Anafenza Aggro/Disruption

Commander / EDH FrenchFryNinja


eroine says... #1

i would say that you are over indulging on mana dorks, and lacking in some kinda heavy hitting/ repeatable threats like Temur Sabertooth to bounce your come into play creatures. nothing finer than a monstrosity Hydra Broodmaster swinging for a ton, then bouncing it back to do it again next turn. Fleecemane Lion is another suggestion to pound for nice repeatable damage that is hexproof it demands an immediate answer (clearing the way you to drop your bomb) or you keep hitting with a four/four hexproof indestructible it is always hard to not offer the advice of card draw, as an aggro deck simple and repeatable is paramount Phyrexian Arena, Shamanic Revelation, Howling Mine and the like. Another card to through into the maybe pile is Ajani, Mentor of Heroes his first plus is great for supporting counters the second helps filter your draws to weed out unnecessary later or early in the game.

February 2, 2015 7:52 a.m.

FrenchFryNinja says... #2

eroine Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I have a Phyrexian Arena on the way, but its not hear yet. I'll look at Shamanic Revelation and do some testing. Howling Mine I'll skip, since I don't have a way to tap it at the end of my turn and I would hate to share card advantage.

I had Hydra Broodmaster and a bunch of other big hydras in there in its early stages. The hugeness was good, and maybe I'll take another look at that. But that strategy didn't work well against the guy I usually play against who has all of the Act of Treason like cards out there. I would make something big, he would take it next turn and smash me. The broodmaster might be the exception because of the tokens it creates.

Other than with the Hydra Broodmaster the the Temur Sabertooth seems a bit anti-synergous (a word?) with Ana's +1/+1 counters. But I'll take a deeper look at it.

Ajani, Mentor of Heroes is definitely the Ajani I should be running. Thanks for this. I'll add it to the (really long) buy list for after my mana base is done being fixed (get rid of taplands)

Thanks again for the feedback! I really appreciate it.

February 2, 2015 9:21 a.m.

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