All Hail Xenagoat..nope...Dragons!!

Standard albino_ninja

SCORE: 10 | 33 COMMENTS | 1716 VIEWS

gnizz00 says... #1

A playset of Wooded Foothills would be great and a playset of Temple of Abandon would also be good!The combo with Ordeal of Nylea and Ordeal of Purphoros was a really good idea, and that would help you with lands and burning your opponent.For lands, i also suggest a playset of Mana Confluence! Good deck though and hope it works out!

December 11, 2014 4:17 a.m.

albino_ninja says... #2

gnizz00 Ive definitely been playing around with the land situation for this deck. From what ive playtested I think just one more Wooded Foothills and Temple of Abandon will help fill in the mana gaps during play. Most of my early game mana comes from my ramp combo of Rattleclaw Mystic + Sylvan Caryatid (obviously lol). I love Mana Confluence, Its saved my ass many a time when playing my Mardu Aggro deck, but just not sure how needed it is when not running three colors. Ill have to playtest it to find out, Thanks so much for the food for thought!!

December 11, 2014 12:16 p.m.

gnizz00 says... #3

albino_ninja, so, lets say your opponent is some crazy aggro deck, then the life spent on Mana Confluence is very valuble, but VS thing like midrange and devotion decks, it can be very very worth it, however it really depends on your deck and how your creatures mana cost works. It really depends on the make-up of your deck. (Crap answer, I know)

If you have mostly only single colour symbols, or doubles in only one colour, then you're probably better off without it.

December 12, 2014 5:25 a.m.

gnizz00 says... #4

December 12, 2014 5:27 a.m.

Gutz says... #5

So being that i really have only played R/G over the past 5 or so years. i like the deck its nice and it can run smoothly for sure but in the current meta for standard it just doesn't match up well you need more responses and removals i.e. Stoke the Flames. but i mean its not bad at all so good job and +1. here is my deck if you want to try and get some ideas.

R/G Midrange Playtest

Standard Gutz


finally decided to make it not private lol

December 16, 2014 2:42 p.m.

gnizz00 says... #6

@Gutz I like you suggestion on Stoke the Flames. That would maybe be a good choice since your running alot of creatures for the convoke..

December 16, 2014 4:19 p.m.

albino_ninja says... #7

@Gutz Thank you for the removal suggestion, you are 100% I have to get some removal in this deck. I will be taking out Defend the Hearth for Stoke the Flames and I am also looking into Savage Punch. Bear punch is an awesome removal card.

December 18, 2014 11:04 p.m.

Gutz says... #8

indeed good luck buddy

December 18, 2014 11:15 p.m.

Pal00ka says... #9

Love Polis Crusher but your description of him acting as god removal when monstrous is inaccurate. The gods are indestructible and can only be exiled, not destroyed. Polis can mess up any other enchantment card type and that definitely makes him worthwhile. Unravel the Aether is a solid and cheap removal for pesky gods.

I prefer Setessan Tactics > Savage Punch only because with all of the mana that can be produced by your ramp and Xenagos, the Reveler its strive can be easy to attain. You could essentially do a board-wipe with Tactics while Punch is 1v1 only.

No idea if this is budget but I'd also Courser of Kruphix > Wall of Fire because its better utility. Courser helps you cycle through deck, get life, and act as a guard for Xenagos. Wall only acts as a buffer and surprise kill blocker if you have the extra mana (I assume that is why he is in here).

Solid deck overall.

December 21, 2014 11:55 p.m.

Gutz says... #10

Hey Pal00ka tell me what you think of this deck and albino_ninja go ahead and look for anymore ideas. and its definitely getting better.

R/G Midrange (7-1) Playtest

Standard Gutz


December 22, 2014 1:22 a.m.

albino_ninja says... #11

Gutz I have revamped my deck and have taken a page from your book with all the burn removals. Please tell me what you think of this new version.

January 8, 2015 1:52 p.m.

Gutz says... #12

I like it but with this new strategy you don't need to ramp as much as before so perhaps consider -3 Rattleclaw Mystic, -2 Forest, -1 Mountain, +1 Sylvan Caryatid, +4 Wooded Foothills, and +1 Xenagos, the Reveler

January 8, 2015 2:11 p.m.

albino_ninja says... #13

very good point, thank you! ive been thinking of running another Xenagos, the Reveler for awhile since he is a centerpiece of this deck and has awesome ramp. Ill sell my right kidney for the other Sylvan Caryatid lol

January 8, 2015 2:36 p.m.

kr142616 says... #14

I like it. There's a few cards I think you might want to consider, though. Nylea, God of the Hunt seems like it would be a much better, more consistent way of giving your creatures trample rather than Ruthless Instincts, and she can pump too. Crater's Claws would fit in nicely here too. From the looks of it most of the time its ferocious is gonna be turned on, so it'll essentially be a Shock that you can pump up.

You might wanna consider Elvish Mystic for setting up that turn one ramp. It's a boring card but it does the job. Elvish Mystic into Sylvan Caryatid can lead to a turn three Stormbreath. Generator Servant might have a place in here too somewhere.

Atarka, World Render could possibly make a nice curve-topper, and pairs well with Xenagod. Genesis Hydra is another good beater, and I personally prefer Chord of Calling to See the Unwritten, since you can dig for exactly what you need, like a Nylea, God of the Hunt to give your attackers trample, or a Hornet Queen, possibly.

January 31, 2015 12:37 p.m.

triproberts12 says... #15

I agree on Atarka, World Render. If you're seriously making Xenagos the core of your deck, you should include a third copy of Xenagod and x2 of Atarka. If you play See the Unwritten and pull both, you swing for lethal that turn.

February 1, 2015 3:46 a.m.

albino_ninja says... #16

Its funny that you suggested all these cards kr142616, because all of them were in this deck at one point or another. And to explain why they all came and went I feel like it is necessary to explain the meta I compete in. Most of the decks that make me work for the wins are Sidisi Reanimator, Sultani Whip, Jeskai Ascendancy combo/token and Red Deck Wins. That being said, here is why I ousted those cards.

Elvish Mystic while its a great one drop ramp, it never lasted too long within 3 turns. Most of the decks in my meta burn cheap burns and they killed my ramp every chance they got cause they knew what was coming fast if they didn't.

Crater's Claws is one of the best finishers in Standard right now but this deck will get the opponent with burn range by midgame anyway, the slots are better used for something like creature fetchers.

Genesis Hydra never really like this creature, it got creatures into the the battlefield but was nvr really a threat itself. Its purpose is to just get another creature in and be then be a squish monster. Plus to get any creature in or any significance Id have to spend 6+ mana, for that much I could get two creatures in with See the Unwritten

Generator Servant has zero place in this deck, the deck needs lasting ramp not sac ramp.

Chord of Calling is a good fetch but with See the Unwritten you can get two fatties, not just one.

Nylea, God of the Hunt this was a hard one, both gods are equal in its own way. But in the end, the ramp from Xenagos is what makes this deck deadly not just tough.

Hornet Queen Almost half the decks in my meta sideboard Anger of the Gods. I have drop the queen in most of the games I played with it but rarely did it make a difference. Tho it was a great deterrent for flyers lol

Thank you for all the thought to improve this deck man, I really appreciate it!!

February 1, 2015 3:56 a.m.

albino_ninja says... #17

Atarka, World Render is too easily removed, it can be stoked (which half the decks in my meta run) and with all the Banishing Lights and Chained to the Rocks in Standard Polis Crusher is a better choice, plus it can turn monstrous to get out of burn range.

February 1, 2015 4:02 a.m.

xcn says... #18

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Polis Crusher's pro-enchantment means that Xenagod can't target it with the pump. I'm surprise no one you've played against has caught that.

February 1, 2015 1:13 p.m.

albino_ninja says... #19

damn, your right xcn, i dont know how i even missed that. Well pump or no pump he is still a threat on the board and can remove enchantments when he hits. But I might be trimming him down in favor of something else now. Thanks for that catch, totally went over my head.

February 1, 2015 1:24 p.m.

xcn says... #20

Yeah, it's easy to miss pro-from-your-own-stuff when you're planning out a deck. Might be a good sideboard card at the very least! Banishing Light and Constellation decks are still a thing.

My first instincts to recommend in the same mana cost are Ashcloud Phoenix, which is annoying for non-exile removal to deal with and a good flier besides, and Shaman of the Great Hunt which makes your other dudes bigger even if it gets chumped by a two-drop, and can refill your hand. Flamewake Phoenix is also pretty good, although it's more aggro than midrange.

February 1, 2015 1:35 p.m.

kr142616 says... #21

Well those are all perfectly valid reasons for not including any of those cards, haha. I do agree with a few of xcn's suggestions though, particularly Ashcloud Phoenix if you're playing such a removal-heavy meta. Shaman of the Great Hunt is a great draw engine late-game but is probably too fragile for your meta.

February 1, 2015 3:08 p.m.

HolyFalcon says... #22

Like it! If I had it, I would probably play it at Game Day, as I'm looking for an archetype that's not played too often.

February 1, 2015 8:27 p.m.

albino_ninja says... #23

I like the suggestion of Ashcloud Phoenix, its a great attacker and very persistent. More importantly Xenagos, God of Revels can affect it haha

February 1, 2015 8:28 p.m.

Comfordor says... #24

Have you thought about using Dragon Throne of Tarkir over Xenagod?

It'll give all creatures +X/+X and trample! Deadly! Works even better on Sagu Mauler too

February 20, 2015 4:04 a.m.

albino_ninja says... #25

Dragon Throne of Tarkir takes a creature away by giving it defender where as Xenagod becomes a creature if my devotion is high enough. Xenagos, God of Revels is by far better than throne for a midrange deck because its meant to run with two or three powerful and persistent creatures, taking away the offensive ability of one of those creatures weakens your board presence. Throne is meant for aggro decks, you slap it on a weak 2/1 and it make all your other weenies and tokens a viable threat because you have 5+ creatures. Sagu Mauler doesn't belong in a gruul deck but I think I know where you were coming from. Thanks for the imput Comfordor, I always value outside opinions.

February 20, 2015 12:18 p.m.

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