Alternate Win Conditions :)

Commander / EDH LordArazeal


hey i definately like this deck i was considering a alternate win deck.

you might thank me or not for this but im going to give you lots of potential cards for this deck that are budget/semi-budget (note some of my ideas will not work in this deck ofcoarse)(they will be catergorized by each win con)

almost all of them

  • Diabolic Tutor (just another plane old find anything you want card)
  • Last Chance or/and Final Fortune you just cast it when you have a win con from you list ready then at the extra turn upkeep you win (examples: epic struggle = 20 creatures, test of endurance with 50+ life.) and not to mention you have Platinum Angel in the deck if its out it will counters the you lose part of both of them when the turn ends. see for yourself
  • now lets begin

Azor's Elocutors/Darksteel reactor

Barren Glory


  • Infinite Reflection
  • (the ones that can turn into creatures)

Test of Endurance/Felidar Sovereign/Celestial Convergence

Epic Struggle

Maze's End

Helix Pinnacle

Mechanized production/hellkite tyrant

Mortal kombat:pretty much any one creature from this list

Laboratory Maniac

Mayael's Aria

Near-Death Experience1.

hope this is to a help to you.

February 5, 2017 1:52 p.m.

You got a New toy for this

Approach of the Second Sun (Card not implemented here yet.)

This one just needs to be cast twice for the alt path

April 16, 2017 8:19 p.m.

LordArazeal says... #3

@TheDeckMaker2300:oh jeez, long comments necessitate long responses: (also, I havn't been on in a while, sorry)

The decklist hasn't bee updated, but the maybeboard sure has! I need to figure out what I can take out now...Also, apologies for the brutalistic formatting, i'm not sophisticated enough to make this reply look very nice.

Diabolic Tutor and other searches: i had more in at an earlier version, and while they are certainly good, they sort of take away from the fun of the deck. I found myself searching for and playing for the same 2 or three win cons every game, which is not the point of the deck. That's why i prefer more limited searches like Bring to Light or Wild Research

Final Fortune, I've thought long about. I'm still on the fence, but don't think it would be very fun to play against. Almost all of the win cons give the opponent a turn to respond (except Coalition Victory, hence banned) and this is so that there's interaction and counterplay. Final Fortune takes that away, and so while it certainly makes the deck better, (and fits the theme/playstyle perfectly!) I dont want to end games with a sudden. "oh hey, does anyone have any counter spells, or instant speed enchantment removal? if not, i win..." That being said, its such a cool card, it fits with the theme of big risks, big rewards (Doomsday), and can even be synergized with anti-lose mechanics! maybe if I found something to take out....

charge counters: the very first iteration of the deck was mostly about odd counter manipulation. I used all those weird storage counter lands, and could get them super high for a helix pinnacle insta-win. The problem is that those cards arn't very flexible, for the most part. theres a high likelihood that any of those proliferate or counter duplication cards would be dead drops in hand, or would become useless after someone o-ringed the win con. (granted, there are many cards in the deck which are dead drops (stupid Mortal Combat, I've never won with you...))

Barren Glory: ooooh, I am a big fan of Kaervek's Spite, so long as you inform your opponent beforehand that they are basically at 15 life to start (mind games!) I coulda sworn Apocalypse was banned, but even it if wasn't it does not look fun to play against.... I think I'll be making a spot for Kaervek's Spite asap, thanks. \

Infinite Reflections seems like a more expensive version of Mirrorweave, and as I only need the trigger to check once, the permanency is unnecessary. It's also less flexible, but can target legendaries... hmmmmm.... that might be sideboarded for my friends Kokusho, the Evening Star deck, at least.

Alhammarret's Archive: this is one baller card! i don't have a lot of creatures or attacking going on in this deck, and when i gain life, id rather it be in fell swoops, not in trickles, so this is awesome.

Aetherflux Reservoir has already been suggested to me by multiple people, and if i can open up a spot it's a definite contender to go in. Invincible Hymn, however, might be a good one...

Epic Struggle: the problem is that most of the token generators are too slow to really make it- they would require at least 3 or 4 turns to get over 20 creatures. In order to make them viable, therefore, I'd have to run multiple copies, which again runs into the problem of having too much support for one win con. that being said, tokens make good chump blockers, so they wont be a dead drop ever... def on my watch list.

Amulet of Vigor would simply make this deck play two turns faster. it would be so good. It's 7$, but I may splurge for it...

for the gate synergy: I'm actually mana flooded more often than not, if you can believe it, so I'm loath to put in more ramp. i usually have a small graveyard, and a huge exile pile, otherwise Splendid Reclamation might be a good idea. (granted, with Morality Shift it would be killer!)

Helix Pinnacle: I'm actually happy with where this is right now- its a 1 drop that's hard to remove, and even if someone does remove it it's, again, a 1 drop so i won that trade. There are easy and cheap ways to get infinite mana, 99 paths to infinite mana, but i usually can afford to dump 1-3 mana in each turn, so mid to late game, when i'm sitting on near 20 mana, its a viable threat people have to watch out for. artifacts: neither of those really need that much support, and so whenever possible I try to save deck slots for those that need the support. that being said, if theres a way to get a large amount of artifacts out at once, feasibly, not just 4 or 5 or a slow growth, i might consider it.

MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!: lost cause... it has enough support in the deck to make it technically possible, but I'm resigned to it being a dead drop at this point...

Laboratory Maniac: i have Demonic Consultation in other decks, i don't recall why it isn't in this one... the problem with a lot of the cards that work with the manic is that they get close, but don't actually destroy my library. and given how easy he is to remove or work around, the combo needs to be perfect, or else trying for it just hurts me. That said, he is one of the more frequent ways I win, or at least one of the more frequent threats I have.

Mayael's Aria: I like the Colossus of Akros and Serra Avatar a lot- they both work as stalling mechanics, and that gives cover for their true purpose, the Aria! (do note, this deck is always in danger of just getting killed by people swinging at it... :( )

NDE: Hatred is niiiiice, however 6$, so i probably shouldn't find a slot for it... as far as NDE support goes, it's actually covered quite decently, this is another one of those cards which sees play a lot. the liches are super cool cards, and i dont think they work very well here, but I honestly would like to make a deck centered around those mechanics, or other 'below-0' life total mechanics.

I thought long and hard about Transcendence, but there's no way to make it viable without a ton of support, and

i already have a zedruu deck where Transcendence is just cruel in.

likewise, check out my Player-Deathtouch deck- i appeased my urge to play phage by making her a commander! And Approach of the Second Sun is just looking for a spot now, yes.

Thanks for your help! its always nice to see people taking an interest in something I've done, and its always awesome to get new ideas or have new combos pointed out to me!

May 29, 2017 4:11 p.m.

Fractured Identity your own Phage the Untouchable = ok someone show me the trophy

August 16, 2017 11:24 a.m.

LordArazeal says... #5

TheDeckMaker2300, I totally would have used phage in here, she's an awesome card! However, she sees enough play as the commander of Player-Deathtouch so I don't want to replicate that gameplay here.

August 19, 2017 10:43 a.m.

It works with Leveler as well.

So you can do that

Cast the identity on your own leveler then remove everybody's library's from the game their next draws they loose (unless they have a bring graveyard to library trick.

August 19, 2017 11:47 p.m.
May 26, 2019 11:36 p.m.

BxckpxckMxn says... #8

Could you maybe update the list for 2020 or add the changes if you made some since it was last updated.

September 21, 2020 1:43 p.m.

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