Priest of the Blood Rite
is an awesome card. He is very efficient even with the small drawback, because he can ward off attacks on the ground. But Alesha, Who Smiles at Death makes him bonkers; you can get him back every turn if he dies! Or, more accurately for this deck, when you sacrifice him.
Deck Tech
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death is the main creature in this deck, bringing back every creature in your graveyard except Grim Haruspex and herself.She can even bring back Liliana, Heretical Healer
. Alesha is also a 3/2 first striker, able to attack safety most of the time.
Priest of the Blood Rite
is part of the main combo of the deck, him plus Alesha, Who Smiles at Death and Nantuko Husk allows you too get a 5/5 flying demon every turn for the cost of 2 black mana. And if you don't want too hard cast him to start the combo, just discard him with Tormenting Voice, Dark Deal, or Liliana, Heretical Healer
Liliana, Heretical Healer
is very good in this deck, she can be brought back by Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, she can discard
Priest of the Blood Rite
, she can reanimate almost everything, and her ultimate can let you make 2 demons on your turn and 1 on theirs.
Nantuko Husk is simply a sacrifice outlet for
Priest of the Blood Rite
Vulturous Aven
Vulturous Aven
can sacrifice itself or
Priest of the Blood Rite
and then get brought back by Alesha, Who Smiles at Death or Liliana, Heretical Healer
Qarsi Sadist
effectively becomes a 2 power life linker unblockable when you reanimate him with Alesha, Who Smiles at Death and have him exploit himself.
Collateral Damage sacrifices a creature and does 3 damage. Pretty simple.
Dark Deal disrupts your opponent, loads up on spell mastery, and fills up your graveyard.
Sidisi, Undead Vizier searches for combo pieces and can get cards you sideboard in while also being a 4/6 death touch that sends a creature to the grave. nice.
Tormenting Voice discards
Priest of the Blood Rite
and draws for combo pieces.
and Duress help you keep combo pieces alive and allow you to predict what they will do.
Infinite Obliteration is very good in the current meta, taking out Siege Rhino, Shaman of the Pack, and a lot of other key cards in the current meta that I don't want to list.
Rending Volley
, Roast, Self-Inflicted Wound, and Ultimate Price are good removal.
Budget Options
Sibsig Icebreakers
can replace Liliana, Heretical Healer
Bloodfell cave can replace the fetch lands.
This deck is ready for rotation, so I don't want any pre Khans of Tarkir cards. Well, this is my take on
Priest of the Blood Rite
, I hope you enjoy this deck, and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks to shinobigarth and Mj3913 for suggestions.