Alesha Wombo Combo

Commander / EDH neinbit


Roster Changes —March 27, 2017


Linvala, Keeper of Silence. Too situational. Did not contribute to the deck. Almost also removed Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, but want to give it another go.

Master of Cruelties. I realize how this card can be very efficient, especially with some of the combos in this deck. Especially it not being a Legendary. But I felt that I would not be able to use the card early in the game. And by the time I get to use it, the huge plethora of infinite combos in this deck, will take care of business, already.

Flameshadow Conjuring. There are simply many other engines in this deck, that do what this card does, without me having to pay R for each generated token.


Knight-Captain of Eos - obvious pick. It creates 3 bodies when sacrificed and joins the ranks of Grave Titan and Marionette Master.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - infinite damage.

Splinter Twin - Kiki Jiki backup-plan.


I cut the sideboard down to the 10 cards that are allowed to be there. I previously didn't know how many cards were allowed to be in the optional sideboard.