Champion of the Parish: This is the ideal one-drop. If Champion of the Parish does not get removed it can grow and become a huge threat. Most other creatures in this deck are human.
Bloodsoaked Champion: Although this creature can not block it has great stats for a 1 mana creature. The abilitty to play Bloodsoaked Champion from the graveyard is extremely useful as it dying triggers Xathrid Necromancer and it entering again buffs Champion of the Parish.
Kytheon, Hero of Akros
: A 2/1 human with upsides for 1 mana. That is already nice, get him to flip and he can protect one of your creatures, act as your body guard, bait enemy creatures into attacking and also beat down as a 4/4. Awesome.
Grim Lavamancer: Beats decks with many 2 or less toughness creatures, like elves or tool-box.
Dark Confidant: Great draw engine. With such a low avarage cmc the live-loss is not that big of a draw-back.
Thalia's Lieutenant: Even with so many non-human token, Thalia's Lieutenant is great. It is another high-priority removal-target. Can help to stay out of Anger of the Gods-range.
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death: Great card. First strike is very powerfull. The activated ablility can get you several cards back, that buff Champion of the Parish or get grind out the opponent like Fulminator Mage.
Xathrid Necromancer: This is the reason I play black. It is that strong. Having a sticky board, that the opponent has difficulties removing is essential to this type of slow aggressiv strategy.
Liliana, Heretical Healer
: I really like the Liliana in this deck as she is alright as a creature, but insane as a plainswalker. I might go up to 2 as she can turn around a game all by her self.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar: Generally a good creature. Gets you two token, that can block flyers. Can ping the enemy or their creatures.
Fatal Push: Great removal, especially in the current meta.
Lightning Bolt: Kill off eary threats or send it upstairs in no-creature matchups.
Path to Exile: Sometimes you need to deal with troublesome creatures. This is the go to spot removal.
Kolaghan's Command
: Pure value.
Other Spells:
Gather the Townsfolk
: Getting some token is always nice. Getting tons of tocken usually is a hail mary play.
Liliana of the Veil: Well its expensive for a reason. Just a great card. If a Lili has protection its just brutal and even if she does not, she at least takes one creature with her.
The Landbase is very important for a 3-colored deck. BloodMoon though is a nightmare.
Bloodstained Mire / Marsh Flats: Fetches.
Inspiring Vantage / Concealed Courtyard: You need colors.
Sacred Foundry / Blood Crypt /
Godless Shrine
: A bunch of shock-lands. You can fetch any of them with Bloodstained Mire. They count as their respective land-types so if you have one shock-land any check-land enters normaly.
Plains / Mountain / Swamp: Ghost Quarter and Path to Exile are a thing.
Vault of the Archangel: Sometimes you need to gain live, sometimes you need to get rid of huge creatures, this land does both.
Cavern of Souls: They are quite expensive, but just so good in any tribal deck. Colorfixing and destroys blue control-players.
Shambling Vent: With all that shocking and the damage from Dark Confidant some form of livegain is important.
This just one option I put together.(best to craft a sideboard against your local meta) This is what I think of the cards I included:
Path to Exile: Sometimes you need more hard removal, or just more removal overall.
Collective Brutality:Great card flexible and can be a big swing in both value and tempo.
Rakdos Charm: Hits many combos that we have no chance against otherwise.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: Allows to buy time and really go for a mana-denial plan.
Fulminator Mage: Destroy lands. The syngery with Alesha, Who Smiles at Death allows you to really starve you opponent from lands in a long game.
Stony Silence: Makes Affinity match-up even better. Gives you a fighting chance against Ad Nauseam and Tron.
Big Game Hunter: Death's Shadow is currently really strong and this just seems a natural way to combat its huge creatures.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance: With Death's Shadow becoming less agressive and more about value, having this planeswalker to generate card advantage or repeatedly shock the opponent can be very useful. Might replace her with Nahiri, the Harbinger or Hero of Bladehold. More testing needs to be done.
As you most likely already noticed this deck is a tribal-deck. This means creature-type is part of your strategy. I will go more indepth what the playstyle of this particular tribal-deck is all about, but generally tribal-decks are aggressive creature based decks with synergetic cards that profit from a sertain creature type.
Aggressive Style:
As I already mentioned this deck is an aggressive deck. With the correct hand the start can be pretty explosive. For example Champion of the Parish into Thalia's Lieutenant with more ceap chreatures to back them up puts your opponent under a lot of pressure.
War of Attrition:
Sometimes your draw is just not that great or your opponent can handle your early-game so it is crutial that this deck has some kind of insurance policy. This insurance policy comes in form of high-value cards like
Kolaghan's Command
, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death and Dark Confidant that, if they get their triggers create a lot of board-presence and card-advantage. There are also cards that scale exremely well into the late-game like an early Champion of the Parish or Pia and Kiran Nalaar.
Graveyard Sub-Theme:
This kind of ties into "War for Atrition" as this deck has a subtle graveyard strategy. Cards like Bloodsoaked Champion are extremly annoying to deal with for control-decks and Alesha, Who Smiles at Death can single-handedly turn a game if she is not removed. It is not as pronounced as in for example Dredge-decks but you have to keep in mind that that cards, eventhough in the graveyard are still of great use.
1/1 Human, 1/1 Thopter and 2/2 Zombies are the kind of tokens this deck creates. Especialy important are the 1/1 Humans as they get all the nice tribal benefits. 1/1 flying Thopter are created by Pia and Kiran Nalaar and are your only flyers in the entire deck. A horde of 2/2 Zombies are usually the remnants of a board-wipe with a Xathrid Necromancer.
Pretty favourable for you. Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet however is a real problem and with only 2 paths you can run low on removal. If you can avoid Kalitas tough you should beat Jund.
Slightly in your favour. With a decent amount removal and early blockers you can often stall the game out to a point where the board state is so tightly in your hand that you can beat down.
The more blue the better the match up. Cavern of Souls shuts down counter-magic. Xathrid Necromancer allows you to recover from board whipes. The high number of threats like Dark Confidant or Alesha, Who Smiles at Death quickly exhaust their spot-removal.
Difficult matchup. Cards like you shocklands and Dark Confidant mean you take quite a bit of damage yourself.
Hard match-up.It really comes down to having an fast start or a lucky Fulminator Mage / Stony Silence. Not much you can do with an avarage or slow hand in game one.
Company Decks:
Both Abzan-Company and Elves are very beatable. With Collected Company they can often flood the board really quickly, but as you have more spot-removal, you can usually breack up their synergies better than they can yours.
Known Proplem Cards:
Cards this deck struggles to overcome.
Anger of the Gods: All of our stuff dies to Anger and the creatures getting exiled hurts double as we dont get zombies with Xathrid Necromancer and we cant get creatures back.
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: Again removing creatures from the game really hurst. Also our creatures die a lot so the opponent gets tons of tocken.
Lingering Souls: I dont have an efficient way of dealing with flyers apart from removal and Pia and Kiran Nalaar. However while this works against small numbers of flyers, the huge amount Lingering Souls spits out is really troubling.
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