
Zur's toolbox-y, control-ly, crazy Tier-1 (hopefully) thing that does stuff.

Zur the Enchanter

Essentially, you're going to want a wall. If the opponent's deck is aggro-heavy, use Propaganda, Ghostly Prison , etc.
If their deck is graveyard-heavy, get a Rest in Peace out early.
If their deck uses many artifacts or some combos that are ETB-based, get either an Aura of Silence or Blind Obedience out.
When (not if) they try to remove you, get a Greater Auramancy out ASAP.
If they are running Bruna, Light of Alabaster , try to find AEtherspouts ASAP. Or just don't rely on voltron that game.If they could make you sacrifice Zur, there are a few counter-measures. If the card your opponent is using is imilar to Grave Pact/Dictate of Erebos/Butcher of Malakir, Rest in Peace doesn't allow the trigger. If the opponent is making you sacrifice via a targeted effect, Aegis of the Gods makes you untargetable, and Greater Auramancy makes Zur (when enchanted) untargetable. If all else fails, Second Sunrise.
- Aura of Silence: Control that becomes removal.
- Auramancer's Guise : Tutor for this to turn Zur into a monster.
- Blind Obedience: Control that's just mean.
- Copy Artifact : Copy a mana rock, or a Strionic Resonator. Or something your opponent has.
- Copy Enchantment: Copy some mean control enchantment or voltron aura on Zur.
- Darksteel Mutation: Instead of removing a commander, why not turn it into a cool bug?
- Detention Sphere : Tokens go away nicely.
- Ethereal Armor: Voltron piece for Zur.
- Ghostly Prison : Taxation...
- Gift of Immortality: I live, I die, I live again!
- Grasp of Fate : No to you, and you, and you...
- Greater Auramancy: Can't remove what you can't target (usually). (By the way: this doesn't effect Zur's voltronstuffs, because Auras only target when cast. Not when directly put onto the battlefield.)
- Empyrial Armor: Fill hand, beat face.
- Necropotence: How to fill your hand.
- Pariah: Zur is now your human (wizard) shield. Works well with Shielded by Faith .
- Phyresis: WIN-CON! Only use if you can one-shot a player. You will be targeted!
- Phyrexian Arena: Draw twice!
- Phyrexian Unlife: When you're not interested in dying and would rather become a cool robot.
- Pillory of the Sleepless : Bound in Silence , but with lifeloss.
- Propaganda: ...without representation!
- Rest in Peace: Graveyards? Where?
- Rhystic Study: Card draw, and a blue staple.
- Shielded by Faith : You can't destroy what you can't destroy, right?
- Solemnity:
- Sphere of Safety: Now with taxation similar to the conditions preceding the American Revolution!
- Spirit Mantle : I'M WEARING A GHOST.
- Steel of the Godhead: Unblockable + Likelink.
- Stony Silence: Kills your mana rocks and such, but kills theirs, too.
- Vow of Duty: Either put it on Zur, or stop somebody else's creature.
- Vow of Malice: Zur will usually be unblockable, so put this on somebosy else's creature.
- Aegis of the Gods : Can't burn what you can't target...?
- Eidolon of Rhetoric: For a more controlling game.
- Sovereigns of Lost Alara: Extra Zur Auras!
- Spirit of the Labyrinth: Anti-Draw Combo decks.
- Sun Titan: Recursion for your enchantments.
- Umbra Mystic: So that Zur can wear a sword.
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant : Indestructiblenchantments.
- Tezzeret the Seeker : Good artifact tutor and untapper.
- AEtherspouts: Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
- Anguished Unmaking: To quickly say no in a targeted area.
- Counterspell: To quickly say no to a targeted casting.
- Disallow: To quickly say "No, you stink" to a targeted casting.
- Enlightened Tutor: Learn yourself some Magic.
- Hero's Downfall: Flair for the dramatic?
- Pact of Negation: To say no, for free. (Just kidding, pay 5 mana next turn.)
- Remove Enchantments : For when Zur is bounced and you would rather not have all Auras go to the graveyard.
- Slaughter Pact: To murder, for free.
- Swords to Plowshares: Just... leave.
- Vampiric Tutor: Learn yourself some more Magic.
- Damnation: It's a big sphere of 99% pure void eviscerating all nearby life! What's not to love?
- Demonic Tutor: Learn yourself any Magic you want.
- Idyllic Tutor: Learn yourself specific Magic.
- Open the Vaults: Return your control/voltron pieces.
- Replenish: Do it again.
- Supreme Verdict: Can't counter this one.
- Three Dreams: Learn yourself 3 things with this one!
- Vindicate: Say no, but in a cool way.
- Chromatic Lantern: Everything makes everything.
- Mana Vault: Pay , get . Small downsides.
- Rings of Brighthearth: Pay , copy a number of things.
- Sol Ring: Pay , get . No downsides.
- Strionic Resonator: Copy Zur triggers.
- Thran Dynamo: Pay , get . No downsides.



Revision 15 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Aegis of the Gods acquire
-1 Ancient Tomb acquire
-1 Arcane Sanctum acquire
-1 Aura of Silence acquire
-1 Auramancer's Guise acquire
-1 Azorius Chancery acquire
+1 Battle Mastery side
-1 Blind Obedience acquire
-1 City of Brass acquire
-1 Concealed Courtyard acquire
-1 Copy Artifact acquire
-1 Copy Enchantment acquire
-1 Darkslick Shores acquire
-1 Darksteel Mutation acquire
-1 Darkwater Catacombs acquire
-1 Eidolon of Rhetoric acquire
-1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant acquire
-1 Ethereal Armor acquire
-1 Fetid Heath acquire
-1 Forbidden Orchard acquire
and 61 other change(s)
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors RG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

60 - 8 Rares

27 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Decks to look at
Ignored suggestions
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