horse and he kind of scoffed, until he realized i could just block his beaters then sac to deal two to him with Tymaret, the Murder King. swung with Underworld Cerberus for the with after Doom Bladeing most of his creatures.
Game two was just terrible for me. For him on the other hand...
His turns were 1. Forest, Elvish mystic. 2. Forest, Voyaging satyr. 3. Nykthos, Burning tree, burning tree, burning tree, worldspine worm. he won.
game three, mana screwed. kept a three land hand, didnt draw anymore.
2-1 against Boros Battalion. Legion loyalist suck to play against. enough said.
2-0 against red green..?
the guy just got a deck threw together at the last second, because he brought in his New Phyrexia deck, thinking it was still standard. pretty easy wins for me.
after the night, i decided that Lord of the Void was a dead card, as many people said in the comments. I always loved seeing Underworld Cerberus, though, so i decided to make that a 4 of. Ogre Battledriver did its part in stopping attacks, but not much else, so dropping to 2 of. I decided to add Purphoros, God of the Forge as was requested, and i also decided to add Erebos, God of the Dead to make for easy draw. Legion Loyalist was also a pretty dead card, so i took those out as well.
and to those who think that Akroan Horse is bad, i'm making it look reeaaaal good.