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Commander / EDH Darkshadow327


soul22 says... #1

So from the tags you're going for a control shell so 1st maybe cut the purely beat-down creatures like Aurelia and Iroas. After that I think it will mostly comes to know your meta to know what sort of answers you need.

April 28, 2018 11:02 p.m.

Chiberia says... #2

Dovin Baan, Teferi, Timebender, Omniscience (not really that great tbh), Sphinx's Tutelage, Sphinx's Revelation (as someone whos been playtesting this card for months, its never been worth it), Archangel's Light (just not that great), Temporal Extortion (way too many black mana symbols for a four colored deck, for a card that doesn't do all that much), Enter the Infinite (too much mana, and in EDH it really doesn't do you anything), Master the Way (its worse than literally any other removal spell you could use), In Garruk's Wake (its good but its way to expensive mana wise, you have way too many big spells), those are just a few cuts.

April 28, 2018 11:14 p.m.

Scathain says... #3

I'd remove Master the Way (a bit much for removal, even cantripping removal), In Garruk's Wake (too much mana), Temporal Extortion (too black intensive to be worthwhile), Teferi, Timebender (you don't have the right artifacts to justify using him), Beacon of Tomorrows (there are better extra turn cards), Sphinx's Tutelage (not quite worth it without other powerful mill engines, and your deck just isn't a mill deck at heart), Goblin Electromancer (I don't think you'll be casting quite enough instants and sorcery spells to justify him, though you're close), Iroas, God of Victory (doesn't seem to fit your theme), and Aurelia, the Warleader (just doesn't fit the theme).

I'd probably also ditch the rest of your planeswalkers, I'm not sure you have enough ways to protect them to justify using them.

You might want to consider adding in Thran Dynamo for extra mana, as you're going to need a lot of mana to make this deck run well.

April 29, 2018 4:18 a.m.

Geralf_Cecani says... #4

I'm really not sure what this deck is trying to do, so I'm just going to assume you're going with a straight walue build. Thus, I'll be going with that in mind.a

I would say ditch Sphinx's Tutelage, cos you're not running much mill (if you need a replacement, you could go with Nekusar, the Mindrazer). Also there are better cards than Monastery Siege that do that sort of thing. I would also consider Mind Unbound and Thought Reflection.

As for creatures, I would say that the Goblin Electromancer is unnecessary, as well as Thalia, Heretic Cathar and the Grand Abolisher. The main thing he does is protect against counterspells, and you can defend pretty well against those with your own counters. Also he's a non-bo with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir.

Archangel's Light is just a bad card: consider Elixir of Immortality instead. It does the same thing, except cheaper, and it's reusable. You obviously gain less life, but lifegain isn't that strong in commander/EDH. Temporal Extortion is a good card, but is a bit heavy on the black devotion, and Master the Way is way too much mana for what it does.

As for planeswakers, I would cut both teferis, cos you don't have enough instants to take advantage of untapping lands at endstep, for the timebender, or artifacts for the hero of dominaria.

The instants are pretty Neato. Maybe cut back on the point removal: wrath is usually the better option. Maybe cut path and swords cos they only hit creatures, cos there's always gonna be problematic enchantments.

As for artifacts, I would just say you need more ramp. If you're looking to draw a shit-ton of cards, you'll need the mana to play them. They'll also help with finding the right colours too. Signets and Talisman. Good cards. And chuck in a Fellwar Stone too.

April 29, 2018 6:37 a.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #5

Alright, thanks for the ideas everyone.

I know you guys think Master the Way, Enter the Infinite, and Omniscience are bad cards, but along with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir or Vedalken Orrery it is actually a key combo. Just imagine this, I play Enter the Infinite (possibly flashed in for free) then I play Master the Way, I just killed somebody. If I have Sphinx's Tutelage and/or Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind I could have just killed more people. If I don't then I can easily win off of Laboratory Maniac

April 29, 2018 11:31 a.m.

Chiberia says... #6

A combo that requires more than 2 or 3 cards is not a good combo. We are suggesting you cut it because they are not efficient cards.

April 29, 2018 11:59 a.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #7


Who said I was going for efficient? I just want to build a deck that is just fun and crazy with things people don't really think about.

April 29, 2018 12:08 p.m.

Chiberia says... #8

Then say that before you ask for help. You asked for us to help you cut cards, that you "desperately" needed, so we go to the most inefficient cards.

April 29, 2018 12:14 p.m.

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