Amulet Titan alternative (Amulet Mind)

Modern AuroraBlitz


all hail cohen. all hail cohen.

August 20, 2015 8:51 a.m.

erasgagags says... #2

If you can afford it, I'd really really highly recommend getting at least one Pact of Negation. Not only is it great protection, but it allows another great avenue of killing through hivemind, for different colored decks. Most any g/b deck will be able to pay for the pacts with the presence of Birds of Paradise and other dorks, so that makes hivemind kinda iffy. Also, I'd recommend switching out one of the radiant fountains for a Khalni Garden. It has the potential for a much greater effective lifegain than 2 when facing down some big scary creatures, and can also make a potential threat if you are in a ridiculously grindy game against a deck with slaughter games (Once I beat down my opponent from 16 with a 0/1 getting beefed up with slayer's stronghold and sunhome-- It's extremely uncommon but more outs are more outs). Maybe switch out a gitaxian probe or two for Ponder. Though the information can be useful, I feel like more selectivity may be more useful, although that's just a thought. If you can't get pacts of negation (and even if you can), perhaps grab some Thragtusks and maybe a Hornet Queen for the sideboard, so you can do the ole transformative sideboard switcheroo. Siding out hive mind for stronger creature beatdown is powerful, hornet queen basically fists any aggro or creature strat, and removing hive mind can REALLY nullify their responsive sideboard choices if they side against hive mind. I like your take though! It's not a cheap deck to build, I was fortunate to buy it right before it hit a spike in popularity. Good luck, have fun, and practice lots!

September 26, 2015 2:36 p.m.

AuroraBlitz says... #3


its meant to be as budget as possibly can be without wrecking the deck, ive just forgotten to but the budget tag on it. so Thragtusk is a maybe option if i get money, and Pact of Negation is out, which is why there are 2 more Slaughter Pact than normal decks have.

Khalni Garden was an option, but i always found i had issues with not having untapped mana to play the amulet and other stuff, so the radiant fountains are in just as an experiment, gardens may go in a little later if it works at the GP.

Ponder ponder is banned so i put in swan songs instead (maybe remands if i can get some)

but yeah, thanks for the help, really helped with choices for my sideboard :)

September 29, 2015 4:29 a.m.

erasgagags says... #4

hahaha I'm dumb as a brick I meant to say Sleight of Hand, sorry 'bout that!

September 30, 2015 2:33 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #5

Gemstone Mine is considerably better than City of Brass, and you should run the 3rd Tolaria West.

Go down to 1 SSG. It's terrible when it's not on T1, and running 1 reduces that risk. The 4th Prime Time is necessary.

Ancient Stirrings is great for digging, and nets you land. Run the 4 of them for sure. You have a weird mana base. You probably don't want to run that many Rot Farms, and so few Gruul Turfs. I disagree with the Slaughter Pacts on 3 because this is not an interactive deck, and you should focus heavily on comboing the shit out of them, rather than interacting with dumb creatures.

4 Hive Mind is excessive, and if you have that many, you want at least 3 Tolaria West, and a Pact of Negation to screw with BGx players.

October 23, 2015 2:05 a.m.

Jolty says... #6

Nice adaptation of the original Amulet Bloom deck, will playtest!

However putting it in the budget category for a cost of $345 seems a bit inappropriate..

February 15, 2016 12:29 p.m.

AuroraBlitz says... #7

Jolty, i know it technically isnt true budget, but its either this or almost $600, and if i dont put budget, then everyone just goes on about how i dont have Pact of Negation or other super expensive cards. its just as budget as i can get it without messing the deck up. it used to be around $280 before the pro tour raised all the prices for everything

February 15, 2016 10:17 p.m.

IAMtheBW says... #8

If you ran another Slayers' Stronghold, you could win the game the turn Primetimes started coming out.

March 12, 2017 8:09 a.m.

jonmaior says... #9

you might consider adding root maze. it combos well with amulet of vigor.

June 9, 2017 8:29 a.m.

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