Alesha, Who Smiles At Death and (s)Taxes [Primer]

Commander / EDH Mishraharad

SCORE: 354 | 234 COMMENTS | 123530 VIEWS | IN 232 FOLDERS

HalasterBC says... #1

Something to consider would also be Retribution of the Meek, I think. Most of your guys dodge that wrath. Maybe Meta-dependent since it doesn't get rid of the small token armies but a cheap, often one sided wipe is useful.

December 6, 2017 8:04 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #2

HalasterBC I want to add Retribution, but it is a question of availability.

Nobody seems to be having it around. I'm currently trying to CardSphere for it. Hope it gets here soon?

December 6, 2017 11:26 a.m.

HalasterBC says... #3

Understandable. I wish you best of luck for that. =) Some cards can just be a pain in the ass to get a hold of. Things I fiddle around with in my own Alesha are Necromancy (I use that over Animate Dead since I can pull off some interesting shenenigans with the flash mechanic), Soltari Visionary (that may be meta-dependant for me since my playgroup loves their enchantments and I always like to pack some more hate just in case), Hide/Seek (the tuck gets rid of Purphoros and his merry buddies. Not as permanent as an Exile effect of course, but it gets the job done most of the time. The library extraction mode can grab a combo piece or generally unpleasant card, net you some life and lets you watch the offending deck in question too, last point not too relevant but especially if players or decks rotate more frequently a nice added bonus), Master Warcraft (I admit I like some instant combat fun from time to time), Tortured Existence, Goblin Bombardment and Fallen Ideal.

December 6, 2017 3:22 p.m.

gnathion says... #4

Can we hope for a Rivals Of Ixalan update to the list and primer?

January 10, 2018 11:51 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #5

gnathion after the dust settles and I see/obtain some cards, you can bet!

January 10, 2018 12:25 p.m.

gnathion says... #6

@Mishraharad can't wait for that! I definitely think we want Twilight Prophet, Direfleet Daredevil, maybe Ravenous Chupacabra? So many great options for this deck! Been having tons of fun playing this list!

January 12, 2018 11:10 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #7


More or less. You can listen to our opinions on RIX on this handy dandy podcast link I partly touch upon various Alesha tech

January 13, 2018 12:43 a.m.

StopShot says... #8

I was actually interested in hearing your thoughts on Slaughter the Strong. It seems like an upgrade from Retribution of the Meek that doesn't just deal with massive creatures, but also takes out token armies to boot as well. I'm sure Alesha decks could find it plenty useful.

January 17, 2018 4:20 a.m.

Stompologist says... #9

What do you think about Elenda, the Dusk Rose in this deck? 1/1 that replaces itself but also can get larger and larger as things die and then replaces itself with lifelink vampires.

January 19, 2018 1:28 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #10

StopShot Slaughter seems fine... Until we stop and think - what are we preserving after the Slaughter? Alesha and maybe a Viscera seer? If that is the best game scenario, why not Tragic Arrogance ?

Stompologist Elenda doesn't seem like a natural fit for this version of Alesha. Now, if we were to change the focus of the deck to Purphoros, Impact Tremors, Assemble the Legion ...

January 19, 2018 11:59 p.m.

StopShot says... #11

@Mishraharad, That can be taken as a valid point, though I'd think of it less as a "preserve" spell since it's a wrath effect in nature. While more mana might give you slightly more value I'd compare it to Wrath of God or Damnation costing less and being able to remove indestructible creatures to boot.

That said, I do think both Tragic Arrogance and Slaughter the Strong are both fantastic cards, and one being better than the other one shouldn't make the lesser any terrible by itself, however; I do question if costing less mana is a stronger advantage than what extra Tragic Arrogance has to offer. I'd also find it inconvenient if a 5 mana sorcery couldn't remove an opponent's voltron commander if it was their only creature to choose from, or another opponent's Blightsteel Colossus if it was their only artifact/creature to choose from. Sure Slaughter the Strong has it's own blind-spots that Tragic Arrogance would be able to solve just as Slaughter the Strong would be able to solve the issues I mentioned above, but if you compare what the two fail to clean-up given the worst case scenario for each I think Tragic Arrogance leaves behind a bigger mess than Slaughter the Strong would.

To me the value of a board wipe doesn't boil down to card advantage, but how well it does at getting me out of any given situation that if not answered properly may result in losing the game. It is by that notion I feel the need to respectfully disagree with the comparison between the two. What concerns me most is if Slaughter the Strong is as reliable of a safeguard as Wrath of God in terms of surviving a potentially lethal threat. That's the matter I'm still mulling over in which I'd like to hear your thoughts on specifically if you wouldn't mind.

January 20, 2018 1:57 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #12

Slaughter vs a regular Wrath?

Well, for the same CMC we could face off Toxic Deluge which is a premium removal spell in our colors. Kills any thing we want, including voltron generals, Blightsteel or even a Sigarda (God Emperor I hate the OG Sigarda.) and Gods - and take in mind I play against against this deck on the regular (Which causes me to think I should swap Damnation for Slaughter to test it out.)

What scares me about this spell is that it leaves some pretty big roleplayers alive - mana dorks, Kiki-Jiki, various support creatures, while a Wrath of any variety kills them.

January 21, 2018 4:23 a.m.

Fyntred says... #13

Hello,I just built my own Alesha Deck following your advices. Seems very great.But i have few questions :

Why are you using Tocatli Honor Guard and Hushwing Gryff ? Sure, they could help according the board but you could be blocked too with your own creatures like Stoneforge Mystic or Sun Titan per example.

My second question is more a suggestion, why didn't you add Harsh Mentor ? Cheap, Great to Tax.


March 6, 2018 7:13 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #14

Fyntred glad you asked!

Torpor Orb effects are here to stop others from winning - in my playgroup there is a bunch of deck that try to win via ETB's (Palinchron loops, Kiki Jiki .... ) Of course, we can get shafted by the effects, so plan accordingly!

Harsh Mentor was in the deck, but it didn't do much. I might put him back in the deck and see how it goes in the near future.

March 6, 2018 1:25 p.m.

Fyntred says... #15

OK, i understand for ETB blocking effect. My playground don't abuse of infinite loop effect. So I will check in future if it changes ;) and i will re-integrate them.

For the Harsh Mentor, i'm sure he could find his place in my deck. i meanly play in 2vs2, so very useful !!Perhaps he could replace the revoker that could block only one creature.

March 6, 2018 3:57 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #16

Fyntred - that is something I recommend; tailor your list towards your meta. Just becuase it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't be an awesome thing in your meta!

March 6, 2018 11:22 p.m.

Fyntred says... #17

Clear ! And didn't you have any problem to cast fast, because many of your land arrive tapped on board. ko you have 2 colors at least but it slows your game no ??

March 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #18

Not many lands etb tapped anymore, and I freaking love it

March 7, 2018 10:17 a.m.

Fyntred says... #19

It's true. I cannot invest in Land because they are not cheap. So could you give an advice about adjustement of mine.I integrated some that ETB tapped but what could be the good proportion with basic land and non basic land.I have the same ratio than you : 39 White symbol, 33 Black, 16 Redi added 33 Land in total but only 3 base moutain, 4 Swamp, 5 Plain. so 21 non base land and 13 that ETB tapped. Do you think it's too much ?

March 7, 2018 4:30 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #20

13 is WAAAAY too much.

By that rate, I'd play more basics, tbh.

You have that list on tappedout? lemme see

March 8, 2018 1:11 p.m.

Fyntred says... #21

Not yet, but i will take time to add the deck soon. For you, what should be the maximum of ETB tapped land ?

March 9, 2018 8:24 a.m.

y2dvd says... #22

Just wondering, if you weren't concern with budget, what would you change?

March 10, 2018 9:39 a.m.

Fyntred says... #23

I created my deck, i just checked and i think i have too less Land.What could be your suggestions ?I have Shinka that is a Red land.

Alesha, Come play with me

Commander / EDH Fyntred



March 10, 2018 10:48 a.m.

OP_Sigma says... #24

What's the deal with Teshar, Ancestor’s Apostle? Since when is it an illegal card in edh?

May 2, 2018 6:51 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #25

OP_Sigma TappedOut page still hasn't recognised it as a EDH Legal cards, it is still in the Prerelease mode

May 2, 2018 11:33 p.m.

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