-Manamorphose: Easily one of the best draw spells in the game in my opinion. The ability to cast a spell and get prowess and token triggers while setting up the ability to cast more spells.-Serum Visions: A one drop can-trip that can be used to draw and set up future draws sets off prowess triggers and sets up for delver trigger to ensure a flip very good synergy in the list.
-Lightning Helix: one great burn spells that helps shore up the race match ups against other burn decks giving the upper hand to the list and also allows shock and fetch self burn to be canceled out.
-Rift Bolt: bolt that stores a prowess trigger for later worth its weight in gold.
-Lava Spike: yet another bolt but for player burn only.
Counter Spells:
-Mana Leak: hard counter that can be used to break the game plan of another deck.
-Remand: soft counter that makes the opponent slow their game plan and recast a step and gets triggers for extra damage.
Removal Spell:
-Vapor Snag: removal spell that forces the opponent into a awkward position where they have to recast a creature and it gets a creature out of the way to swing with a prowess stacked creature.
-Monastery Swiftspear: one of the best one drop red cards you can play i mean it sees play in legacy for a reason...
-Delver of Secrets: one drop that is essentially a 3/2 flyer not too shabby lol
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