America the Brutalful (Ruhan of the Fomori EDH)

Commander / EDH* EVA01


OTDE says... #1

June 22, 2013 4:46 p.m.

EVA01 says... #2

I can't believe I forgot Orim's Chant , It's great in both my toolboxes, and Silence Actually helps me a bunch too.

I don't really like Festival or Holy Day while with the Sunforger package they are reusable I don't think their effect is quite worth the effort (That being said Chant is still great because of the Silence attached to the fog).

Thanks for the suggestions! Do you have any idea where I could squeeze them in, Eight-and-a-Half-Tails too?

June 22, 2013 4:54 p.m.

derekb79 says... #3

The deck name alone deserves +1. Sorry for not having any suggestions, but I've only played MTG for less than 2 months.

July 11, 2013 8:53 p.m.

EVA01 says... #4

Haha, well thanks!

July 12, 2013 12:07 a.m.

protoss919 says... #5

I don't know if this is more effective than Starstorm because of the number of creatures you have, but Disaster Radius can be good. Also, Condemn and Spin into Myth can be good general hate.

August 4, 2013 3:52 p.m.

EVA01 says... #6

Hey, Thanks for the suggestions!

Yeah, If I ran more creatures Disaster Radius would be good, the thing I really love about Starstorm is that when you don't need the removal you can cycle it for a card anyway.

Condemn and Spin into Myth are both great suggestions! As good as it is, Condemn is actually kind of bad in my meta as most of the generals I regularly play against are utility or combo based generals, with the one exception being my best friends Kaalia of the Vast deck. Spin into Myth I really like, do you have any ideas of what I could switch with?

August 4, 2013 5:59 p.m.

protoss919 says... #7

Maybe Sulfurous Blast ? You already have a couple of damage spells.

August 5, 2013 2:49 a.m.

EVA01 says... #8

Hmmm. I'll definitely try it in that spot, the main reason I like Sulfurous Blast is that I can grab it off of Sunforger for a way to have a mini wrath that's tutorable out of the library, but in play testing I don't find my self looking for it very often. I will definitely try it out

Thanks a ton!

August 5, 2013 10:41 a.m.

elitestgen says... #9

If you want to run Sunforger and Isochron Scepter packages you want as many ways to find those pieces as possible. Fabricate is nice, but there is also Enlightened Tutor or even Gamble would be nice. While on the subject of Isochron Scepter, I think the package is very weak overall and you currently have 12 targets for it, and I can only see 8 of them being good each turn. Also, you don't seem to have any ways to recur Sunforger if it gets removed. Maybe look into Hanna, Ship's Navigator , Argivian Archaeologist , Razor Hippogriff , Sanctum Gargoyle .

In my experience playing a Ruhan deck lets you effectively play a lot of damage based removal to keep the board clear of weenie creatures, forcing people to block with stuff that they generally don't want to lose. Sulfurous Blast , Volcanic Fallout , Pyrohemia , Caldera Hellion , Chain Reaction , Inferno , Lord of Shatterskull Pass , Blasphemous Act . There are tons.

You don't seem to be too keen on running masses of equipment. Although there are bonuses to it. Primarily protecting Ruhan or giving him some added utility. Ring of Thune because vigilance is really good on Ruhan, Argentum Armor for removal, Darksteel Plate or Swiftfoot Boots for protection, Umezawa's Jitte , Sword of Light and Shadow .

Nice deck. Feel free to check out my Ruhan deck Ruhan Sunforger EDH for some other ideas I might have left out.

August 6, 2013 noon

EVA01 says... #10

I appreciate all the suggestions!

On the subject of tutors for the packages, and their roles; the Isochron Scepter Package is more a side package, I don't actively search for it, and, atleast in my meta, each "situational" spell, like Wear//Tear is actually just as good as having something like StP on it.

While the tutors are nice, and I'd like to replace Fabricate with Enlightened Tutor I'm just not willing to spend the cash on it since I've gotten the good majority of this from trade rather than bought.

Out of the recursion creatures, Hanna, Ship's Navigator is the only one that interests me, since she can return enchantments as well, Argivian Archaeologist is nice, but I'm running 8 targets for him total, one of which if it goes to the yard it was either discarded, milled, or I misplayed. The other two would rot in my hand more often than not since they are one shot effects and I'm not running anyways to reuse them. It should also be noted that I do have something that can recur Sunforger , Sun Titan , and in a pinch, Mistveil Plains + Stonehewer Giant .

As for the red removal, I'm running Sulfurous Blast , and Starstorm , out of what you suggested I have previously tested Chain Reaction (sorcery speed was what killed it for me), and Blasphemous Act (liked it a bunch, was in the first version, but I cut it for Starstorm since it is both an instant as well as being able to cycle), and Volcanic Fallout (will probably end up back in the list eventually, can't remember why it came out at the moment.). I like Inferno and that could warrant some testing, but I don't have enough creatures for Pyrohemia to really be effective, 5 mana and Sorcery Speed is what kills Caldera Hellion for me, and Lord of Shatterskull Pass requires way too much time/mana and allows for way too much interaction from my opponent before doing anything.

I'm avoiding equipment because I didn't want this to be a Voltron deck, and the pieces I do have are because of the synergy with other things I have, Sword of Feast and Famine has great synergy with Aggravated Assault & Sphinx's Revelation (and such). The one that conflicts with that idea is Loxodon Warhammer but the trample is really nice on him. Though I would LOVE to get my hands on a Umezawa's Jitte and Sword of Light and Shadow (even more so a Sword of Fire and Ice ) simply because they are amazing with anything that turns sideways to deal damage.

So out of all of that, would you recommend a test spot for Inferno ?

August 6, 2013 1:04 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #11

shouldn't it be titled 'insert country name that has red/white/blue on their flag' the beautiful? lol jk nice deck

August 16, 2013 9:57 p.m.

Steelshaper's Gift finds Sunforger as well while Kor Cartographer has been surprisingly welcome ramp in my Zedruu deck and can find the Mistveil Plains .

August 21, 2013 8:20 p.m.

EVA01 says... #13

I actually forgot about Steelshaper's Gift , definitely going to have to look for one. While I like Kor Cartographer , since it plays two roles, grabbing Mistveil Plains and providing a white permanent that is really awkward to remove (do you really want to blow a removal spell on a 2/2 that does nothing once it hits the board or the Consecrated Sphinx later?), I'm not sure where I would put it...

If you have any ideas of what I could test it in place of I'd love to hear.

August 21, 2013 8:48 p.m.

Thundermaw Hellkite is just a generic beater you can probably cut. Young Pyromancer looks like a ton of fun but also only does damage. Those are the two cards that stick out to me.

August 24, 2013 7:01 p.m.

:o I have a Ruhan deck that has a Sunforger package too! Huzzah! For your consideration.... Mine is focused on being a bit more aggressive, though. Good job on the deck!

August 29, 2013 3:09 p.m.

Ah yes, a general that proves America is a country that enjoy's blindly punching elderly gentlemen in the mouth. I think you might do better with some other equipment, namely the other Sword of's if you have them and a Puresteel Paladin could help equip them faster, but probably not unless you do a bit of aggressive expansion in your artifact suite. Hall of the Bandit Lord would be great because haste. Lotus Petal is one of the best artifacts to play if you have a 4 mana general. Odds/Ends is another good trick for Sunforger since you can get it for Odds but choose to cast either. Maze of Ith is great since it can save you from being punched by scary things, and in a pinch, can tug on Ruhan's leash to stop him from attacking into a Typhoid Rats. And finally, Steel of the Godhead, because Unblocakble+Lifelink=Sad opponents.

December 20, 2015 1:43 p.m.

Sughes says... #17

Any idea of the power level of this deck? I think Ruhan's cool, but I want him to survive in my playgroup.

December 20, 2020 3:55 p.m.

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