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Alucard & Friends

Casual Aggro BR (Rakdos) Vampires



Sorcery (2)

Basic casual vampire deck. Could be made modern with the removal of two cards, but since I only play "casual" I really don't care about that. This is quickly becoming the deck that I'm known for among my friends, even above my goblin deck that nobody wants to play against, and is one of my most favorite decks to play with. The Hellsing theme does have a small bearing on the deck--I couldn't get any tokens, so I made them, and might as well make them themed, and Mirri the Cursed is sorta like Shrodinger, (And pretty good, although I prefer Vampire Nighthawk for his first strike, derp touch. Chosen of Markov   really isn't all that great, since you need to wait 3 turns before she can attack, but I'm willing to have one card that's sorta eh for a theme. Otherwise, simple vampires.

Wincons: Shadow Alley Denizen making things have intimidate and thus unblockable, chained with Bloodline Keeper   works great. Additionally, if I get Curse of Stalked Prey out there, and I'm swinging something that they can't block, it gets a bunch of counters. (Especially useful with Stromkirk Noble since he already gets counters) Add in the other boosts from the other vampires, and you've got a nice little combo that is hard to beat.

The other main wincon is simple---overpower them with unrelenting numbers of nice and big creatures with first strike and boostage. Lord of Lineage  /Bloodline Keeper   when flipped helps a ton, especially when I end up with two on the battlefield, along with Stromkirk Captain, who boosts them slightly, but more importantly, gives them first strike. I routinely swing 7/7 flying tokens, and really do not care if they don't get through or if they die, because they'll beat down my opponent enough that eventually they'll run out of flying to block with.

The other back-up wincon is Malakir Bloodwitch, but I have only once had this deck be dragged down to the point where she was necessary to win. That was the first and only game I've actually played her, as usually when I have the mana to do so, the game is already decided, I don't have her in my hand, or I need it more for dark imposter to exile something.

The irony is that I find myself biting my wings, trying to keep this deck tame a lot of the time when I go against my friends, hoping that they can keep up and get something going so the game isn't a blow out. Would have beaten a turn 3-win Infect with it the one time, except I got mana flooded at the exact wrong time.

I do have a couple changes to make, for example I have a better vamp to sub in for one or two Guul Draz Vampire s, which have the same ability but are power 2 and 2-drops. (Just blanking on the name and don't have them in front of me) I am also probably going to take out the Sengir Nosferatu and replace him with another Dark Impostor because of how good she is. I could put in a few more cards that were rather expensive to buy, but I am on a bit of a budget, and this is the best I could do. That said, I'm very happy with how well this deck does, and with how much fun it is to play with.

Anyway, thanks for viewing and thanks ahead of time for any suggestions! If you're looking to build this, the cards I purchased for it, not including commons/uncommons I had already ran me $35, but I'd guess that you're likely to spend a little more, probably in the $40-45 range. (got a decent deal from my local card shop, and as I said, I had almost all of the commons/uncommons)

PS: As if this wasn't long enough, the sideboard of x2 Anarchy is for going against my friend's angel deck that loves to boardwipe and start over, so I can have some fun counter wiping his field.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.59
Tokens Bat 1/2 B, Vampire 2/2 B
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