Sliver Overlord - Predatory Super-Organisms
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 83 | 122 COMMENTS | 11373 VIEWS | IN 35 FOLDERS
Doombeard1984 says... #2
LVL_666 thanks for the response. Tournament was yesterday and I went 3 and 1 which I was really happy about. Aphetto and blur sliver are much better options, I totally agree. Literally the cards in place a place holders for now. With the cards you mentioned that have no place I understand. Two headed is a preferred choice, but again, it's a place holder til I get one. I would say it is still a work in progress, but it's seeming OK. The control elements really help, and armageddon has caused me to win on several occasions. I really appreciate you looking at my deck and I will use your advice to help further the cause of the hive. Thanks again
October 13, 2018 1:42 p.m.
Doombeard1984, great job at the tourny! Every win is a win for all of us Sliver players. Turns out I was wrong about Herald's Horn, it's pricier than I thought. It's still pretty good though. I look forward to how your deck shapes. I hope my thoughts were of some use to you.
October 13, 2018 3:02 p.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #4
LVL_666 they really are. It's still very much in progress at the moment but I do feel it feels pretty solid. Probably the most I have sunk into a deck so far, but I keep tinkering with it. When pay comes round should make a few more changes using your suggestions.
October 13, 2018 7:46 p.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #5
LVL_666 put in an Aphetto Dredging and Shared Animosity and looking to get Blur Sliver to replace reflex. Will then get Legion to improve aggro ability. They are changing well. Thanks again
October 20, 2018 7:48 p.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #6
Seventy7INa45 and NinetyFish, thanks for the up votes guys much appreciated. Do you have any potential suggestions for the deck? Thanks again
November 22, 2018 2:58 a.m.
Seventy7INa45 says... #7
Hey! Sorry, was busy with some stuff when I up-voted and didn't have time to give my suggestions. My main thought is probably just personal preference in some ways - whenever I have had a deck with planeswalkers in edh, they usually only get 1 turn, 2 if you're lucky. Looking at the 2 you have, I don't see the benefit with their first 2 abilities. I would cut them.
Suggestions on things to add though. I think you could use more mana rocks. Cards like Coalition Relic, Fellwar Stone, and if you can spring for it a Chrome Mox. I'd also look at more land based ramp, like Nature's Lore and Farseek.
Sliver Legion is expensive, but I've had it hit the table and take control pretty quickly. Especially if your strategy is to go wide and hit often, he makes slivers super beefy. Coat of Arms does the same thing, but if you play against other tribal decks it might not be a good idea since it affects them too.
I think you should run the full set of shock lands. I would cut River of Tears personally, don't see it really giving you the mana fixing you need in 5c. You could also look at some of the filter lands. Cavern of Souls would be excellent, but is expensive. Something to work towards though.
November 22, 2018 11:06 a.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #8
Thanks for the suggestion Seventy7INa45, I can see vraska not working for me, but have used Ajani Vengeant as a means of an armageddon effect. I have an og Chrome Mox I could take out vraska for though. The lands are an ongoing thing. I am slowly trading out most of the non shocks for them. And ideas what I should trade for a Farseek
November 22, 2018 11:22 a.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #9
So LVL_666 and Seventy7INa45 what is your opinion on something like Maelstrom Nexus in a deck like this? Just considering it an alternative enchantment I could possibly play, which could result in casting 2 slivers a time? Would be cool if you could let me know. Cheers
November 28, 2018 2:36 a.m.
Hey Doombeard1984,
Sorry for not responding sooner - got busy with life and stuff. Also been working on a new deck for funsies. However, your question: would Maelstrom Nexus work as a possible value engine in your deck? In my opinion...I think you wouldn't get as much value out of the card as you would like. According to my count you have 13 cards in your deck that are CMC 5 or 6. Ideally with Maelstrom Nexus out, you'd cast one of those big cards and cast something smaller - ideally a Sliver. The problem here is that there's a bit of unpredictability with Cascade - once you cast that spell you could end up revealing and casting any of your instants or sorceries. Imagine Cascadeing into a Armageddon with no Gemhide Sliver on the board?
tl:dr - Would Maelstrom Nexus be fun to play? Yes. Would it get you consistent results with every Cascade trigger? No. Sometimes, it may even hurt you.
If you were looking for more consistent results that result in ether value, or just outright win you the game then I'd suggest:
The previously mentioned cards when paired with a Mana and Haste Sliver result in you casting everything from your deck for the most part. Sure, it doesn't exactly fit within the aggro play style you seem to be going for, but it ends the game. Most players who have played against Slivers know exactly what any of the previously mentioned cards mean when you get them on the battlefield, so expect to have to defend it when it hits the board. What do you think of my suggestions? Would you want to use any of those, or are you looking for something more unique?
December 9, 2018 4:30 p.m. Edited.
Doombeard1984 says... #11
Thanks @LVL_666, appreciate the input. I already have a mana echoes in there, and have made some significant changes to the deck since you first gave me your critique. It was super helpful before, as it is this. I think I would more like to go for a Paradox Engine I think, as it will allow me to get better, more consistent results. Also, I already have a significant amount of enchantments in the deck. Hopefully the hive will be happy with my progress so far
December 9, 2018 7:26 p.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #12
@LVL_666 so took your advice, now running an Intruder Alarm and will be getting a Paradox Engine to double down on the untap shenanigans. Worked super well. Also got a Vampiric Tutor and Demonic Tutor on the way to replace the non land tutoring. I think I am nearly happy with my deck... At least its near the best I can make it lol
February 12, 2019 12:17 p.m.
Just getting back in to magic after a 20+ year hiatus and my first edh deck is sliver overlord. I went sliver/enchantment heavy primal surge route and so far have got dusted in my first handful games. Just not quick enough and I have zero control with no instant or sorcery ability. Really got some great ideas from what you have built. May I suggest dorment sliver, hibernation sliver, and Aluren. The one game I won was because of this combo. Awesome deck build though, looking forward to changing mine up a bit.
May 15, 2019 5:21 p.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #14
@B-Rad77thanksbforbthe comments, it's been a labour of love. Whilst an Aluren would be sick, I honestly would struggle to make space in the deck for it lol. Also, especially in the meta here, low cost creature decks are a thing. Wouldn't want to help my opponents much lol. Also, I can run super aggro style in this deck, and again, the utility I currently have seems to hold out pretty well. Hibernation and Dormant were all ones I kind of thought about but ended up passing on. Will head on over to your deck and have a look see
May 16, 2019 7:51 a.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #17
Thanks for the upvote Fleanend :)
Please feel free to comment or criticise.
July 10, 2019 4:53 a.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #18
Thanks for the upvote Scayde, Emisary121 and anyone else who has had a look. It's been a mission to get it this far. I am always up for hearing new ideas though and opinions. Like to keep this thing evolving. Any thoughts, just drop me a message
September 25, 2019 5:22 a.m.
draco89113 says... #19
Couple of suggestions; I'd add Cryptolith Rite for an added Gemhide Sliver like ability. (take out Farseek ) I'd add Basal Sliver for mana ramp as well. I'd maybe take out Vanquisher's Banner and/or Phyrexian Arena for Dormant Sliver or Kindred Discovery for infinite draw combos with Sliver Queen . Leyline of Abundance is also good for ramp and to beef up your slivers.
November 2, 2019 2:52 a.m.
cardffreak says... #20
Any reason for no chromatic lantern? Is that cause of the mana producing slivers?
December 12, 2019 12:55 p.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #21
Hi @CardFreak,
So the main reason for the lack of Chromatic Lantern is because of the mana slivers, and also because of the fetches and shocks. The manabase is also supported by a few lands that produce all mana colours as well. To be honest, I would struggle to take stuff out for it too. Hope that helps with the explanation, and thanks for looking in 9n my deck
December 12, 2019 3:30 p.m.
Mirror Entity , huh? I remember that little guy pinging across my radar. I tend to never go wide when playing slivers - instead opting to focus on combo. I'm guessing you chose to include Entity because you want a more viable "go wide" strategy? I think that's a good choice - as the only other option I can think of is Banding Sliver lol which is definitely not a real card. Come to think of it, have you collected any of those odd-ball Slivers?
January 16, 2020 8:09 a.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #23
@LVL_666 So, my play group tend to arch enemy me out of my combo on regular basis lol. Its why I added the Spiteful Sliver + Blasphemous Act combo and also like to have a back up as an all out attack win. I guess Mirror Entity also allows me to handle mass -1/-1 effects as well. Thought it was worth at least a try
January 16, 2020 9:08 a.m.
Doombeard1984 says... #24
Over 4000 views! Thank you to all those that have had a look, commented and +1'd. The Hive is greatly appreciative
Mortlocke says... #1 this is a pet peeve of mine so take it worth a grain of salt but -always make your deck description as detailed as possible. As I'm looking at your deck and what you wrote here my only guess is that your game plan is to swing wide, and swing often. However, your deck doesn't seem to exactly have alot of focus to that end. You include some slivers with parasitic mechanics and/or (in my opinion) don't function well when there is only a "one of":
These Slivers are bad inclusions in an EDH deck because their abilities don't have much direct interaction with the other creatures in your deck. Additionally, when there is only one copy of them out on the battlefield their presence doesn't really make much of an impact - case in point Frenzy Sliver. With only one in play, your Slivers will only deal +1/+0 if they get through. That's it. If you had 4, that changes dramatically to +4/+0 - forcing the opponent to always block if possible. Can you honestly say that there is a situation where you would want to tutor for one of the previously mentioned creatures? Again, this is all my own opinion - but I would cut these Slivers for additional spells or permanents that could support you, but more on that later.
The inclusion of non-slivers is a bad choice given your commander. Overlord is designed to enable you to tutor for whatever answer you need. If that answer isn't a Sliver and is a creature - then what's the point of having Overlord as your commander? Speaking of lack of inclusions - why not have Amoeboid Changeling? It's a Sliver, and it interacts directly with Overlord's 2nd ability enabling you to steal enemy commanders. That's more of a control oriented play, but is a Overlord staple.
I'm starting to think that maybe you should swap out commanders for ether Sliver Hivelord or Sliver Legion. Your deck, as it is currently built seems to support a more aggro playstyle - which is completely viable within Slivers. Including the previously mentioned, I would cut the following cards:
Now, what cards do I think you could use?:
Sorry to write you a whole book lol, but those were my thoughts. Please let me know what you think and when your tournament is. I look forward to your response! Also, here's a +1 for you!
October 13, 2018 12:34 p.m. Edited.