2025 Edit: For awhile now this deck is not what I would consider competitive anymore, maybe in 1v1. It however was the first deck I ever put effort into, and maybe one day I'll try to make a new Alesha CEDH deck.


The goal of the deck is to control the board until you can go off with one of the combos to secure the win. The deck can also reliably win by simply attacking if you aren't able to assemble a combo.

This deck thrives in 1v1 but it can put up a good fight in multiplayer games.

The deck needs an infinite sacrifice outlet to function a lot of the time, these are our sac outlets:

-Ashnod's Altar for infinite colorless mana

-Goblin Bombardment for Infinite damage

-Viscera Seer for infinite scrying

-Falkenrath Aristocrat (this one is mainly a pet card of mine, but being able to have an almost always indestructible flyer that can grow with certain interactions can be game winning.)


Note: Any combo that generates infinite ETB and LTB triggers can result in a win when combined with Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat.

Karmic Guide + Reveillark + sac outlet: This combo is able to generate infinite ETB and LTB triggers while also bringing out any creatures in your graveyard.

To perform the combo you want to have reveillark in the graveyard karmic guide in hand, vice versa, or both in hand. Play karmic, return reveillark, sac karmic guide, sac reveillark, return karmic, repeat.

Karmic Guide + Mirror Entity + Reveillark : This combo is able to generate infinite ETB and LTB triggers.

To perform this combo you want to have karmic guide or reveillark in hand, the other 2 in the graveyard, and zulaport or blood artist in the graveyard. Trigger mirror entitys ability for 0 many times, let entity and karmic guide enter the graveyard first, then reveillark, return karmic guide and zulaport, then reveillark, let the next mirror entity ability trigger, and then repeat.

Animate Dead + Karmic Guide + Sun Titan + sac outlet: This combo is able to generate infinite ETB and LTB triggers.

To perform this combo, you want sun titan and animate dead in graveyard, and karmic guide in hand. play karmic, target sun titan, sac karmic, return animate dead with titan trigger and target karmic, sac titan, and repeat.

Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap + sac outlet: This combo generates infinite damage to secure the win. This combo without the sac outlet can also generate infinite ETB and LTB triggers by having redcap ping himself if no sac outlet is available.

To perform this combo have anafenza and redcap on the field, sac redcap, when he persists the trigger from anafenza will cancel out his -1/-1 counter so you can repeat.

Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan + sac outlet: This combo is able to generates infinite ETB and LTB triggers.

To perform this combo have sun titan on the field and hunter in hand, or titan in hand and hunter in the graveyard. play hunter and exile titan, sac the hunter, return the hunter when the titan returns, and repeat.

Fiend Hunter + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + sac outlet: This combo is able to generate infinite ETB and LTB triggers.

To perform this combo have the hunter on board and kiki in hand, or vice versa. Copy hunter with kiki, exile kiki with the copy, then sac the copy, kiki will return, the repeat.

Karmic Guide + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + sac outlet: This combo also generates infinite ETB and LTB triggers as well as an infinite amount of Karmic Guides that have haste.

To perform this combo you can have kiki in hand or in the graveyard, and karmic in hand. Copy karmic with kiki, sac kiki, return kiki with the copies trigger, repeat.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Reveillark + sac outlet: This combo can generate infinite ETB and LTB triggers as well as reanimate all creatures in your graveyard with power 2 or less.

To perform this combo have both in hand or on the battlefield. Copy reveillark with kiki, sac kiki, sac the reveillark copy, return kiki and other creatures with the reveillark trigger, then repeat.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel : This combo can generate an infinite amount of restoration angel tokens that have haste.

To perform this combo, have kiki on board and restoration angel in hand. Play angel, bounce anything. Copy the angel with kiki, bounce kiki with the copies trigger, then repeat.

Thanks for taking a look.


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