Standard baddabiiing


mahyar says... #1

24 land is too much. I recommend 1 Urborg.

May 24, 2015 4:53 a.m.

baddabiiing says... #2

mahyar Urborgs are expensive, and I only have one right now which is in my edh.. I may trade into a another, but it is not my top priority right now. I agree for the number, I am thinking of going down to 22.

May 25, 2015 9:11 p.m.

mahyar says... #3

Good idea. I would go down to 22 lands.

I would also run only 2 x Brutal Hordechief

Check out my B/W Warriors

May 25, 2015 9:39 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #4

mahyar I like The 4x Brutal Hordechief. He isn't legendary, so i see no reason for him not to be a 4 of. What should I put in instead of the 2 lands?

May 25, 2015 11:21 p.m.

mahyar says... #5

his casting cost is so high. That's why i recommend removing him. I'd put in 2x more valorous stance

May 25, 2015 11:47 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #6

mahyar true, but my meta is very slow, with a ton of control and R/G monsters and midrange, so he makes a superb finisher. I think I will add 1 Valorous Stance and 1 Ultimate Price.

May 26, 2015 12:17 a.m.

mahyar says... #7

If you can, get Sorin. Much better imo.

May 26, 2015 4:10 a.m.

Ragon_Wolfbane says... #8

I'd consider Sorin, Solemn Visitor in replacement for 2 of the Brutal Hordechiefs. He's a bit pricey right now, but well worth it as he will likely go up in price soon due to his use in some of the latest Abzan Control Decks. Another thing I'd suggest is to replace 2 of the Blood-Chin Fanatics and 2 of the Ultimate Prices for Battle Brawler as he is a powerhouse of his own. He easily can become a 3/2 First Striker which can fight rather well in the early match up... seeing you are playing Aggro I take it. A Chief of the Edge easily turns him into a 4/2. Another card I'd suggest for good measure is Glaring Aegis. It's an amazing card that makes for insane value. Think of how much you get out of it for just a second. It taps a creature, giving you room to smash in for extra damage, it boosts a creature's power by 1 which can turn some of your critters into 4 power monsters, and then it also grants 3 toughness to whatever it is on! This means that any critter you use it on can't be removed by sweepers, only hard removal, a lot of burn spells, or a full on board-wipe. Oh another card to mention is Self-Inflicted Wound which is a boss of a card to sideboard. It's useful against Ramp and Abzan. So I'd be a good idea to sideboard a few of those in against such things, likely replacing your Ultimate Prices when you do.

May 26, 2015 6:30 a.m.

baddabiiing says... #9

Ragon_Wolfbane Thanks! I want the Sorin, Solemn Visitors, but don't want to drop twenty bucks on him just yet. I will try to trade into him. Battle Brawler is interesting, I will test him. I hate getting 2 for 1d, so Glaring Aegis jut isn't really my style. I will definitely get some Self-Inflicted Wounds for the sideboard. Thanks!

May 26, 2015 7:13 p.m.

baddabiiing I know how you feel about getting 2 for 1'd and it is honestly a risk when it comes to Glaring Aegis, but it gives value even if the creature dies soon after because it gave room to smash in and also soak up some removal in the process. What I'll suggest is that you at least try the Glaring Aegis as a playset in a test. If you don't like it then that is fine. Though I promise you that the value is insane. Again though its up to you.

May 26, 2015 11:55 p.m.

Hey, I ran a deck similar to yours before I decided to splash red. The biggest issue you will have in matches are hexproof dragons flying over the top. You can run a 3-3 split of Arashin and the fanatic and 2 Hordechiefs, and main board a Sorin along with 3 Duress or Sign with Blood, and use the open space in the sideboard to run Despise. Trust me you will need either card draw or hand disruption to take on control. Most people will say run Thoughtseize but I wouldn't invest the money unless you want to play modern as well since the new expansion will be here soon.

May 31, 2015 6:03 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #12

jonathanveedot Thanks! I am assuming you are talking about Dragonlord Ojutai, and i just take the 5 and kill him when he is tapped. I have done a bit of testing with Sorin, Solemn Visitor and I really dislike him. He is basically a 4 mana enchantment that gives +1+0 and lifelink, which i would take a Brutal Hordechief over any day, not to mention he costs 3x as much. Ill stick a couple Despise in the sideboard, they seem like they would do work.

May 31, 2015 6:11 p.m.

This is my version.. It's better

May 31, 2015 6:18 p.m.

I like Sorin because against decks that run less creatures, if you have a rager and any other warrior, let's say chief of the edge, and then you cast Sorin, you're penetrating with 8 dmg, and also gaining 8, which puts you that much more distanced from defeat than your opponent. The opponent then feels threatened and goes after the walker, gaining you an extra turn essentially, and if he survives I usually just sac him for the vampire. Against decks with more creatures I usually side Sorin out and run an extra Hordechief because his ability becomes more significant. Secure the Wastes is a great mana dump, especially when you use the tokens to focus the blocks onto using Hordechief's ability. Dragon Hunter is a good sideboard card if a lot of people run dragons too. He's an annoying chump blocker that attracts their removal spell :P

Mardu and Warrior Tribal are kind of underrated because in general, your chances of winning against other decks is 50-50, but if you use your sideboard tech and get a good draw, you can speed through using warrior synergy. I wish there was a 3 mana warrior with haste that gives all other warriors haste :3 It'd be so awesome I'd make that dumb face haha.

May 31, 2015 7:02 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #15

jonathanveedot my meta is very light on control, with a bunch of midrange and aggro decks, so I really don't have a use for sorin much. also I am just now switching out my proxies for real cards, and don't want to drop 10 bucks on a sorin i won't use. I agree on the haste guy, that would be broken but they would only print it in red anyway. I also have Secure the Wastes in and i cut Dragon Hunter a bit ago because Bloodsoaked Champion and Mardu Woe-Reaper are better. Thanks!

May 31, 2015 10:02 p.m.

Adamantium13 says... #16

Why do you have 3 Chief of the Edge in the sideboard?

Also, what is the purpose of Battle Brawler in the sideboard? You either mainboard them (which I think you should in place of Mardu Strike Leader) or you don't use them.

Just so you know, all cards will rotate out of standard.

I like B/W Warriors a lot. Good luck!

July 1, 2015 12:39 a.m.

baddabiiing says... #17

Adamantium13 Thanks! those were supposed to be Chief of the Scale, thanks for noticing that. Battle Brawlers can be devastating against the mono- red fast deck, thats why I'm running them. I am currently testing the Mardu Strike Leaders. I realize that they will rotate, but everything is from khans block, and will therefore be playable fair into next year. Thanks for the help!

July 1, 2015 8:48 p.m.

Garr8 says... #18

I think Spirit Bonds is a strong option to deeal with red burns ior black removal on your banner creatures. Return to the Ranks is fun if you are into that sort of thing. Other than that looks good to me. Happy to see I am not the only guy playing wariors.

July 2, 2015 1:28 p.m.

Garr8 says... #19

this is a stylistic choice if you don't like it skip it. That said Arashin Foremost + Rush of Battle is very strong.

July 2, 2015 6:53 p.m.

Adamantium13 says... #20

Yes, but Rush of Battle costs 4 mana, which is a very expensive combo. You are better off just laying down Brutal Hordechief on turn 4.

I still think Battle Brawler is a great mainboard option in this deck.

Also, I think Bile Blight is great to side in again tokens or monored aggro. I know it rotates out but not for another 3 months. It is not an expensive card and it is still usable in Modern.

Here is my B/W Warriors build. B/W Brutal Warriors

Have fun!

July 2, 2015 7:57 p.m.

Adamantium13 says... #21

That is weird. The link I gave to my deck takes you to someone else's deck with the same name. You can just look it up using my username if you are interested.

July 2, 2015 8:10 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #22

Thanks Garr8 and Adamantium13! Spirit Bonds, Return to the Ranks and Rush of Battle are not exactly what I a trying to do with this deck. I would run Battle Brawler main deck but he is kinda dead late game and not as good as Blood-Chin Rager and Chief of the Edge, which is what I would replace for him. Bile Blight I will test and see how it works, but I still think I like Ultimate Price or Valorous Stance better in most cases. It will likely make the sideboard though. Thanks guys!

July 2, 2015 9:56 p.m.

PoisonPhang says... #23

May I recommend Rush of Battle?

July 2, 2015 10:30 p.m.

Zacoly says... #24

I ran a Warriors build and I have to say that Return to the Ranks was an amazing card in that deck! I mainboarded it to get an army back on the board after a turn 4-5 boardwipe.

You may want to consider it for the next few months, it's a cheap way to avoid a game-loss due to an early Languish

July 25, 2015 2:31 a.m.

baddabiiing says... #25

Zacoly, I like Return to the Ranks, but this deck relies heavily on 3 and 4 drops. I would typically rather have a Secure the Wastes to recover from a wipe like languish or crux. Thanks!

July 25, 2015 4:39 p.m.

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