Alesha, Who Smiles at Infinity

Commander / EDH griz024


Ostrichman01 says... #1

You could reanimate Master of Cruelties with alesha

April 23, 2016 1:14 p.m.

angrychains says... #2

I second Master of Cruelties. But a few random cards with strong etb effects: Mindclaw Shaman, Solemn Simulacrum, Duplicant, Grand Abolisher, Knight of the White Orchid, Silverblade Paladin.

Strionic Resonator.

I think the one thing about switching from TL to standard EDH is learning to accept you can go wide with your effects--long term card advantage is a lot stronger than tempo when youre playing a format that's essentially 1v3.

April 23, 2016 4:36 p.m.

angrychains says... #3

Sorry for the double post. Fill out instants with: Path to Exile, Anguished Unmaking. I would possibly cut 1-2 lands since your curve is so low.

April 23, 2016 4:39 p.m.

griz024 says... #4

Ty for the replies.

I will look into them

April 23, 2016 6:49 p.m.

toursene says... #5

Great deck!

What about Sunforge?

October 5, 2016 5:28 p.m.

griz024 says... #6


I considered Sunforger when i was building the deck, but decided against it. I only ended up with a few instants in the deck, and i feel sunforger needs more support to be worth it. Maybe if i had 10ish instants i would play.

Anyway, tyvm for the post. I appreciate the input!

October 5, 2016 8:23 p.m.

foxboy93 says... #7

An issue I have with Ankle Shanker, is that it does not trigger when it "enters tapped and attacking", since the rules state right on it that it needs to be declared as an attacker. Otherwise he is ok.

In your recent updates (Nov 9, 2016), I was curious as to how Grenzo played for you. Did you get lots of value or did it feel like a more "win more" card?

I also don't understand what you mean with Dimir House Guard, since it must be discarded to get its tutor effect. From the looks of it, Ravos is the only way to return Dimir House Guard to your hand to use it again.

I feel as though Break Through the Line is still a solid inclusion, also providing a haste enabler for your smaller creatures.

My deck is currently based on combat and a bit more combo like, but take a look!

December 4, 2016 1:25 a.m.

griz024 says... #8


You are correct about Ankle Shanker and Alesha's ability it is a nonbo, but i still luv this card. I consider him the mardu Craterhoof Behemoth. In the sense that i leave him in my hand until it is alpha strike time.

Grenzo, Havoc Raiser was a pretty solid inclusion, as long as i was going wide. Attacking with swarms of tokens while grenzo is out is tons of value. I considered him a card draw engine.

Derp! The word repeatable should be in front of sac outlet! Thx for catching that!

While i do miss Break Through the Line sometimes, i consider Key to the City an overall more useful card. It lets alesha get through in combat, feeds her reanimate ability, and lets me draw a card the next turn.

Tyvm for the comment, and i will check out your deck once i am done doing some housekeeping with mine

December 4, 2016 12:20 p.m.

foxboy93 says... #9


Grenzo does fit your build better, since you go wider with tokens. My build isn't really tokens so I may remove it. I havent had a chance to play with the deck, since cards are still in the mail ATM. I did a few tests on Cockatrice and it seemed fine. Hard to say with the fact it was a 1v1 type of playstyle on there -_-

After looking at Break THrough, I am sort of coming to the same conclusion. I have it in the deck currently, but so far I really like the look of Filth more. Break Through seems like a really strong card, but as my updates to my deck continue (literally I seem to look at the deck every few days to change things. Ugh #FirstWorldProblems), I keep looking at Break through and thinking: "Its a trap!".

I'd love to hear your input on my list when you get a moment. Looking forward to the help :3

December 4, 2016 12:32 p.m.

griz024 says... #10

Ya i think grenzo wants lots of bodies attacking every turn. He would be a lot of fun in a goblin deck with him or Krenko, Mob Boss at the helm.

Now don't get me wrong, i think Break Through the Line is a solid card in an alesha deck. Break Through the Line + Master of the Cruelties is a hilariously evil wincon. I just think Key to the City is a better card overall.

Yes alesha is a cruel mistress. I continuously tweak my deck as well. You have to consider almost every card in every new set with high cmc and low power. I am currently teasting out Noosegraf Mob for example because it seems like a token machine gun in a multi-player edh game

December 4, 2016 1:01 p.m.

foxboy93 says... #11


Well Break Through also effects cards like Tree of Perdition, meaning you can take target player down a lot of life. But Anger does the same effect and is easier to do. There isn't alot of cards that I want to enter and make it haste and unblockable. Master is probably the one and only guy I'm considering would want it. But other than that, nothing overly...

If you are looking for 0/0's, Ignition Team can be deadly on a tapped down board. Pentavus is also really good, leaving you some 1/1's to abuse with Skullclamp. I considered going down that route, going with a "cheat mana costs" sort of deck, but it was really hard to justify that.

December 4, 2016 1:12 p.m.

StopShot says... #12

I see you're running Key to the City, Whispersilk Cloak, and Rogue's Passage. With this much evasion producing effects your deck could easily run the Sword of Feast and Famine + Aggravated Assault combo. So long as any equipped creature deals combat damage with the sword to an opponent you can untap all your lands, take another combat step and repeat the process all over again until your opponents are thoroughly dead. You're also running Sun Titan which can recur both pieces if they're removed, and Shizo, Death's Storehouse and Nim Deathmantle also give near-unblockable since fear plus protection from black is nearly unblockable in of itself. Also as the last person mentioned Break Through the Line would not only give unblockable but haste as well. Your deck seems like it would be best suited to running this infinite combo. If you do run this combo I'd also suggest using Nether Traitor for having haste, shadow, cheap recursion, and being a cute draw engine with Skullclamp.

April 19, 2017 8:32 p.m.

griz024 says... #13

Tyvm for the input!

That is not a combo i had considered. I will look into it. I need an excuse to finally get a sword of protection and value :)

April 21, 2017 9:38 p.m.

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