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Alesha Wombo Combo

Commander / EDH




An attempt at making a more efficient Alesha deck.

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Combo Guide to Alesha Wombo Combo Deck:

This is a combo guide to this Alesha deck. Credit for this write-up goes in part to u/ch0icestreet. I have since adapted it to include a few more combos and also new cards from recent sets.

Firstly, whichever sac outlet you choose will affect the possibility of some combos. For example, Ashnod's Altar will result in infinite mana sometimes, Goblin Bombardment in damage, Maw of the Obzedat in an infinitely large army and Viscera Seer will result in whatever card in your library on the top of your deck.Secondly, sometimes you need cards to capitalise on your combos. Dictate of Erebos will make infinite death triggers wipe your opponents creatures from the battlefield, Purphoros, God of the Forge will make infinite damage from infinite etb triggers and so on. It's important to include some pay off cards as well.Thirdly, some combos. I'll put a (C) for compatible with Alesha after a creature if it's power is two or less.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker (C) + Restoration Angel or Zealous Conscripts or Village Bell-Ringer (C) = infinite ETB triggers and infinite hasty attackers and infinite death triggers at the end step. Kiki copies the creature and the creature targets Kiki, untapping him or blinking him so that he can do the same again.

Splinter Twin + Village Bell-Ringer (C) or Zealous Conscripts = same as before, but Resto Angel doesn't work because she blinks the enchanted creature

Nim Deathmantle + Karmic Guide (C) + Ashnod's Altar + another creature = infinite ETB triggers, infinite death triggers. Sac both Guide and another creature to Altar, bring back Guide with Deathmantle and Guide brings back another creature. Repeat.

Nim Deathmantle + Ashnod's Altar + a creature that creates two or more bodies = the same combo as above, but with one creature. Bonus points for 3 or more bodies such as Grave Titan and Knight-Captain of Eos (C) as the third body doesn't need to be stacked therefore creating infinite creatures and saccing half to create infinite mana. Marionette Master from Kaladesh is the newest addition to this combo and even includes opponent damage due to its sac ability.

Twinflame + Dualcaster Mage (C) = Twinflame targeting a creature, Dualcaster targeting Twinflame, Twinflame copy targets Dualcaster and repeat. Infinite 2/2s. (I am not running this combo in this deck because it requires the Mage to be hardcast after the Twinflame in order to be able to target it while it is on the stack. So while Dualcaster mage works in Synergy with Alesha, he could only come in when Alesha attacks. It would be my understanding that by the time Alesha attacks and Dualcaster Mage can be cheated into the battlefield, Twinflame would not be targetable anymore?)

Anafenza, the Kin-Tree Spirit (C) + Murderous Redcap (C) + sac outlet = infinite damage, infinite death triggers and infinite ETB triggers. Sac the Redcap, it persists with a -1/-1 counter triggering Anafenza who can then choose to put it Redcap, the counters cancel each other out. Repeat. Anafenza can be replaced with Cathar's Crusade which also makes an infinitely large board. Puppeteer Clique can replace Redcap but doesn't produce infinite damage. It is also possible to include Nim Deathmantel for bringing back Murderous Redcap, which increases his damage output.

Karmic Guide + Reveillark + Sac outlet = Bring all your creatures from the graveyard back.

Karmic Guide + Reveillark + Altar of Dementia = infinite mill

Reveillark + Karmic Guide + Goblin Bombardment = infinite damage

Fiend Hunter (or similar) + Reveillark (or just Nim Deathmantle) + Karmic Guide + sac outlet (Ashnod's Altar if used with Nim Deathmantle) = infinite exiling of all opponent creatures. The way the stack works, you can bring in the Fiend Hunter, exile a creature, sac it again immediately before it resolves and that would remove the exiled creature permanently. Used in a loop with Reveillark and Karmic guide, the return of the Fiend Hunter would not bring back the exiled creature because now this version of the Fiend Hunter is not the same as the one that initially exiled the card.

Altar of Dementia, while not a particularly good combo sac'er in this context, works well with Reconnaissance to fill the graveyard and protect Alesha while cheating things back into the game.



Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

43 - 4 Rares

23 - 3 Uncommons

11 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Copy Clone, Demon 5/5 B, Servo 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
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