An Ashen Triad of Asphodel

Standard* Lord007


kazimer says... #1

I'd trade out your daggerdome imp for another parasite, since you already got screechers for your air defense. Also, take out Pontiff of Blight. It's really a card only for when you are adding a third card, like white/green/black for when you have selesyna tokens and you want to give them all extort. YOu already have nearly exclusively extort creatures. I'd also take out Sinister Posession for Pacifism, as one less creature to deal with is much better then 2 damage towards your opponent.

August 3, 2013 7:41 p.m.

I would suggest cleaning up your multiple 1-ofs when you have the chance, as there is going to be little regularity in what you draw. For example, Syndicate Enforcer can go: only one power more than Syndic of Tithes , yet costing two more mana? Too expensive for what it brings to the table.

I'm not a fan of Angelic Edict in this deck. Yes, it has flexibility, but 5 mana for a card which is just going to exile a creature 90% of the time? 5 mana doesn't give you much room for Extortion on top of the casting cost. Ditto Purge the Profane ; you either use it as is, or by the time you can cast AND extort it's unlikely your opponent will have two cards in their hand to discard (remember it's at Sorcery speed). It just seems a but underwhelming for 4 CMC.

On an similar vein, do you have anything big enough to warrant Obzedat's Aid ? What would you want to return for 5 CMC?

Cheaper creature removal to replace Angelic Edict would be good. Think about High Priest of Penance , which can target any permanent, or the standard 2-drop black removal spells.

August 3, 2013 8:05 p.m.

As you're adding Pacifism , creature removal isn't as lacking as it would otherwise be, of course. I didn't see the previous post before now, sorry.

Also, I've just noticed you have 66 cards - do try and trim it down to 60!

August 3, 2013 8:08 p.m.

paraluke says... #4

You have quite some extort, you may be able to afford to take away Pontiff of Blight .

Sin Collector may be good, but you can consider moving to sideboard instead. I will suggest Orzhov Charm as it is a very versatile card.

Kingpin's Pet has a moderate casting cost that may not complement your extort abilities. You can add in one more screecher or parasite, or even High Priest of Penance mentioned by another guy.

Per advised by Contra, bring down to 60 if you can. I noticed it's only your lands that are more than required as you have already 38 non-lands.

I played it against my M14 Life Deck and I won 2-1.

August 5, 2013 2:13 a.m.

hoinor says... #5

well, maybe this will inspire you a little life drain cycle

August 12, 2013 2:52 p.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #6

Have you considered the Vizkopa Guildmage and Exquisite Blood or Sanguine Bond infinite loop combo?

August 17, 2013 3:06 p.m.

Dubel says... #7

I play Orzhov a lot, I'd run an Obzedat and a Teysa, I'd also take out Profit and Loss. I'd run maybe 1 High Priest, and I'd swap out two of your tithe drinkers for syndic of tythes, life link is good, but not for -1 toughness. If you like my advice, I have plenty more, mine is mainly creatures and about 18 of them are 2 and 3 mana drops, I don't run any of the 1 mana drops though.

August 17, 2013 3:08 p.m.

Lord007 says... #8

Pterozactyl I have and currently I don't have the cards for it.

Dubel same thing for Obzedat and Teysa. As soon as I get them, 2x Tithe Drinker will be exchanged with 1x Syndic of Tithes and 1x Basilica Guards

August 17, 2013 10:36 p.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #9

Cool. Sanguine Bond would definitely be great if you could get your hands on them, plus they will be around post rotation since they were in M14. If you want Debt to the Deathless as a win-con, I would add two more Crypt Ghast to ramp into it, it gets beastly. As a side note, Orzhov decks are awesome for multiplayer.

August 18, 2013 2:16 a.m.

Deco_y says... #10

Sanguine Bond would give this deck a really nice boost.

Rise of the Dark Realms is one of those cool casual cards but is better in idea then function. You could tap out for 9 mana to cast it, just for someone to play Supreme Verdict after it hits or even worse, Negate . A Debt to the Deathless for the same mana cost would probably win you the game with all the extorting you'd be doing.

As well, when you have SO much extort in a deck, you want to have cheaper spells. Instead of Killing Glare , try 2 Doom Blade or if you're going against another black deck, side in 2 Go for the Throat , or even Murder . Same effect, but generally better bang for your mana buck.

I tried to make one of these types of decks and bombed horrendously, I wish you better luck my friend =)


August 18, 2013 2:29 a.m.

Lord007 says... #11

Pterozactyl I am looking for Sanguine Bond and more Crypt Ghast and my friends won't let me play my deck against them in multiplayer.

Leafs_suck I realize that Rise of the Dark Realms is pretty fragile but it's a fun card and not my main win-con. I am also looking for Doom Blade to add but I currently don't have any. Is Go for the Throat still standard?

August 18, 2013 2:41 p.m.

miroslav94 says... #12

if you need help put it sanguinal bound and exquisite blood...then just one extort and win game.cose they stack up inffinitly. :)

August 20, 2013 8:21 a.m.

I hate to be "that kind of guy", but none of your sorcery cards are doing much for you. Rise of the Dark Realms is too expensive and doesn't do enough. Solemn Offering is far too slow to stop the artifacts people usually use. And Debt to the Deathless costs so much, it's not useful anymore. I don't want you to think you did a bad job building this because you didn't, but these cards need to go if you want this deck to run more efficiently. As far as creatures go, you don't need Pontiff of Blight, Lord of the Void, or Thrull Parasite. They all do very little and will slow you down a lot. I would replace them with Kingpens Pet and/or another Tithe Drinker and/or High Priest of Penance.I also feel that Quag Sickness could be replaced with either Arrest or One Thousand Lashes . Hopefully this helps! I want to see this deck run well! Good luck!

September 4, 2013 12:21 p.m.

vintr says... #14

I started my orzhov deck as an extort deck.. and eventually it evolved into a lifelink/lifedrain deckUnholy Communionif you want to check it out for ideas.. it isnt budget anymore, but I could tell you what i used before i got the angels.. blood barons arent too expensive.

September 4, 2013 12:39 p.m.

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