Alela, Tinker Faerie Extraordinaire

Commander / EDH jconeil1988


like70bunnies says... #1

I really like your take on the deck! I Love Alela, as you can do so many different things with her. One thing I'd suggest would be to include more combat-centered enchantments. I see you already have Etchings of the Chosen , which has absolutely overperformed in my test runs. I'd also suggest Intangible Virtue for the anthem and vigilance, as well as Radiant Destiny to really play into the faerie theme.

I'd also recommend Grafdigger's Cage because every deck needs some grave hate, and it's just so strong in this deck.

Finally, you can play Hall of Heliod's Generosity for your enchantment recursion and Academy Ruins for the artifact recursion.

September 30, 2019 3:01 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #2

like70bunnies thanks for the like. At first, I initially had it mapped out to be stax, then thought against it. I don't want to lose friends. My one friend showed me the commanders quarters mini episode of their budget edh 40 cards to add and I liked the idea of going with a Grand Architect build. While I haven't ruled out putting him back in for his anthem, focusing on him to generate mana didn't seem optimal since the only thing I had in here to pump that mana into was Steel Hellkite and while that is a nice effect, there wasn't much else to do with it. I looked into more artifact creatures, and saw how expensive the CCs for most are and my heart sunk, until my eyes landed on Master Transmuter . And, there we are. She's searchable and tutorable, cheats in big creatures, recast the cheap artifacts she switches out for the creatures with to still get my faeries, and creates sooo much value with transmuting out Baleful Strix .

Obviously, we are on the same page with upping the anthem package. I don't want to convolute the slots with anthems, so I guess, I'm asking what do you think is the ideal number. 5 Anthems, 5 Removals, 3 Bounce, 7 counters, 7 draw, plus the rest of the deck.

Then remove some faeries for the mana dork myrs, and a couple more big artifact creatures.

September 30, 2019 7:18 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #3

Saw this in the help tab looks like theres been quite a bit of thought in it and you're keeping track of changes. My only suggestion would be trying more of a storm approach with artifacts that go positive on mana and cards like Retract and Paradoxical Outcome . They give you another angle of attack and can make for very swingy turns or double as protection from mass artifact destruction. Ps. Gave you your 10th like; you didn't need to ask. I've found the more work and more effort and inventive you are; the more likes you'll get. Keep on fine tuning and maybe add a primer to better organize your card selection.

October 28, 2019 11:50 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #4

RNR_Gaming Thanks for the like :P but more importantly, thank you for the suggestion. This is probably the most time I've spent on putting a deck together since I did my first EDH deck with Angels. I've spent hours researching, looking at other Alela decks, following up on them, and watching the card suggetions on EDHrec increase as more and more decks are being made. I still have yet to see one coming even close to what I've put together. I do plan on adding to the description, and making a primer isn't out of the question. Just the time required to format it and make sure I don't miss anything is hard to come by with two toddlers running around.

As for your suggestions, I love them. I didn't even know they existed. Retract is amazing and will find a home here. Paradoxical Outcome is intriguing as well with that card draw attached to it.

I just wish all the 0 and 1 cost artifacts weren't so damn expensive.

October 29, 2019 12:21 a.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #5

my play group doesn't mind proxies. They only want to fight against the strongest deck a person can make; not what their budget allows. Find a play group like that. My only other advice is to just play test, tune, and rinse and repeat. You'll miss something but as long as you learn from it, it's not big deal; the faster you put it out the more people can help you learn =). I actually undervalued a card called Kenrith's Transformation it's the new green spyce. anyways best of luck.

October 29, 2019 12:26 a.m.

enpc says... #6

I'm not a fan of Coat of Arms . It always seems win-more to me, especially if your play group runs a lot of tribal. I also think that here the Grand Architect / Pili-Pala combo isn't very good. You only have 3 infinite mana sinks in the whole deck and one of those is Steel Hellkite .

If you want some pure jank, Shimmering Wings lets you repeatedly make a token for 2 mana.

October 29, 2019 1:47 a.m.

jconeil1988 says... #7

enpc Arcitect/Pala is in there mainly for when I can get Walking Ballista , and I'm also looking for another insta-win or two to go with it. But it's also something I'd be willing to cut, at least Pili-Pala .

Shimmering Wings I like, for the name and infinite token potential. I just wish I had stronger non flyers that I'd want to put wings on. Hmmmm..

I like big fliers, but can see what you mean with Coat of Arms . Good thing I'm the tribal guy in my group.

October 29, 2019 3:49 a.m.

pskinn01 says... #8

Kindred Discovery calling faeries will draw lots of cards with this commander. And can draw you out if you combo with anything that bounces permanents to your hand, so lab man would work as a win con if you go combo oriented.

October 29, 2019 2:25 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #9

pskinn01 already had Kindred Discovery on my to get list :)

Didn't think about Laboratory Maniac or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries . They would work well with Kindred Discovery, as well as Coastal Piracy , Bident of Thassa , and Faerie Formation . Definitely looking into it.

October 31, 2019 11:03 a.m.

jasonkrivera says... #10

Anointed Procession would double your faerie tokens, thopter tokens, and gold tokens.

November 7, 2019 11:42 a.m.

jconeil1988 says... #11

jasonkrivera, thanks for the suggestion. I know Anointed Procession could be bonkers in this deck. I don't like that price tag, but that comes with good cards. As of now I have like 10 others in that price range. So, while I don't doubt Procession will most likely make it in the final build, there are higher priorities than it such as Cloud Key , Rhystic Study , and Kindred Discovery . In short, it's added to the list. Thank you :)

November 7, 2019 1:04 p.m.

LordTea says... #12

Hey I have a suggestion aswell: Go run Dire Undercurrents its cheaper then Kindred Discovery and in my oppionion a lot better. Instead of Coastal Piracy you could also run Bident of Thassa its cheaper and I dont see the downside there.

November 14, 2019 4:24 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #13

LordTea I like Dire Undercurrents , but not more than Kindred Discovery since that will trigger on the summoning as well as attack, drawing alot more cards.

I have both, Coastal Piracy , which you saw, and the replacement you offered in Bident of Thassa . I had planned on replacing Piracy with Discovery, but can see having all three, Thassa, Undercurrents and Discovery.

Solid look and thanks for the Upvote.

November 14, 2019 9:44 p.m.

ZendikariWol says... #14

Missing the parallelism on "Tinker Faerie of the Extraordinaerie" but it's a cool list. Upvote for very, very few nonartifact creatures tho- as a Johnny, I appreciate the dedication to your theme.

Bident of Thassa and Favorable Winds are not bad inclusions.

December 18, 2019 4:29 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #15

ZendikariWol, fill me in on the parallelism, because I have no idea what you're referencing, and I feel I need to know!

And yeah. Only non artifact creatures here benefit directly from artifacts. I see no reason not to maximize the potential of Alela filling my battlefield up quick.

Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoy!

Bident of Thassa is already in :)

Favorable Winds I thought hard on, but as I continued to upgrade, Anthems that do nothing beside boost don't feel optimal here. If I find myself lacking in power, Winds, along with other Anthems will be revisited.

December 18, 2019 5:32 p.m.

ZendikariWol says... #16

Look closely at the spelling of the deck name in my prior comment "Extraordinaerie," as opposed to "Extraordinary," and also Kindred Discovery may be a pretty devastating draw engine.

December 18, 2019 7:34 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #17

ZendikariWol gotcha ;)

Kindred Discovery is on my to get list. It will replace Coastal Piracy when I can get one.

December 18, 2019 9:48 p.m.

griffstick says... #18

I think you don't need Bitterblossom , it feels like a slow card for what this deck is doing. I understand its synergistic, but not really. I'd cut it for either Mirrodin Besieged or Efficient Construction . I feel that either one of these cards is a strictly better card. Plus they don't hurt your life total

December 19, 2019 11:23 a.m. Edited.

jconeil1988 says... #19

griffstick while I do have a Mirrodin Besieged , I feel like that if I just spent 40 dollars on this damn Bitterblossom , I better play the heck out of it :P

When it was purchased, the deck was more of a Faerie tribal with artifacts. So, while I'll most likely make the change eventually. I need to justify a big purchase. :)

December 19, 2019 11:39 a.m.

sabbc98 says... #20

December 19, 2019 2 p.m.

BearClaymore says... #21

Here's my take on your ask to change something based on your Maybe Board.

Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse for Academy Ruins and/or Reflecting Pool

While these fetch lands help you fix, the fact that the lands you find will come in tapped is like you are missing the turn's land drop. Why not have 2 lands that actually give you mana instead AND help you get back artifacts from the graveyard?

I would consider changing Hindering Light or Turn Aside for Cyclonic Rift and/or Enlightened Tutor . The counter effect that you get with the first ones is very specific and you may find scenarios where you can't really use them, however CycRift works 2 different ways and the Tutor can help you find a Sorcery to board-wipe if you need to level the field.

Also, I would give a try with Sensei's Divining Top instead of Throne of the God-Pharaoh I like to give preference to cards that will give me card advantage every turn versus the ones that may or may not cause damage to opponents depending on you having creatures tapped.

Finally I would find a way to include Rhystic Study , it is too good not to. Maybe swapping with Darksteel Mutation , which is an Aura that does not really give you any benefit and any creature you target can be blinked or bounced. Unless you know a creature is the key piece of a win combo, i think this aura is not going to really help you win the game but having additional cards drawn with Rhystic Study will definitely give more options to.

December 26, 2019 11:13 a.m.

jconeil1988 says... #22

BearClaymore, Thank you so much for taking the time to offer suggestions. As you can see, I'm entering the point where upgrades cost some money, so much that just about every card I need will make the 25$ minimum to cover shipping costs from Card Kingdom.

I do plan on doing just that with the lands. When I can get them, that is.

Cyclonic Rift and Enlightened Tutor are locks to be in the deck, but I'm not sure I want to take the counter spells out. While yes, they are specific, they are both very efficient forms of protection for Alela, Artful Provocateur and any of permanents from targeted removal, and while targeted creature removal isn't very often used, enchantment and artifact hate is pretty common.

Throne of the God-Pharaoh is left over from an earlier build that utilized Shimmer Dragon which made it really easy to make sure my creatures where tapped, dealing damage and drawing cards. It will most likely be dropped if favor of an upgrade piece. Sensei's Divining Top being a very likely, once again, when I can afford it. Not to mention it being able to combo off with Aetherflux Reservoir and Mystic Forge .

My plan for Rhystic Study was actually to swamp out Mystic Remora for it, when I can get one. Not a fan of dropping Darksteel Mutation as it is a very effective way to take care of an opposing commander.

I'm actaully waiting on my order for the cards in the sideboard, so the deck itself will be having a shakeup pretty soon. Is there anything you can see that might be worth a look that isn't in my maybeboard? I'm curious to see if there is anything I may be missing, or should revisit.

December 26, 2019 9:16 p.m.

LordTea says... #23

Hey, cool Deck! Maybe check out my Alela Deck for some additional ideas.

I would suggest Gift of Immortality for protecting your Alela. Quite versatile and also Hall of Heliod's Generosity is a good land to replay your enchantments.

March 4, 2020 5:47 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #24

LordTea thanks for the kind words. I saw your deck and left a few thoughts for you.

Gift of Immortality is interesting. I'd prefer artifacts, but it's worth looking into. I'd like it more if the return to the battlefield would trigger Alela.

Hall of Heliod's Generosity is something I thought about, but with only 6 enchantments, I'm not quite sure that it's worth a spot in the utility lands. It entering untapped and having a plethora of colorless artifacts does make it worth a second look though.

March 4, 2020 9:33 p.m.

CloseTalker says... #25

I thought of a few suggestions for your already impressive build, although I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for. I can see combos/win-cons all throughout your build. The thought and planning you put into developing it is meth-tweaker commitment lol

A few things that might give you some ideas... Sword of the Meek to help with your thopter + ashnods infinite mana combo. Paradox Engine although I heard it might be banned. Last suggestion, for now, is you might want to throw Urza, Lord High Artificer or even a Memnarch in there is a win-con on its own with infinite mana..I had more suggestions but Im hungry. Peace, good luck

April 17, 2020 1:30 a.m.

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