All Hail Sedge Scorpion, the Storm Crow of Theros!
SCORE: 150 | 199 COMMENTS | 22839 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS
MagicalHacker says... #2
I didn't use the "deck-large:" feature... D:
Idk why it did that, but I'm sorry...
January 29, 2014 11:23 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #5
I THOUGHT SCORPIONS LIVED ON MOUNTAINS: Have Clan Defiance in your opening hand without a Sylvan Caryatid and win that game.
February 9, 2014 1:44 p.m.
Angry_Potatoes says... #6
Obviously you haven't heard of Theros's true lord and savior, Charging Badger .
February 10, 2014 11:32 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #7
Psh! Ramblings of the uneducated mind. In no way is Charging Badger better than the almighty Sedge Scorpion .
February 11, 2014 6:17 a.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #8
but the Charging Badger eats Wasteland Viper s for breakfast, and we ALL know that the viper is infinitely more powerfull than Sedge Scorpion
February 11, 2014 7:13 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #9
The idea that Sedge Scorpion is fallible is inconceivable. Inconceivable I say! Sedge Scorpion can never, and will never, fall to anyone who challenges its rule of Theros.
February 11, 2014 9:15 p.m.
Angry_Potatoes says... #10
...except for Charging Badger I STAND BY MY INITIAL STATEMENT!!!
February 11, 2014 9:33 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #11
... I see. So you wish for a duel at ten paces then?
February 11, 2014 9:38 p.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #12
as the referee in this duel of mortal combat, I ask you gentlemen; READY? FIGHT!!!
February 11, 2014 9:40 p.m.
Angry_Potatoes says... #13
Make it NINE paces; I like to live dangerously
February 11, 2014 9:45 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #18
I can't believe you dare compare the Lord Storm Crow to a petty Sedge Scorpion . This blasphemy is worthy of death. But the lord is forgiveful, and may make an exception. But heed this warning: insult Lord Crow again and you shall be severely punished.
March 10, 2014 9 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #19
You know, I'm tempted to dig up my comparison explanation that's buried in the comments, but I think I'll let it slide.
March 10, 2014 9:02 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #20
It's fine, found it for you: "Perhaps. However, by no means do I mean the Lord of the Multiverse any disrespect. I was simply making the connection that both Storm Crow and Sedge Scorpion have supreme power and rule over something. Of course, Storm Crow wins. Always.
That's actually a really good vote to tally, upvotes vs, burning me at the stake"
I choose Burn at the Stake .
March 10, 2014 9:09 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #21
Okay, you and one other person. That's two against my 77 +1s. I'm feeling really good about my chances of staying alive right now. Sedge Scorpion will protect me.
March 10, 2014 9:11 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #24
You've got me there. I submit to the sub-rule of Sedge Scorpion .
March 10, 2014 9:35 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #25
Your decision pleases both the Scorpion and the Almighty Storm Crow .
MagicalHacker says... #1
Hey, GoldGhost012, this is the original poster of You know those achievements you can unlock on video games?
I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that I still haven't gotten any achievements from you on my decks
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January 29, 2014 11:22 a.m.