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An Illusion deck in Modern! Whaaaaat?

Modern Aggro Midrange Mono-Blue Tempo




Just a fun illusion deck that I think is really powerful. When I made this deck I aimed for a midrange feel. I wanted to be aggressive when I needed to be, and switch to a passive, slower style on the spot. A lot of strong cards are in this deck and they were all picked with some care in mind. On to the deck!For creatures:

The illusions themselves were picked because they were fast and strong over all. They were the cards that I would use to rush my opponent quickly. 1 drop 2/2 that can become up to a 6/6 is to good. Lord of the Unreal and Master of Waves were picked for a few reasons. Lord gave my illusions power and they were also able to keep they protected for cards that could easily remove them, this also made him a target always. Master of Waves was put in for the massive field he can make. A ton of devotion is in this deck so you can easily hit quite big with him.

The draw cards:

Brainstorm was just a good card for me. I liked the way it worked overall. The Gitaxian Porde was put in at two because I have a good amount of draw power already but it gave me the ability to see my opponent's hand which was just too good to pass up.

Play disrupters:

Counterspell is one of the best counter cards in the game. No way I would not play it. Mana Leak and Syncopate were also great cards to stop my opponent from playing their best cards. I needed a lot of counters since blue has poor removal. Curse of the swine however was quite good. Removing big scary creatures by exiling them and replacing them with just 2/2s was quite good. I always like this card but it is underrated for sure. Encrust was put in because sometimes you don't have a answer for a card so I wanted to be able to stop my opponent's active effects and make them not able to tap. Claustrophobia is still under consideration.

Finally the lands:

Cavern of souls was just so I could cast my illusions and waves without them being countered. Depths was just a good card. It gave me a look at what I have coming my way and let me put them in a way to play my hand and the board much better. Again I like card advantage! Lastly, I played the 4 rainforests and 2 tarns because getting my basic land out really takes away from the chance of drawing into it a ton. May take out the tarns because that is 6 life gone if I play all 6 with no life gain, and that's risky.

The side deck is a little weird but it was put together with little thought and just has cards that I think will be good against certain decks. If you have any suggests for this deck go ahead and tell me. Try the deck out yourself if you want to see how it works. Its a fun deck for sure. :) Thanks for reading

(P.S. The maybe board is what I am thinking of adding in. Tell me if there is anything I should add or that you like. Also what would you change it for and how much for etc etc)


Updates Add

So I really shifted the deck to be more devotion and tempo based mainly because I feel this was the most powerful form of illusions. Personally this deck has a lot of power early game and I love the deck a lot


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 3 Mythic Rares

12 - 5 Rares

15 - 8 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.78
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U
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