All Around the World: ELVES! Rotated Out
Magnachron says... #2
Son-of-MaceNo for 2 Reasons. 1 I have things that wouldn't work with CoCo such as Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen. I also currently have 10 instants and sorceries that don't help the collected company game either. 2 Everybody out there has seen the power of CoCo elves in Modern, and they look like they will be powerful and making appearances in Standard, so I don't want to have a deck everybody has and is ready for.
July 23, 2015 9:56 a.m.
You have 27 legal targets for Collected Company. That is more than enough.
July 23, 2015 10:02 a.m.
Magnachron says... #7
GarmTheWolf, well if you want me to put Gilt-Leaf Winnower in, I will need 2 good reasons, how many you think I should put in and what you would take out and why.
July 27, 2015 3:38 p.m.
Algertroth says... #8
I can kind of see your train of thought for Collected Company, but no Chord of Calling seems off. It gets shamans at EoT and is pretty much the go-to toolbox card. Temur Sabertooth may also be something to consider, it bounces your very replayable elves and can act as a beater. The thing you may run into is not having a finisher. Sure the deck goes really wide sometimes, but what makes modern elves so much better is the interactions between the elves and then a giant Craterhoof Behemoth. As for cuts for suggestions, Thornbow Archer is never coming down on T1 and gets exponentially worse as the game progresses. If it were something similar to Brutal Hordechief's ability then it'd be bonkers, but it may be too flimsy in a sea of Languish, Drown in Sorrow, and Siege Rhino. Shamanic Revelation I don't think does enough as you want to get the most amount of value out of it and the Elvish Visionary + Temur Sabertooth may fill that slot better. The manabase can be cleaned up a bit; don't doubt Mana Confluence and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth helps blunt the amount of damage you'll take from lands.
Additionally, not playing something because "people will expect it" pretty much means you don't show up to a tournament. Everyone is expecting everything, this is the most diverse period in Standard's history. Especially if you hope to be competitive; you will need key pieces of your deck at specific times and Collected Company only helps make your deck faster. Sure, there's always a percentage of not hitting anything, but as Maringam pointed out you have plenty of targets.
July 28, 2015 9:46 a.m.
Magnachron says... #9
Algertroth, I want to go ahead and thank you for spending time to write all of that. Ok, now down to business. I definitely am throwing in Chord of Calling in here, I kept feeling there was 1 card that I was missing. I don't want Temur Sabertooth in here though. I don't feel good about him in here. I don't like the idea of paying 4 mana to draw a card, again, and get my 1/1 back out. I am making changes based on what you are saying, but not all of them. I need find something to replace Shamanic Revelation. I am going to test run this deck, but with Collected Company's instead of Shamanic Revelation and Gather the Pack. Thank you, and if you have any more suggestions, fire away.
July 28, 2015 10:42 a.m.
I think there's 2 ways to go with elves, either the Collected Company route, or the Sylvan Messenger route, personally i like the messenger since he'll never completely whiff, if the ability doesn't get you anything worth playing then you still have a 2/2 body. Thornbow Archer isn't a turn 1 play i agree, what he does do is come out on turn 2 and let's you have 3-4 elves out on turn 2, that means you're dealing around 10 damage on turn 3 if you drop a Shaman of the Pack, that's how this deck really kills. I also don't think Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen is as good as Obelisk of Urd in this deck, the obelisk allows your 2 toughness elves to survive an Anger of the Gods and it comes out real easy with convoke. I also recommend Foul-Tongue Shriek, having two in your hand ends the game, most of the time that card is a one-cost Lightning Helix or better, I run a deck like this and it consistently kills on turn 4 with the shriek, it's made for a deck like this and usually overlooked, you're opponents definitely won't expect some of the best "burn" in standard to come from an elf deck.
July 30, 2015 10:42 a.m.
Magnachron says... #11
Mlasko I would love to run Foul-Tongue Shriek in this deck, but what do I run instead? I like to hear what you think. I also get a bonus from Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen when he can gain me some life back, do you have any suggestions about that? Thanks for taking your time to look and review my deck.
July 30, 2015 9:54 p.m.
If you want to run Foul-Tongue Shriek then you have to take out a bit of removal, there's also a lot of people who run Might of the Masses, I would move the Eyeblight Massacres to the sideboard, they're amazing against certain decks but most midrange decks won't be affected by it much, I would take out Gather the Pack and Shamanic Revelation and put in 4 Sylvan Messengers instead, they fill pretty much the same role but come attached to an elvish body.The reason that i don't run Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen is because i run Foul-Tongue Shriek so I don't need to gain life from her, that's why i prefer to get my boost from Obelisk of Urd because it's a bigger boost and I think it ends games a bit quicker.
July 31, 2015 9:46 a.m.
Dontknowgabe says... #13
I would recommend Bow of Nylea maybe I personally love it in my elves deck because the life-gain, Ping Flyers, +1/+1 counters. Stead of running Gilt-Leaf Daen I run the Winnower because I rather have the "potential" removal then +1/+1 gain life although I'm sure it can come in handy. Im not a huge fan of the shriek i think what would be more beneficial is more kill spells. Hero's Downfall maybe in replace of those.
August 1, 2015 4:28 p.m.
Darthagnon says... #14
Hey, Magnachron, how did you change the background wallpaper for your decklist? It looks awesome!
August 4, 2015 4:57 p.m.
Magnachron says... #15
DarthagnonUsing this code < img src="THE IMAGE URL" style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:-1;" / >
Remove The spaces. If you wish to have clear boxes for your comments do
< link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" / >
August 4, 2015 6:21 p.m.
doriboncore says... #16
+1 vote, Could I get your opinion on my standard elf deck?
Elven Hunters Black/Green Deck Playtest
August 4, 2015 6:26 p.m.
CurdBrosBrewingCo says... #17
As a fellow Elf player (although mainly Modern); gotta give a +1 to this deck!
Love the formatting btw..I'm going to have to learn some of that (especially the drop down as my descriptions are always super long :)
Great deck, great page! +1
August 4, 2015 6:57 p.m.
ozymandais13 says... #19
more murderous cuts unless your going to sideboard winnower like the fellow said massacre dosent go through midrange but 2 winnower and another murderous cut seem like a good idea for abzans fat things
August 5, 2015 9:49 a.m.
Darthagnon says... #20
Greetings, Magnachron! I've managed to get the code you shared (thank you very much, by the way :D) to work, but can't figure out how to save changes...? The way I do it is via developer tools in Google Chrome, but reloading the page loses my changes... (Sorry; I am a programming noob)
August 5, 2015 7:20 p.m.
Darthagnon says... #21
Magnachron, I just figured it out :D Thanks, and sorry for bothering you. Now to upgrade all my deck pages :D
August 5, 2015 7:24 p.m.
Magnachron says... #22
Darthagnon Ok, glad I could help...Kinda, I didn't do much.
August 5, 2015 8:35 p.m.
So my meta is basically 3/4 this 1/4 everything else. Can you give me some tips on this deck's bad matchups and how to beat it?
Additionally, can you explain to me your logic for sideboarding in Gaea's Revenge?
Also, pretty CSS.
August 8, 2015 2:15 a.m.
Magnachron says... #24
6tennis Yea, I have a rough-ish time against control, mono red aggro, and another elf deck. That's where my sideboard comes in to help. 1st for control, I have Gaea's Revenge in my sideboard. I would probably pull out Shamanic Revelation because if I played it, I wouldn't get much out of it. For mono-Red I pull out some Ultimate Prices and Eyeblight Massacres. I normally will take out my Murderous Cut, a Reclamation Sage, that is unless I have already seen some kind of Powerful Artifact. I also will take out the Gather the Pack, because they are too slow at that point. Against other Elf Decks, depending on how the first game went, Ill put in Gilt-Leaf Winnower, Murderous Cut, Ultimate Price and some Duresses in there for sure. Ok, well that sums what I have trouble against and how to sideboard against that!
August 8, 2015 9 a.m.
Hi Magnachron,What about Infinite Obliteration in the side deck?It can be helpful against other elf decks.Btw thanks for the elf deck inspiration ;)
Son-of-Mace says... #1
Collected Company?
July 22, 2015 10:32 a.m.