All the Mana! (1st place @ modern)

Modern HandOfLife


Tata says... #1

Very nice. I like it a lot. What made you decide to use so much transmute in a format as fast as Modern? Do you find it good enough to justify its slowness?

April 4, 2014 1:34 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #2

I decided to use transmute partly due to the fact that with so much counter i can stall the game to the point where i can grab my key combo piece to win the game. transmute has worked wonders for me.

April 4, 2014 1:39 a.m.

emask says... #3


Ridiculously priced fetches maybe for a bit more thinning? I love the probe here too.

I really think you've got a good thing going here. Halimar Depths maybe?

April 4, 2014 1:41 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #4

I think halimar depths is a great card but the fact that it enters tapped is too slow for me. i need counter magic mana up and fast

April 4, 2014 1:46 a.m.

emask says... #5

For sure. It's good you've got probe and serum then. Ever thought of Remand ? I figure you have, but might help out as this looks pretty quick. Another odd choice could potentially be Hindering Light . Has it's drawbacks I know, but maybe sideboard worthy?

Anyways, looks good as is. I'm just throwing out ideas you might not have considered.

April 4, 2014 4:41 p.m.

HandOfLife says... #6

If remand wasnt a little slow id use it and ill have to take a look look at the hindering lights

April 4, 2014 5 p.m.

emask says... #7

I love Remand. Hindering Light is great depending on your meta. If it fits, then it's a great sideboard and sometimes maindeck card. The Remand without the downside. But you do have to pay both white and blue which could make it a bit slow at the start without the right land.

April 5, 2014 1:17 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #8

Well I've been discussing my deck with local players and I'm awful tempted to toss in a main board verdict. If something else leaves the sideboard two hindering lights may be an option. After all discard and lightning bolts are annoying. Any thoughts?

April 6, 2014 12:25 a.m.

emask says... #9

Maybe give the hindering lights a shot! Depends on your meta and preference really.

April 6, 2014 12:51 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #10

Lots of path to exile and burn so I think I just might run it

April 6, 2014 12:59 a.m.

emask says... #11

Best of luck! I do think it's a bit underrated in the current Modern.

April 7, 2014 12:24 a.m.

A_Magikarp says... #12

I find myself always suggesting this card when it comes to these infinite mana-combos. But I would replace Pyromatics with Banefire . That way, it for sure can't be countered!

April 9, 2014 1:38 a.m.

A_Magikarp says... #13

However.. I guess you wouldn't be able to transmute for it.. So I don't know. Maybe it's fine the way it is. haha :)

April 9, 2014 1:42 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #14

Well for pyromatics they have to counter each and every one. so if i cast it a million times im good. and yeah being able to transmute is a big part of why i run pyromatics

April 9, 2014 2:58 a.m.

Add one Emrakul, the Aeons Torn , just to take a snapshot of your opponent's face.

April 21, 2014 1:15 a.m.

HandOfLife says... #16

Hahaha wish I could

April 21, 2014 1:26 a.m.

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