This is an Ultra-Budget (under $25) Aggro deck for you people that are tired of watching helplessly while your opponent BRICKS YOU IN THE MOUTH Gangs-of-New-York-style with their flashy $500 RICH-man's deck, but you don't want to have to sell your left kidney and take out a third mortgage on your 1994 Toyota Camry just to stay competitive. You were raised on the streets, bro. You don't got a lot of cash, but you've got the heart of a friggin' champion, and just like Rocky, you don't let nobody push you around.
You want to make the fight scrappy, and you don't want to hold back one bit. Curb-stomps not only allowed, but encouraged.
Expedition Envoy is like your cousin Mikey, always one foot shorter than everybody else, but he's a quick little rat that'll catch a loudmouth prick unawares if they blink. He'll never grow big enough to hang with the crew later on, but he's a great one to start the fight off in your favor.
You play a weak little Hada Freeblade on Turn 1? Turn 2, juice him up with some patented green monster ROID RAGE a.k.a. Giant Growth and watch your opponent start to sweat when they lose 1/4 of their starting life total for 2 measly mana. That's called street-smarts-VALUE, Grasshopper!
There's the rest of the crew: Sam a.k.a. Kazandu Blademaster, Deano a.k.a. Oran-Rief Survivalist, and Jerry a.k.a Bojuka Brigand who all seem to get more LIT the bigger the party gets. Bruisers love company, and these guys are no exception.
Don't forget about Quinn a.k.a. Kalastria Healer. You can't lie, you and rest of the guys think he's a bit "off", and you've never gotten used to his long dyed black hair or his love for studded leather accessories, but he's one of the gang, nonetheless. Plus he's basically a flippin' SNIPEr with his portable sling shot that he takes everywhere. Every time one of the boys shows up to the fight, he's pinging your opponent in the dome with some of that David-and-Goliath emo-flavored flare.
While you're recklessly drop-kicking your opponents life totals with an all-out Ally riot, you'll probably take some dingers yourself. That's where Ondu Cleric provides some nice cushion so you don't have to worry about holding back blockers. Don't stop coming forward till they have to beg for mercy while blood streams down out of their eye-sockets onto the cold hard asphalt.
Say you and the boys have a hard fight and you come out on the losing end, which obviously would never happen, cuz you guys can't-stop-won't-stop, but if it WERE to happen, you got that HOLY SPIRIT on-the-third-day-He-rose-again resurrection POWER a.k.a. March from the Tomb that will drop 3-5 of gang all at once back onto the blood-spattered street, kicking (your opponents) and screaming (battle-cries) for a second-round deluge of berserker-glory that will all but guarantee your imminent victory.
So your opponent is some weird-ass Wing-Chun master: countering your spells and disabling your hulked out creatures? Come at him in game 2 with that 195 I.Q., Tyler1 style. Bring in your Lifecrafter's Bestiary and start showing that 5-round championship Octagon endurance. You don't get tired--you just get angry and you STAY angry. Ever heard the term "LATE GAME??" Yeah, you're no stranger to it.
If you're fighting some Harry Potter wizard throwing out enchantments or building some crazy artifact gizmos to foil your plans, let 'im know you wasn't born yesterday, and bring out the Louisville Slugger a.k.a. Disenchant to show 'im what you think of his neat little art project he's trying to force you to look at.
That's the plan for your Ally Streetfight, more or less. Please keep in mind that the deck is ultra-budget, but if you have thoughts, comments, or suggestions, please share!