American Control

Standard* Rasir


Rasir says... #1

4x Mana Confluence3x Deicide1x Assemble the Legion3x Banishing Light2x Azorius Charm1x Steam Vents4x Temple of Epiphany1x AEtherling2x Keranos, God of Storms4x Temple of Triumph4x Temple of Enlightenment

April 19, 2014 11:18 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #2

Overall I really like this build! Keranos is really sweet in a control shell. However, I would like to make some suggestions:

You really only need 1 Elixir in your build, I can't help but think that adding another Elspeth to your build, as it helps you control the board a lot better than elixir, would be a lot better, or something like Syncopate or Divination in that spot would help the deck out a lot more than drawing multiple copies of the elixir. Also, having 3 Deicide and 2 Revoke Existence in the sideboard is a little too much hate than to be reasonable. Some reasonable replacements would be Debtor's Pulpit (because it answers Blood Barons, Aetherlings, and sorts of other random creatures), Blind Obedience , Archangel of Thune , or Gainsay .

Mana Confluence is a scary card to run 4 of. The price that it comes with is really hard for you to cope with considering you don't have a lot of lifegain other than Revs and Elixirs mainboard, and against any sort of aggressive strategy or a burn deck you're going to be losing a lot of games to your mana. That card will be fantastic for things like Naya Aggro, but as far as control goes it's mighty risky. I might run 1 if this were my deck, depending on how hard the mana was to get, but more likely 0 copies. 4 Islands will really help your mana speed up and hurt you less, making your counterspells come online earlier without getting you closer to dead. I would also probably replace some number of Negates in the board to Gainsay, as it can counter mostly all of the same stuff in a control mirror, but it also has applications against Mono Blue, Esper Midrange, and can counter an opposing Aetherling.

Also, both your mainboard and your sideboard are really soft to Mistcutter Hydra , which is a card a lot of people will sideboard in against you, Mizzium Mortars is sorcery speed, as is Banishing Light, which is not great against that card. That being said, I like a single copy of Warleader's Helix . But at the same time, we still have to keep Stormbreath Dragon in mind. So, maybe 1 copy of the Helix in place of a Detention Sphere . You already have a lot of the Oblivion Ring type of effects and Turn //Burn helps you deal with large creatuers, and being able to deal with a Mistcutter or almost any other creature (and a lot of planeswalkers) at instant speed, as well as gain you some life, is worth a -1 on the D-spheres in my opinion.

Overall though, I think this is a cool deck! I really want UWR to be a thing, considering I'm an inherent Izzet mage, lol. Since Bonfire of the Damned rotated out there hasn't been much of an excuse to run it over straight Blue-White. Hopefully Keranos will help the deck get over that hump!

April 22, 2014 10:13 a.m.

Rasir says... #3

Thanks for the input i'll be looking more into! kee watching for the updates i make

April 22, 2014 1:50 p.m.

Rasir says... #4

corythackston what do you think about the updates?

April 22, 2014 2:07 p.m.

CptnHndsm says... #5

Looks great! +1 from me! You have a lot of answers to a lot of threats! :D

April 22, 2014 2:40 p.m.

Rasir says... #6

Thank you for the +1! :)

April 22, 2014 2:42 p.m.

Rasir says... #7

Also Revoke is to get the mirror match-ups Elixir

April 22, 2014 2:45 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #8

I love it! Awesome build!

April 22, 2014 4:04 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #9

Hey man, I looked at your sideboard, and I think having both Deicide and Revoke Existence in the same board is too redundant. I would probably take out the revokes, since the god weapons are enchantments anyway, and the only artifact that you reasonably want to remove often is Godsend or possibly Chariot of Victory , but those both eat d-spheres and banishing light anyway. Also, I would probably take out at least 1 pithing needle because the matches where you want it you have a lot of overlapping targets (Elspeth, Elixir of Immortality, Jace, Aetherling (and you already have a sideboard answer to an Aetherling)), so drawing 2 of them could hurt you more than help you in a mirror match. Maybe -1 Blind Obedience , -1 Pithing Needle , -2 Revoke Existence for +4 Archangels. I love Archangel coming out of the sideboard in these decks, because most people side out a lot of their removal against you, and between the Angels and the Planeswalkers, you'll be really stressing out their remaining removal. Also, if game 1 goes long and you lose or you're tied with little time left on the clock, it gives you a way to possibly win quickly enough to pull out a tie or a win. It also gains you tons of life, pressures opposing planeswalkers in a mirror, keeps you alive in a match where someone is trying to kill you quickly, and combos with Elspeth, or if you're interested in playing the card Assemble the Legion (which is an auto-win most of the time against MBD) it combos with that too.

April 23, 2014 2:40 a.m.

Rasir says... #10

So i only have two Archangels so I'm looking into a few more sideboard cards atm

April 24, 2014 11:57 a.m.

Rasir says... #11

added in two anger for the new BW god i believe is going to see a lot of play with that card I negate the gods power.

April 24, 2014 12:44 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #12

Good idea!

April 24, 2014 9:49 p.m.

Rasir says... #13

Anymore thoughts?

May 18, 2014 6:33 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #14

Idk... What is the purpose of having Glaring Spotlight and Celestial Flare in the same sideboard? They seem to answer the same things.

Also I would make Counterflux a 1-of for a 4th Dissolve, in everything but a control mirror Dissolve is strictly better, and you can save your one Counterflux if you draw it for Aetherling, knowing that most of the other cards don't matter. I also would like a 27th land if it was my deck, because about the only time these decks lose badly is when they can't get their lands, and if it is a scry land or a mutavault, you don't mind drawing them anyway. You could probably take out either a Helix or a Mortars, those are probably better 1-ofs than anything, considering 4 mana for 4 damage is a pretty poor ratio (even though I think the card is really cool and should be in the deck, it's just a little inefficient) and Mortars is just a sorcery speed kill spell on a smallish creature until you hit 6 mana.

Also, Stormbreath Dragon could be a cheaper stand-in for Archangels. In certain matchups, it could even be better considering it dodges all of the O-ring effects going around right now, and its closing speed is insane.

May 18, 2014 1:54 p.m.

Rasir says... #15

Thoughts now?

May 18, 2014 10:39 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #16

I like it =) Let me know how those rams work out, I've never played with them personally. Maybe consider Mutavaults? Those provide a big edge in a control mirror because they can't just immediately neg their Jaces without them dying. With 27 lands you probably won't have color problems, the UWR deck that the guy from Star City kept writing about runs 3 and he says its fine. In fact his mana base had all 12 scry lands, 4 Hallowed Fountains, 3 Mutavaults, 1 Steam Vents, 1 Sacred Foundry, and the rest basics. Not saying you should copy his mana base, your deck is different than his, but you don't need a lot of red mana according to your pie chart, so maybe taking out a couple of red sources for mutavaults would be good.

Side note: I hope I don't sound critical in a negative way, I like the deck a lot! Just my opinions that may or may not be helpful =) lol

May 19, 2014 3:26 a.m.

Rasir says... #17

I understand it's not Negative it's helpful i'm just trying to keep building on it.

May 19, 2014 9:44 a.m.

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