All Aboard the BANTer Bus

Modern* megawurmple


Hell yes! +1

March 3, 2013 10:55 a.m.

Kygehn says... #4

For such a color-intensive deck, there isn't much mana fixing besides the Birds and Hierarch. I would recommend Misty Rainforest if you have the money for it, and some Ravnica shocklands, like Breeding Pool, Hallowed Fountain, or Temple Garden.

March 3, 2013 noon

megawurmple says... #5

Ideally, I would run shock lands, but if I get a Forest and a 1-drop, I only need 1 other coloured land to have all 3 colours I need. I just figured that there's no point spending even more money on an unnecessary addition.

March 3, 2013 12:16 p.m.

hazyhomunculus says... #6

Pain lands are the best budget modern duals: Yavimaya Coast, Brushland, Adarkar Wastes - seriously worth the investment

March 3, 2013 6:22 p.m.

hazyhomunculus says... #7

Sigiled Paladin might do better as a Knight of the White Orchid to help with your mana curve.

March 3, 2013 6:27 p.m.

Litetheway says... #8

i remember when this deck was in standard....cept rancor...still consistent turn4.+1 !Check out my Decks please, always looking for suggestions. BUG control is my newest Innovation =]

March 3, 2013 8:19 p.m.

megawurmple says... #9

Cheers for all the comments and +1s.

@hazyhomunculus Pain Lands could be useful. However, I don't want to run Knight of the White Orchid. Normally, I play on curve or ahead of it with my 1-drop rampers. That means that my opponent will rarely have more lands than me. Also, I run ramp for colour fixing, not getting ahead of curve. I'd rather just have the Exalted bonus.

March 4, 2013 5:15 p.m.

greenejason1 says... #10

What about Silent Arbiter? Could give you a big advantage since you'll usually only be attacking with one creature anyway.

March 5, 2013 8:39 p.m.

megawurmple says... #12

@greenejason1, I've thought about your suggestion and realised that Silent Arbiter would actually be awesome in my sideboard for use against Aggro. How did I not realise before?

March 9, 2013 6 p.m.

LS1_Chronicle says... #13

I considered doing this, but never had the money for it. Have you ever thought about using Prime Speaker Zegana? Throw her down after attacking with an exalted creature for a permanently large creature and major card draw.

March 13, 2013 5:28 p.m.

megawurmple says... #14

@LS1_Chronicle Nah, Zegana doesn't fit with the theme of the deck. I'm looking to win by turn 4/5 so I'll probably not have the mana to play her as she just costs too much. Besides, she doesn't like exalted as once she hits the battlefield, she doesn't help any of my creatures and has no evasion. In my opinion, the card advantage isn't worth it.

March 13, 2013 5:45 p.m.

musicman92 says... #15

What about something like Fog Bank? Maybe add a couple removals, like Detention Sphere?

March 15, 2013 9:53 p.m.

GobOnThese says... #16

+1 nice build. Geist of Saint Traft really makes any deck running bant colors and he is disgusting with Spirit Mantle plus your a little light on three drops.. Loxodon Smiter is a great also and more budget friendly

March 29, 2013 7 p.m.

musicjunkie says... #18

Knight of the Reliquary could do major work here if you added fetches and duals. Its just such a good card. Especially on turn 2

April 30, 2013 11:48 a.m.

Instead of Drakewing Krasis why not put in Invisible Stalker ? It's cheaper, unblockable, and has hexproof which is great to stop spot removal. I've found it's a great card for exalted.

May 30, 2013 9:01 a.m.

toysm1th says... #20

Glorious Anthem and or Gaea's Anthem in place of Finest Hour

It lowers the cmc and gives your blockers a little bigger butts That second attack phase is hard to give up thou, it is reall going to come down to play testing to see if this change is worth while

I would also play around with switching to Distortion Strike over Artful Dodge although flash back gives you a little more conterol that one extra damage helps push the pace

May 30, 2013 9:29 a.m.

cartwheelnurd says... #21

your deck is completely one-sided. You don't interact with opponents at all. I would suggest adding Mana Leak and Path to Exile .

May 30, 2013 10:18 a.m.

megawurmple says... #22

@cartwheelnurd: I appreciate that I need some removal etc but what would you take out?

May 30, 2013 11 a.m.

cartwheelnurd says... #23

-3 Distortion Strike

-2 Akrasan Squire

Move the 2 Finest Hour to the sideboard, considering you are moving the paths to the main board.

+3 Path to Exile

+4 Mana Leak

I also would suggest adding 2 or 3 Geist of Saint Traft . He's an insane threat and you don't have any three drops. Plus he only gets better with the new legend rule. To add him cut Qasali Pridemage , Invisible Stalker and Aven Squire for 3 GoST.

May 30, 2013 1:27 p.m.

Cyrrus says... #24

+1 :)

June 9, 2013 9:54 a.m.

megawurmple says... #25

Cheers Cyrrus.

June 9, 2013 12:26 p.m.

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