America the Brutalful (Ruhan of the Fomori EDH)
Commander / EDH*
KLD changes —Oct. 26, 2016
Been a while since i've updated on here, so figured now was a fine time with some other friends updating regularly on here again.
Cards I'm looking to try out: Cataclysmic Gearhulk - Boardwipes that leave me a dude behind are alright, also plays multi duty on enchantments, artifacts, and walkers. Torrential Gearhulk - Fatcaster Mage is pretty good. Less of something Im looking to try out, and more of something I just want to get my hands on Dovin Baan - card that I want to mess around with, Pretty good, and low to the ground so multiple activations can be easy Metallurgic Summons - potentially one of the most warping to the deck cards I've ever considered including. including this means lots of alterations including at least two of the artifact lands. On top of that, some of the low CMC spells get cut for things that will leave a larger body. Something I want to play around with for sure.
The enemy colored fast-lands (Inspiring Vantage + Spirebluff Canal ) are auto includes once I get them, but their replacements are easy.
Jace_the_Mind_Rapist says... #1
Ah yes, a general that proves America is a country that enjoy's blindly punching elderly gentlemen in the mouth. I think you might do better with some other equipment, namely the other Sword of's if you have them and a Puresteel Paladin could help equip them faster, but probably not unless you do a bit of aggressive expansion in your artifact suite. Hall of the Bandit Lord would be great because haste. Lotus Petal is one of the best artifacts to play if you have a 4 mana general. Odds/Ends is another good trick for Sunforger since you can get it for Odds but choose to cast either. Maze of Ith is great since it can save you from being punched by scary things, and in a pinch, can tug on Ruhan's leash to stop him from attacking into a Typhoid Rats. And finally, Steel of the Godhead, because Unblocakble+Lifelink=Sad opponents.
December 20, 2015 1:43 p.m.