Alela, Enchantress of the Fae

Commander / EDH AlistarFiend

SCORE: 149 | 79 COMMENTS | 21760 VIEWS | IN 55 FOLDERS

o_O says... #1

Drana, Liberator of Malakir . I know your deck doesn't run much black buuut

September 22, 2019 2:34 p.m.

Koka says... #2

You need more card draw man. At least Vanquisher's Banner . Mystic Remora (depending on the meta) and Attunement (big big maybe)

September 22, 2019 3:33 p.m.

AlistarFiend says... #3

Koka: Vanquisher's Banner only draws cards when casting creatures, not when they enter the battlefield. I only have 13 faerie creatures in this deck. I run Rhystic Study rather than Mystic Remora . I also run Kindred Discovery , Faerie Formation , Rankle, Master of Pranks , Bident of Thassa and Distant Melody for card draw.

September 22, 2019 4:10 p.m. Edited.

AMASIAN says... #4

Dunno if this this too casual but Flickering Ward/Shimmering Wings could be cool includes a pretty cheap repeatable enchantment to cast and it's not too bad leaving one mana and returning one of them back to hand before the turn is passed back to yeh.

September 22, 2019 7:49 p.m.

Koka says... #5

AlistarFiend that's what happens when you comment on a deck which is using other kinds of card draw that you are not used to see. I stand corrected.

September 23, 2019 12:19 p.m.

tomkear says... #6

You need a Sensei's Divining Top . 1 mana make a fairy, and then you draw a card, and do it again next turn. I'd take out the library of leng for it.

September 24, 2019 6:58 a.m.

AlistarFiend says... #7

tomkear: Great suggestion of Sensei's Divining Top . I kept Library of Leng because my playgroup likes to play discard and it also gives me unlimited hand size. I removed Sword of the Animist .

September 24, 2019 7:40 a.m.

bennyboi69 says... #8

I would suggest Stoneforge Masterwork . I suggest replaceing Vedalken Orrery since it was banned recently.

September 25, 2019 2:03 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #9

I think a card that alot of people are sleeping on in the Alela builds I've been checking out is Ephara, God of the Polis . Just bringing her out triggers Alela, with the amount of enchantments and artifacts Alela decks run, It is hard not to trigger Ephara, she's Indestructible, and often she will be a creature. Not quite sure what to replace it with in your build, maybe Cover of Darkness since your creatures will already have evasion in the form of Flying.

If you want to check out a take on Alela that seems to be different from the norm everyone is taking, I'd appreciate the look on my deck Alela, Tinker Faerie Extraordinaire. Still trying to work things out, and maybe you'd have some Ideas that could help shape it. :)

September 26, 2019 9:52 a.m.

PacoBob says... #10

September 26, 2019 9:54 a.m.

bennyboi69 says... #11

Ah right, brain fart. :P

September 26, 2019 10:52 a.m.

o_O says... #12

Attrition seems like a good fit. Makes a token, great for locking out opponents with your token generating capabilities, especially with Bitterblossom type effects. You're also lacking in the removal category. I suggest removing either Library of Leng (you have two other no max hand size effects) or Cover of Darkness, as evasion isn't a big issue with flyers (unless your meta says otherwise).

September 27, 2019 12:34 p.m.

AlistarFiend says... #13

Thank you for all the suggestions and comments. I can’t believe it made it to #1 overall! Please keep the comments and suggestions coming.

September 30, 2019 9:21 a.m.

Einselar says... #14

Might I suggest Mystic Forge? You run enough artifacts to be worth it, and it also filters the top card of your library. It also powers up the sensei's top fairy combo, because if you have nothing else to cast you can drop all your mana into casting sensei's, returning it to the library, and casting it again.

October 2, 2019 1:58 p.m.

Vinciini says... #15

Zur the Enchanter's ability doesn't actually benefit Alela's trigger, since the enchantments he tutors for you enter the battlefield without being cast. So, is he included here just to get a couple of freebies onto the field like Reconnaissance, Necropotence, Cover of Darkness, etc.? If so, without reliable access to haste, I can't imagine that any playgroup wouldn't just immediately remove him before you trigger his ability on your next turn.

October 23, 2019 10:17 a.m.

enrico81 says... #16

I like your deck so much!!! It's amazing!! What do you think about Divine Visitation and some removal like Oblivion Ring and Grasp of Fate ? Take a look to my decks !

December 10, 2019 5:34 p.m.

It's kind of a janky choice, but I can't help but notice that Riptide Chimera checks all the boxes. He himself is an enchantment, is a flyer who gets the bonus from Alela, and most importantly can bounce one of your enchantments every turn to ensure you always have one to play. I'd probably run him over, say, Rankle, who has a comparable body but I assume is mostly in for flavour reasons.

December 22, 2019 3:24 p.m.

AlistarFiend says... #18

ClockworkSwordfish Thank you for the awesome suggestion! I ran upstairs to check if I had a Riptide Chimera and I did! Never thought to put this perfect card into the deck. Glad to see we are on the same page with Rankle, that was the one card that I definitely had on the fence.

December 22, 2019 5:37 p.m.

Rivenor says... #20

Another interesting option: Gossamer Chains Fantastic against Voltron decks and bounce and replay to trigger all of your things.

December 24, 2019 12:52 p.m.

AlistarFiend says... #21

Thank you Rivenor for the awesome suggestion! I looked in my collection and found a Gossamer Chains and now he is in.

December 24, 2019 1:31 p.m. Edited.

WUBRG87 says... #22

AlistarFiend, I'm inspired and in awe and quite frankly, a little jealous of this build. And I thought my Alela deck was good! +1!

December 26, 2019 11:20 a.m.

By the way... this only just occurred to me, but while Alela counts both artifacts and enchantments, you're definitely leaning more towards the enchantment side of things. Since you're planning to play and replay as many as possible anyways, wouldn't Sigil of the Empty Throne be a natural fit? Nothing like an army of 5/4 angel tokens to accompany your faeries. You could get some inspiration from this old build of mine: Heavenly Armchair.

December 28, 2019 5:14 p.m.

AlistarFiend says... #25

ClockworkSwordfish comes back with another perfect suggestion! I added Sigil of the Empty Throne . Thank you so much for your help in making this deck the best it can be.

December 28, 2019 5:33 p.m.

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