apolloflame says... #2
I think you should use Elvish Archdruid over Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen as it provides the +1/+1 to elves but also becomes a great mana tool.
January 25, 2017 11:20 p.m.
I would love to do that, but Elvish Archdruid isn't frontier legal, Dwynen is.
January 26, 2017 9:22 a.m.
apolloflame says... #4
Trtl my bad didn't notice it was Frontier format, I thought I had clicked a Modern deck.
January 26, 2017 9:48 a.m.
cloudman72 says... #5
no fetches with Narnam Renegade and Greenwheel Liberator ?????
January 26, 2017 4:34 p.m.
@cloudman72 I feel like fetches are too slow to be used, the idea is I'm going to tap every land that enters play on my side, seeing as it's an aggressive elf deck. All fetches would do is slow it down or kill my budget. Thanks for the suggestions though!
January 26, 2017 10:19 p.m.
multimedia says... #7
Trtl, I haven't looked into Frontier yet, but I'm a huge fan of Elves and Shaman of the Pack, maybe I should. Nice deck I'm all for a budget brew. +1
Since this deck is budget my suggestions will also be budget. Even though you're not using a revolt theme I still suggest that you add both Narnam Renegade and Greenwheel Liberator. I would replace Thornbow Archer with Narnam and move Duress to the sideboard for Liberator. Getting turn one green for a 1 drop is much easier than getting black. You're already playing Elvish Mystic so you want green turn one.
Both Renegade and Liberator allow you to be more aggressive which is the main theme here since you're using Foul-Tongue Shriek, you want to be attacking. Just the threat of being able to activate revolt lets you get more damage in and if Elves die which they will then you can benefit from this.
Chord of Calling is very good with Elves and Shaman of the Pack. It's not a budget card, but I suggest that you replace the one Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for one Chord. Both are comparable in price and Chord can actually be a win condition with Shaman or Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen or give you card advantage because it can also tutor for Sylvan Messenger. Urborg is fine, but Chord would have much more impact.
Eyeblight Massacre is not really a main deck card. It's a good sideboard card vs Tokens and nonElf aggro like Atarka Red, but pretty bad vs everything else. I would move it to the sideboard for 2x more lands, 1x Forest and 1x Swamp, giving you 20x lands. 18x lands is kind of low even with mana Elves.
Good luck with your deck.
January 28, 2017 8:10 p.m.
multimedia, Thanks for the awesome suggestions! I've added Narnam Renegade and removed all four Thornbow Archers.
Although it did affect my budget a bit, instead of adding Greenwheel Liberator (I just really don't like that card) I added two more Sylvan Advocate and a Chord of Calling.
January 28, 2017 8:41 p.m.
multimedia says... #9
Trtl, your very welcome, glad I could help. More green is the right direction, it will bring a lot more consistency.
Even though I think more green is the right way to go I'm suggesting a black card, haha. I've done a little Frontier research and it looks like Gilt-Leaf Winnower would be a great sideboard card. She's an Elf and can kill a huge amount of the best creatures in the format. Most notable Siege Rhino and Spell Queller, but in just about all matchups she has a target. Beastcaller Savant can help to cast a Winnower which helps the . I like that Sylvan Messenger can find Winnower which is very nice in matchups where you want her.
I'm not a fan of cards like Stain the Mind. I think Duress and other cheap discard is better. You have Duress and Warping Wail to stop board wipes. Wail is a pretty creative sideboard option you have come up with to stop board wipes, Languish, good job. Unfortunately, you're not playing enough mana sources to cast it. Only 4x Llanowar Wastes can cast it. Only four land sources to cast Wail is not enough. You're going to want at least 8x colorless land sources to be able to cast Wail when you need it, turn four. Without more colorless sources I'm afraid it's best to cut Wail for other sideboard options.
An idea to keep Wail is to add Aether Hub. Hub can first make any color of mana as well as colorless. It's not ideal by any means because you're not using an energy strategy. Hub is also not a very budget friendly land although it really should be seeing how it's an uncommon.
You could add both Hub and replace Beastcaller Savant with Servant of the Conduit to get energy to power both. This move would give you a mana Elf who can make any color of mana at least two times as well as a land which can also make colorless to cast Wail.
Another option would be to include Yavimaya Coast in place of Forests because it can make both green mana and colorless.
January 28, 2017 11:39 p.m.
Again, thank you for the suggestions! you're helping immensely! I've replaced Beastcaller Savant with Servant of the Conduit, but in the interest in keeping my budget intact I've added Crumbling Vestige over Yavimaya Coast or Aether Hub. I know it can slow me down more, but I don't have the funds to add something else. If you have an idea for a cheap replacement, please leave a comment! (this is an offer to anyone who happens to see this.)
January 29, 2017 12:47 p.m.
Have you tried out Lifecrafter's Bestiary in this list?
I've been toying with it in a modern elves to some success, wanted to see if anyone tried it in frontier elves.
February 26, 2017 12:54 p.m.
Yeah, I tried using Lifecrafter's Bestiary for awhile but it is just too slow for my liking. I'm glad to hear it works in Modern though.
Trtl says... #1
I'm horrible with sideboards, if anyone has any suggestions on how to change it, please, leave a comment.
January 22, 2017 7:47 p.m.