American Super Friends!

Standard* 2zettaslow


DarkHero says... #1

He will be best in Grixis, but this will certainly work too. Check out my decks Izzet a Maze? and Stromkirk Enters the Maze. Tried to incorporate Dragon Maze as well just looking for feedback.

April 17, 2013 10:24 a.m.

2zettaslow says... #2

well thanks for just advertising on my page. that was really helpful

April 17, 2013 12:01 p.m.

TorrentFreak says... #3

Why is your deck categorized in the Standard format? Sarkhan the Mad , Lightning Bolt , Counterspell can all be easily substituted for standard legal cards.

April 19, 2013 1:24 p.m.

TorrentFreak says... #4

Whoops I revoke my comment, didn't see the comment section :P

April 19, 2013 1:24 p.m.

KaezilKub says... #5

Rock Lobster ? lol

April 26, 2013 10:17 a.m.

R3DGRAV3 says... #6

I also run american control. My personal thoughts: add in Bonfire of the Damned , Terminus , Cyclonic Rift , maybe Mizzium Mortars . Id take out gideon add in 2 more tamiyo in his place. Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius and Augur of Bolas are also good adds. nice deck

April 26, 2013 10:40 a.m.

2zettaslow says... #7

thanks R3DGRAV3. i like the idea of Bonfire of the Damned and i have Terminus and Mizzium Mortars in my side board. Gideon, Champion of Justice is just a really good win condition. even if they don't run a lot of creatures, he is still a major threat on the board. i dont exactly like Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius because he jus costs way to much for his actual worth. and Augur of Bolas , i don't like the reveal portion of the card. this deck is built a lot around stealth, and that hurts my game.

mosaicub read the description please. i put it in so you can play test and still see the card. for the people who didn't pay money on this site

April 26, 2013 6:06 p.m.

KaezilKub says... #8

I did read it, I just thought it was a funny card to choose as a placeholders.

April 26, 2013 6:27 p.m.

2zettaslow says... #9

its like one of my favorite cards hahaha

April 26, 2013 6:36 p.m.

KaezilKub says... #10

It makes me start singing in my head lol

I like the deck. My one thing, would be that I'd say 5 Jace's might be a bit too many. I'd be afraid of them becoming dead cards in my hand. I also think somewhere in here, you might be able to work in a couple Boros Charm . I like their versatility for wipe protection and the damage effects can help finish people off late in the game.

April 26, 2013 6:51 p.m.

2zettaslow says... #11

well again, they arnt all jaces...... if you did what i asked and just read my discription, the JTMS are Ral Zarek ......and why Boros Charm ??? if they have heavy removal i would just side in AEtherling s.....

i try to be nice i really do but actually just think b4 you comment.

April 26, 2013 6:57 p.m.

KaezilKub says... #12

My bad on that one. I read that before, and just forgot.

April 26, 2013 7:06 p.m.

AirEau says... #13

I am building my own UWR competitive deck and it's close to yours but without that much planeswalkers.

What I would do (something like that) :

Remove 2x Gideon, Champion of Justice (maybe add it on sideboard against aggro)Remove 2x Jace, Architect of Thought (I really don't like it)Remove 2x Ral Zarek . Too much planeswalker. For me, one is good because you will never want to draw two of it.Remove 2x Fluxcharger . WTF with this card ? It's BAD.

Replace 2x Pillar of Flame with 2x Turn / Burn . For one more mana, you get an instant and an alternative possible usage.

Add 2x Render Silent . Countered spells are not exiled but counterspell+silence is very good for 3 mana.Add 1x Snapcaster Mage because you never have enough of this card. You can either add 2 to get 4.Add 2x Essence Scatter to counter very angry decks and most people will think that you need 3 mana to counter a spell. With this in a deck, your opponent will fear you !Add 1x AEtherling . Yea, it's nice against control but also nice against you ! You can exile it in answer of your Supreme Verdict or Terminus but have to test it out because it look like an abyss for your mana.Add 1x Blasphemous Act because it's an awesome card and can combo on Boros Reckoner .

If really think that a deck with too much planeswalker will be too slow and they will be hard to defend.

May 2, 2013 9:04 a.m.

2zettaslow says... #14

thanks AirEau

first of all Turn / Burn is side boarded for Thragtusk .

second Fluxcharger is actually an amazing card. its steal and a good sweap that many decks wont have any answers too. its base is 1/5 so its prown to other damage removal spells, but in responce to him being let un blocked, i can cast any of my 18 instants to flip him. so no its not a "WTF with this card ? It's BAD." thirid, Gideon, Champion of Justice is a AWESOME card. im assuming you did not read my description of the deck, please read it. . 4th, i run Blasphemous Act in the side because if another deck has Boros Reckoner it will only be counter productive, so if they don't have any, game two it gets put in main board from the side. 5th, i like Render Silent . and in my play group it works a lot better, and i find that to be more important then Essence Scatter , becuase i can counter one creature spell and let the other slide but with Render Silent i can shut down any creature based deck. like any good player, you play petty creature first, then important creatures after, for Essence Scatter but Render Silent shuts it down.

again this seems like a hate rant, but i do appreciate your comment! thanks!

May 2, 2013 10:52 a.m.

AirEau says... #15

This is not a hate rant, I promise ;)I did read your description from start to end but it don't change my mind about him :)

I really don't see how Fluxcharger can be an amazing card oO but maybe I'm wrong.

Good point for Blasphemous Act because there are a lot of people playing Boros Reckoner .

And, you can have both Essence Scatter and Render Silent , why not ;)

May 2, 2013 1:03 p.m.

Jay says... #16

More Supreme Verdict . That card crushes 80% of decks, and your friends remain unharmed. And if you're playing a deck it doesn't shut down, side them out for more counterspells.

May 6, 2013 9:52 a.m.

2zettaslow says... #17

Jp3ngu1nb0y yeah i like the idea but i think two is fine. i have so many draws in this that i can dig for it if i really need them. i have Blasphemous Act in the side if they don't have any reckoners them self, and if i need any more board wipes, i can just add them in. good suggestion.

AirEau yeah like i said i wont be able to convince you unless you would play me. gideon really just slays. another thing is: american control is not a counter deck. its all about the board play. thats why i run so many burn spells and removal, so main boarding, or even siding Essence Scatter is just silly.... i did remove Fluxcharger only because i needed faster blockers, so Augur of Bolas just fit better.

May 6, 2013 12:59 p.m.

Totalg says... #18

I like when people post their decklist just to stroke themselves. "What? Everyone isn't telling me how amazing this is? Pretty sure it is!"

That said, this looks really interesting.America has some of the best planeswalkers right now, and even after rotation. Is it meant to be post rotation? I mean, no dissipate?

Also, 23 lands seems a bit low. Especially since you are running 5 x cost spells and aetherling.

I also agree with the needing more verdicts. If you want to call it superfriends, run the playset and fewer creatures. Remember, it stops hexproof, and all the dig won't help if you are dead this turn.

I feel this deck is trying to do too many things at once. So many bullets and 2-ofs, its gonna be a consistency nightmare. I'd consider focusing on things you want to do each and every game, on curve.

Do you play against real decks? I feel reanimator, jund and hexproof would eat this current build. And for the record, all three of those decks ignore gideon pretty hard.I'd play gideon as a side against aggro maybe? but verdict is just better value in a 4 slot... both?

July 25, 2013 5:01 p.m.

2zettaslow says... #19


this deck is old, and no longer played. you have been nothing but hateful. thanks for that.

July 25, 2013 10:42 p.m.

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