Alesha, Who Smiles At Death and (s)Taxes [Primer]

Commander / EDH Mishraharad

SCORE: 354 | 234 COMMENTS | 123677 VIEWS | IN 232 FOLDERS

zandl says... #1

Be sure to read my Front Page Feature article landing tomorrow. ;)

May 31, 2016 7:19 p.m.

Calivess says... #2

I had been pondering a deck based on creatures entering the battlefield, but could never really figure out how to do it. You, my friend, are a genius. It's this sort of tricksy board manipulation that I love to see in Commander.

Well done.

June 2, 2016 2:21 a.m.

Punderstorm says... #3

+1 Sweet deck. Looks similar to one I've been working on. I'm surprised that you're not running Anguished Unmaking though.

June 18, 2016 8:39 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #4

Didn't come by it yet. Once I do, it's totally coming in.

And btw, expect a proper primer in the next few days

June 18, 2016 11:33 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #5

Punderstorm Guess what, Anguished Unmaking is coming my way!

June 20, 2016 3:14 p.m.

Punderstorm says... #6

Sorry to spam your comments with stuff, but Alesha is likely to be the next deck I build, so I'd like some advice from someone experienced in playing it. I also apologize for what may be a very long comment.

First of all, do you find Ankle Shanker to be worth running? I ask because it doesn't trigger its ability if you reanimate it with Alesha.

Apart from Mother of Runes, there don't seem to be many ways to protect Alesha. Since that's basically what seems to make the deck go, spot removal and counterspells seem particularly strong against it.

How do you feel about Reveillark? It can't be a reanimation target with Alesha, but it can reanimate most of your creatures when it leaves. Also, it combos with Karmic Guide and any sac engine.

Other things that I might suggest are Serra Ascendant and Nahiri, the Harbinger. Serra Ascendant is just generically good (which I find to be a tad boring to be honest), and Nahiri acts as both removal and a way to pitch things you want to reanimate, while replacing them with a new card.

Lastly, how do you combat instant speed tricks on your turn? My meta is full of instant speed removal and fog effects (mostly removal, though I did lose because of an Arachnogenesis that I didn't see coming the other day), and the only thing I can think of is adding Grand Abolisher. The problem with that is that Grand Abolisher serves no purpose other than to protect me if someone happens to have something. Apart from that it doesn't contribute to the deck.

That's all I have for now. Sorry again for the spam and overly long comment. Still love the deck, and I look forward to seeing how it progresses.

June 21, 2016 3:30 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #7

Ankle Shanker , even though is not triggered while coming back with Alesha, makes our guys fight on even footing with creatures that opponents use, that are more often than not bigger and tougher to beat. Even just hard casting Shanker, while having just a few dudes is fine. Having our guys buffed up by Ankle shanker (also, wish she was a legend) makes them often unblockable. That's why I still hold old Anky in high regard. That and she's called freaking Ankle Shanker

Apart from Mother of Runes, there don't seem to be many ways to protect Alesha. Since that's basically what seems to make the deck go, spot removal and counterspells seem particularly strong against it.

In both of my metas (durdle paradise and more competitive one), counterspells aren't that popular, but creature removal is a common occurence. However, even when Alesha hits the bin, our ETB value creatures can often buy enough time to recast her, and keep on pummeling. Lot of our guys are good even without Alesha, and only one game winning combo hedges on her (which can be circumvented with Break Through the Line on Master of Cruelties

How do you feel about Reveillark? It can't be a reanimation target with Alesha, but it can reanimate most of your creatures when it leaves. Also, it combos with Karmic Guide and any sac engine.

Reveillark is a godlike thing in this deck, but I still haven't been able to find one nearby, or trade it on PucaTrade hence no Ark in here . Same goes with Nahiri (and Nahiri is kinda bonkers in price right now). If you can run both of them in your version, please do since they do exactly the things you want with Alesha.

Big reason why no Serra Ascendant is because he's flat out boring, ergo just a playstyle choice.

He is one of the most broken turn 1 plays, he hits hard from turn 2, but he isn't exciting like doing cool tricks with Fiend Hunter or Master of Cruelties . However, unlike in most decks, we don't mind having him killed quite soon, because he's coming back really fast. So, if you are OK with Ascendant, include him. He's a boring card, but he's nothing if not effective!

Mother of Runes is a good protector. Benevolent Bodyguard also might do the trick if you are desperate for those kinds of effects. Not exactly what you were looking for, but Martyr's Cause can be a suprisingly effective card, especially when paired against Voltron generals or Mizzix.

Now, Grand Abolisher is an awesome card. He says "this is my turn, sod off ya wankers" . And if your meta is so kill spell friendly, you force them to use their kill spells on their turn, which is ineffective (Or other opponents turns. Whatever, you can still attack freely with your dudes). Henceforth, Abolisher sounds like a good creature, at least for meta you play in.

Also, you meta is filled with kill spells? I think your opponents need to pay the Price of Glory

Remember that this list is tailored to my meta(s), and it helps to think of this deck as sort of a toolbox deck. Maybe your meta isn't nonbasic saturated, so you don't need Anathemancer ? Maybe there is a lot of creatures, so Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a waste?

If you ever have anymore questions or comments, please, feel free to ask.

I am here to have a discussion!

June 22, 2016 11:22 a.m.

Punderstorm says... #8

Thanks for getting back to me on that! You definitely have a lot of good ideas. I'll certainly keep all of them in mind. Once I have a deck list together would you mind if I link it here and have you take a look at it? I'd just rather ask first because it frustrates me when people comment just to advertise their own deck.

June 23, 2016 8:03 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #9

Sure man, here to help!

Just gimme more details about your meta so I can ponder about proper hatred towards it!

June 23, 2016 11:54 a.m.

May I suggest Stonehorn Dignitary over Blinding Angel

June 23, 2016 2:33 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #11

Hm, you are really tempting me Mr. Appropriate Name.

And I've always wanted to play ol' Stonehorn.

June 23, 2016 2:38 p.m.

Punderstorm says... #12

Personally I'd find a new playgroup if I were you AsykoSkwrl. That just sounds like a toxic environment to be in. It sounds like your LGS is saying "You have to play this game the way we want to play it or go somewhere else." Obviously it's up to you, but that honestly sounds like a terrible place to play.

June 26, 2016 9:44 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #13

Well, AsykoSkwrl if they won't let us have any fun, we won't let them have any fun. Take out the combo cards for any and all of these cards, and share the love with them!

Mesmeric Fiend

Faceless Butcher

Avalanche Riders

Fulminator Mage

Ravenous Baboons

Goblin Gardener

Dictate of Erebos

After they have no cards in hands or creatures on board, or lands, they might beg you for a bit combo. (Yes, I am mean, but mean according to rules they set up!)

June 27, 2016 7:58 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #14

AsykoSkwrl , I forgot to add High Priest of Penance to the list.

False Prophet could also work, provided you have sac outlets!

June 27, 2016 8:01 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #15

AsykoSkwrl please do let me know how it panned out, and all the cool stories you had!

Let them feel the wrath of the Horde!

June 27, 2016 1:18 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #16

Any time, mate!

What cards do you need?

Since I'm getting Japanese versions of some cards in the deck, I might just gift ya a few cards, just to kick start you

June 27, 2016 2:48 p.m.

NiceIceWeiss says... #17

Are there any cards released from Eldritch Moon that caught your eye as a potential fit in this deck?

July 28, 2016 9:35 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #18

NiceIceWeiss let's take a look!

Geier Reach Sanitarium might be good if we stripped their hands of cards, and want to card lock them, and it offers us a chance to draw more/fill our graveyard

Hanweir Battlements all around good land, haste enabling is always good, and if combined with its other half, it poops out tokens like nobody's buisness

Selfless Spirit is one card I'm actually quite interested in. Wrath protection on a stick sounds like helluva fun to me!

Thalia, Heretic Cathar is a bomb. Even though we can't reanimate her with Alesha, tempo swing she gives us is huuuuuuuge. Get her, play her, love her.

Would you guys like me to do this set evaluation for Alesha each time we get a new set ?

July 29, 2016 2:38 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #19

Well, Feldon is Feldon.

But my heart still aches because of this loss :/

August 9, 2016 2:22 a.m.

Flagellum says... #20

Surprised not to see Sin Collector. It's got that Mesmeric Fiend feel but no jumping through hoops with the stack :p And while Cunning Lethemancer can be recurred if tossed in a bin, Necrogen Mists hits every player, at every upkeep and not just yours. Lastly, Nahiri's Machinations is a swell card to keep Alesha alive :p

August 30, 2016 1:59 p.m.

Punderstorm says... #21

Is the new Thalia in there mainly for the first strike? Apart from that and the lower mana cost, it seems like Loxodon Gatekeeper would be more effective.

September 1, 2016 4:32 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #22

Honestly, I'm a huge Vintage fan, and the way Thalia 2.0 is handling that format ...

Kinda paying homage to the format I love, I guess

September 1, 2016 9:43 p.m.

Punderstorm says... #23

Ah ok. Vintage has zero following around my area so I don't know anything about it at all. To be honest, there isn't much of any kind of following in my area.

September 2, 2016 5:06 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #24

I must recommend VSL on youtube.

Randy Buhler, Shuhei Nakamura, LSV and other pros playing truly one of the most fun formats

September 2, 2016 10:09 a.m.

Elkoholic says... #25

In your youtube video, how did you get the alternate art on the right?

September 7, 2016 11:41 p.m.

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