all Angels all the time

Historic hawk393


Murphy77 says... #1

Pain lands and fetch lands also count as landfall for Jaddi Offshoot, Snapping Gnarlid and Oran-Rief Hydra (which I would increase to 2-of). Void Winnower will always only become available after you no longer need it. Multiples of Zendikar's Roil will provide tokens earlier in the game that could be useful blockers. I would tend to replace Nissa's Revelation with Sword of the Animist, which could be equipped to Heir of the Wilds. I would swap out at least 1 Ultimate Price for another Ruinous Path or a Crux of Fate. I get the feeling that you are over-doing the landfall-ramp, to the detriment of the rest of the deck. I would lose Natural Connection for extra lands.

October 28, 2015 10:58 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #2

Another option would be to lose Siege Rhino and Sorin, Solemn Visitor and splash with blue instead of white to add Sire of Stagnation, which should give you a lot of card-draw and speed up the deck.

October 28, 2015 11:09 a.m.

hawk393 says... #3

I like the sword option, but when I had it in there, I found it more difficult to use since it became hard to attack. As I was always on the defensive. I have updated the deck since and here is what I have. And yes, I agree that better kill spells are needed for the deck, but I need to get would of them first :)

November 2, 2015 10:19 p.m.

Murphy77 says... #4

How about Sunscorch Regent for Murasa Ranger? Sunscorch grows in stature quite quickly. This will also give a more even split over your 3-color mana and options for mana-fixing using Evolving Wilds. I would tend to lose Archfiend of Depravity, which could also hurt you, and 1x Natural Connection for 2 extra land cards.

November 12, 2015 8:59 a.m.

hawk393 says... #5

I didn't think about sunscorch. That could he a great idea.then adding windswept heath would be an option. But archfiend a great anti aggro card, it only becomes a major target of kill spells once it comes out though. I will through in the dragon and see how the deck plays through. Thanks :)

November 12, 2015 1 p.m.

hawk393 says... #6

dragonlord dramoka... a thing? or not necessary....

December 8, 2015 4:29 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #7

Wow - just look at Dragonlord Dramokas effect - your opponent cant play spells during your turn = no counter-spells, no mill, no boosting of his/her own creatures, etc. The card is expensive to summon, but very strong once on the field.

December 9, 2015 1:42 a.m.

hawk393 says... #8

Yea. I had to take out Bane of Bala Ged because it just was not working out in my favor. But I am unsure if i should put Dragonlord Dromoka in or Silumgar, the Drifting Death in there. Then I also took out the flip-Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip because she just was not working for me. Where should I go next?

December 9, 2015 2:14 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #9

I used to play the 2 Silumgars in a U/B control deck and they worked well. In this deck, Dragonlord Dromoka gives protection against counter-spells, but also has a useful attack. I suppose that it all depends on the meta that you are playing against.

December 9, 2015 8:51 a.m.

hawk393 says... #10

atarka aggro and esper control :/ I like being an anti-meta player so I was thinking about mainboarding Gaea's Revenge but I like it in the sideboard. I also found that Sire of Stagnation comes in way to late against the aggro decks, unless I can combo off with the Grip of Desolation and get rid of their lands early enough. what do you think about Shamanic Revelation?

December 10, 2015 12:57 a.m.

xGhostx says... #11

Few things I like in this shell, and a few I dont.

I feel 4x Murderous Cut is just way to much, Cut is a 1 or maybe 2of MB card. 99% of the time you want to Delve into it, and its going to be a dead draw more times then not in this shell. Its not a card you want in your opening hand.

Sunscorch Regent Any reason with this choice over Wingmate Roc?

Also, with a CMC of 4.00 in an Abzan shell, I feel your going to have a hard time keeping pace with competitive standard decklists. Abzan wants to be closer to 2.50. Abzan's biggest strength is when it can overpower an opponent before turn 5. Looks at creatures like Warden of the First Tree, Hangarback Walker and Den Protector

Finally, I also feel that 3of Dragonlord Dromoka is to many, drop to 2.

Take a look at my Abzen shell for some more ideas.

Dromoka Abzan (8-Rhino)

Standard xGhostx


Nice shell though, this list has alot of potential, just speed it up and your going places.

December 10, 2015 8:04 a.m.

hawk393 says... #12

Thank you so much xGhostx and Murphy77 for all the help. You are awesome! And the main reason i don't have Wingmate Roc in there is more personal preferences for dragons. I love roc a lot, but I like the thought of gaining life without having to attack, and given a good scenario, Sunscorch Regent can get pretty big. I have wanted to put Den Protector in for a while but i am not sure where to put him since Heir of the Wilds is such a string early game deterrent from attacking. Thanks for the input:)

December 10, 2015 9:15 a.m.

xGhostx says... #13

Drop Grip of Desolation - Utter End is infinitely better.

Move Jaddi Offshoot to the SB, replace with 4x Den Protector

Drop Archfiend of Depravity Add 1x Anafenza, the Foremost (she is your goto Turn 3 drop every game, shes to good if shes out early) and add 1 or 2 more Sorin, Solemn Visitor (Sorin's +1 is arguably the best PW +1 ability standard has had in a long time, aside from maybe Ugin's +2)

Make room for some more control like Silkwrap or Stasis Snare

December 10, 2015 9:22 a.m.

xGhostx says... #14

You dont need the Island's or Sire of Stagnation they will just get in your way. Drop Sire for control in the SB like Self-Inflicted Wound or Foul-Tongue Invocation or Ruinous Path

replace the Island's with Windswept Heath

December 10, 2015 9:23 a.m. Edited.

Dr.Ache says... #15

Sorin is fine as a 1 of, maybe 1 more? in the sideboard. I'd definitely think about adding Dromoka's Command in here especially with Hangarback. Abzan Charm is also super good for what you're already doing.

December 10, 2015 9:26 a.m.

xGhostx says... #16

Drop Elemental Bond for Abzan Charm..... but at this stage, im pretty much just building you my Abzan List lol

December 10, 2015 9:28 a.m.

xGhostx says... #17

Dr.Ache is right, Dromoka's Command is super strong in this shell.I do however, disagree with Sorin being a 1of. He is just too good and will swing games. Not to mention is an instant target for removal, and other then a well timed Den Protector the list has no way of getting him back.

December 10, 2015 9:31 a.m. Edited.

Dr.Ache says... #18

Sorin is terrible drawn in multiples especially in builds that are more aggro than midrange. I'd stick with one mainboard and one in the side to bring in versus decks that try to hammer your life total early.

Anafenza is your best 3 drop they basically have to answer her. Im not a big fan of Archfiend of Depravity I'd rather see him be Snapping Gnarlid or Blisterpod to help more with your early game. Wingmate Roc is definitely a solid suggestion but I think Sunscorch is fine especially if you add dromoka's command and abzan charm.

I like some number of Arashin Cleric in the sideboard and I would definitely consider a different angle to bring in for game 2 or 3, perhaps something like Secure the Wastes

December 10, 2015 9:55 a.m.

hawk393 says... #19

The deck did start with snapping gnarlid, but i found that it was getting hard to keep aggro decks down. That was when I put in archfiend which had a major stop to them. I guess at this point it was just personal preference to keep in archfiend. The meta around me is primarily Atarka red and esper control. But thanks for all the help! I really needed to hear that sire of stagnation was in the way...

December 10, 2015 10:09 a.m.

xGhostx says... #20

Hes not as bad as you think when drawn with one in play, his +1 does stack after all.

I have, multiple times, +'ed Sorin, played a Sorin, +'ed Sorin +2/+0 and Lifelink until my next turn. Im just saying he can bring you back from the brink, or he can secure a ground out win (more so after hitting a Secure the Wastes lol.) Arashin Cleric is really good suggestion. I personally don't like Blisterpod or Snapping Gnarlid here, Warden of the First Tree and/or Heir of the Wilds just seem overall a better choice for the 1/2 drops... along with Den Protector of course :)

December 10, 2015 10:15 a.m.

Dr.Ache says... #21

I agree Warden and Maternal Witness are premium over Gnarlid/Pod Im just never sure if people are building on a budget or not. I think Sorin is good as well, I just feel that in games I've played Siege Rhino has brought me back from the brink as much or more than Sorin. He does work well with Secure the Wastes, but I've never felt like I needed more than 2 of him, even against Atarka Red or other aggro strategies

There should be enough in the deck (Abzan Charm, Cut, Dromoka's Command) plus things like Cleric, Surge of Righteousness and Self-Inflicted Wound out of the sideboard not to mention Languish that you shouldn't need to mitigate your life or operate in large swings enough to justify running more than 1 Sorin main and 1 more in the side.

Sire of Stagnation is a great magic card but not one that warrants inclusion here.

December 10, 2015 10:26 a.m.

hawk393 says... #22

Full circle: I finally got around to updating all my decks and playtesting them. What do you all think now? Short of cards like Abzan Charm + Dromoka's Command what do you think I can do to make it better?

February 4, 2016 4:11 p.m.

Since you are already playing Sylvan Advocate my recommendation would be to pick up somee copies of either Shambling Vent or Hissing Quagmire since they not only help with color fixing but when Advocate comes online they also become threats. Not to mention they are incredible when you have nothing to do with your mana after a board wipe.

March 30, 2016 8:58 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #24

Great to see a unique spin on bant that doesn't involve CoCo! You might want go drop to 3 Thalia and up to 4 reflector mage so you don't have 2 in hand and only able to put one on the field due to the legendary rule.

+1 from me

August 3, 2016 9:02 a.m.

CharonSquared says... #25

Your manabase needs a lot more nonbasics. Right now you want to have one blue source turn 3 for Reflector Mage, double green turn 3 for Deathmist Raptor, and double white turn 4 for Gisela. You have 13 green sources, 9 white sources, and 6 blue sources. Add in Yavimaya Coast, Lumbering Falls, more Canopy Vistas, and if nothing else Evolving Wilds.

August 3, 2016 11:37 a.m.

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