FranksNBeeeeans says... #3
I had definitely considered Feeling of Dread . I actually have a playset of them in the box with the deck but I wasn't sure what to take out to put it in. It seems to run a little slow (haven't actually played it against anyone yet), so I think this might help me maintain until it gets up and running. Thanks for the suggestion and the +1. Any thoughts on the sideboard?
May 23, 2013 11:33 a.m.
DaGabester says... #5
i think that Syncopate is just a useless card, try Dissipate it has the same effect and costs less. Also Counterflux is good for decks like this
May 31, 2013 1:22 a.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #6
Why do you think Syncopate is useless? People tap out for their big creatures a lot of times so it ends up only costing 2 so how do you figure Dissipate costs less?
May 31, 2013 7:35 a.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #8
Just playtested a bit at lunch and got some advice from a few guys with fairly similar builds and made a few more changes (hopefully the last for a while). I took out 1 Blasphemous Act , 2 Syncopate , 1 AEtherling and put in 2 Snapcaster Mage , 2 Turn / Burn . Seemed to play fairly well but I still don't have a sideboard.
May 31, 2013 2:31 p.m.
I'm confused about your infinite life loop, would you care to explain in detail what happens there?
June 1, 2013 9:38 p.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #10
Sure. First you have to have Boros Reckoner on the field. Then you make him indestructible with Boros Charm . Then you give him lifelink with Azorius Charm . Finally, you either block a creature with him or burn him for any amount of damage. When he's hit with damage you get to redirect it so you just redirect it back to him, for lifelink, and take the new damage and redirect it to him, for lifelink, and repeat until you have a billion life. To end the loop you redirect the damage to something else. Make sense?
June 2, 2013 12:46 a.m.
Ahh, right, I was trying to figure out where the initial damage would have come from. Thanks for clearing that up!
June 2, 2013 4:26 a.m.
DaGabester says... #12
i think that Augur of Bolas and Restoration Angel would be nice additions to your deck. Resto can blink Augur of Bolas Snapcaster Mage and also blink reckoner to protect it from combat. And augur can be helpful for getting out those instants
June 2, 2013 3:24 p.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #13
I agree with both of those suggestions, but what would I take out to put those in? If I put in Restoration Angel I'd probably have to take out AEtherling and he's too much of a game changer to switch. Not sure what I'd take out for Augur of Bolas .
June 2, 2013 7:40 p.m.
DaGabester says... #14
take out Aurelia, the Warleader an all the Izzet Charm s and 1 Turn / Burn for 2 resto's and augurs
June 2, 2013 8:19 p.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #16
I could see how that would be a very loving relationship! Maybe take out 1 Turn / Burn ?
June 3, 2013 6:51 p.m.
Turn / Burn is one of the best cards in Standard, and Gilded Lotus doesn't really have a place in this deck.
Honestly, there aren't enough lands in this deck. I'd be running at least 24, probably 25.
June 5, 2013 6:37 p.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #18
I had that many in it at first and it seems like I don't have any problem getting lands. As long as I open with at least 3 in hand, I either Azorius Charm or Sphinx's Revelation into enough to keep going. The last four or five games I've played I've actually drawn too much land and I was considering taking another out.
June 5, 2013 6:48 p.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #19
Also, I was considering taking the two Izzet Charm s out for 2 more Dissipate s because the charms seemed like a dead card when I had them in hand past turn 4 or 5.
June 5, 2013 6:49 p.m.
This type of deck should really be running 24. Missing one of your first five land-drops is a death sentence against mid-range and control.
June 5, 2013 6:49 p.m.
Except for Naya, I don't think this deck would do well against control.
June 10, 2013 6:49 p.m.
FranksNBeeeeans says... #22
I appreciate the criticism, but is there any way you could make it constructive criticism? Why don't you think it would do well against control? What would you suggest to make it better? The 2x Dissipate , and 4x Syncopate are in the side to use against control decks. If I can get an AEtherling on the board and protect it the first turn, that generally wins the game against control.
Ranvil says... #1
Have you considered Feeling of Dread Maybe go down 1 artful, 1 izzet 1 searing. for 3x Feeling of Dread
May 23, 2013 9:18 a.m.