Anafenza, Commander of the Scale

Commander / EDH* jackriottech


buttergolem says... #1

Phytohydra would be perfect for this deck... you can bolster and eats removal

March 25, 2015 9:35 p.m.

jackriottech says... #2

Thanks! I didn't even think of adding that.

March 25, 2015 10:30 p.m.

This guy been recommending that plant hydra for every g/w deck....

March 25, 2015 11:10 p.m.

buttergolem says... #4

still, it is a good card...

March 26, 2015 12:04 a.m.

Not saying it isn't. I clicked on the card and saw that butter golem had been recommending it all over The place

March 26, 2015 12:07 a.m.

Steaditup says... #6

Cathars' Crusade and Retribution of the Ancients are crazy in an anafenza deck. A friend of mine runs her as his general and his deck is so rude. New creature, Avatar of the Resolute can be crazy. Abzan Ascendancy gets a lot of value. Dragonscale General can give you lots of bonus counters.

March 29, 2015 2:03 p.m.

Steaditup says... #7

March 29, 2015 2:06 p.m.

I found Pheres-Band Thunderhoof works well with these Mechanics

March 31, 2015 10:31 a.m.

snotice says... #9

Kalonian Hydra: a +1/+1 counter doubler. He can be removed the game and return with counters on him, so he's a safe hydra to put in your deck.

Sigarda, Host of Herons: because you need protection against sac spells.

Archangel of Thune: for lifegain and more +1/+1 counter production.

Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Explosive Vegetation: ramp is essential in every green deck, especially if you aren't running shock lands.

Oracle of Mul Daya & Courser of Kruphix: mana acceleration at it's finest. Yes, they are average $10 and $7.50, but they are worth it. If not courser, Mul daya is.

Doubling Season: due to you having 7 planeswalkers and all the counter production, it makes sense. It can be a long term thought if you are on a budget.

Hope this helps.

April 1, 2015 11:58 a.m.

jackriottech says... #10

snotice, your suggestions do help. However, I don't know what I would take out to add those in. Do you have an idea as to what I would replace?

April 4, 2015 3:28 p.m.

snotice says... #11

Sigarda, Host of Herons for Scaleguard Sentinels: I like the card, you just don't have enough dragons to have that ability be consistent. Sigarda is a savior vs black/eldrazi sac spells.

Kalonian Hydra for Mistcutter Hydra: it's not likely that they would counter your hydra plus if anyone 'blinks' mistcutter, all the counters are remove, whereas kalonian will always have at least 4 entering the battlefield.

Oracle of Mul Daya for Enduring Scalelord: too slow to be useful and playing at the most 2 lands a turn is golden no matter the speed of your deck.

Courser of Kruphix for Herald of Dromoka: not enough warriors are in your deck plus the ability is too limiting. If anything, Heliod, God of the Sun is a better option. Moreover, courser also provides speedy land ramp which is helpful to any green involved deck.

April 4, 2015 5:49 p.m.

snotice says... #12

Archangel of Thune for Armament Corps: more versatile and has evasion.

Cultivate for Pacifism: Ramp is better than the temporary fix that pacifism is. In addition, aura's are tough to play with in EDH with all the bounce spells out there.

Kodama's Reach for Harsh Sustenance: Harsh Sustenance is not reliable enough with all wrath and bounce spells played regularly in EDH, it is better to play efficiently long term than impulsively turn to turn.

Explosive Vegetation for Dromoka's Gift: Dromoka's Gift may work in standard, but can be a dead draw if you are creatureless or in need of mana. Explosive Vegetation will help contribute to you consistently having mana to play your spells.

Doubling Season for Spear of Heliod: the spear of heliod isn't that strong of a card and typically would be more suited in a mono-white weenie deck.

April 4, 2015 5:50 p.m.

snotice says... #13

Other Suggestions:

Corpsejack Menace for Dragonscale General: too slow to be effective long term. Corpsejack is insane with Kalonian Hydra and Doubling Season on the board.

Eternal Witness for Wardscale Dragon: another way to get any card back from the grave.

Sakura-Tribe Elder for Disowned Ancestor: a good way to get mana out early vs. the possibly of a +1/+1 being placed on Disowned Ancestor the second turn it comes out.

Path to Exile for Honor's Reward: removal is vital to your survival and this card is worth the investment.

Swords to Plowshares for Grim Contest: another exile spell that is woth the investment.

Wrath of God for Golgari Charm: sometimes you just have to wipe the board away to help your field status improve.

End Hostilities for Scale Blessing: another wrath spell that just helps smooth out things for you.

Aura Shards & Krosan Grip for a plains and forest: 38 lands should be sufficient and artifact/enchantment is very important when playing EDH.

Beast Within for Selesnya Charm: the Best green Removal spell in the game is a must, in my opinion. I really like Selesnya charm, I just feel like this deck doesn't improve with it in it.

Hope this information helps.

April 4, 2015 5:51 p.m.

jackriottech says... #14

snotice That helps, thank you. I'll definitely consider your suggestions, and add some. Some seem repetitve, like the courser and mul daya oracle, so I'll probably choose one rather than both.

Thank you a lot, though! You've been really helpful!

April 4, 2015 6:11 p.m.

snotice says... #15

No problem! Glad to help you out. I plan on making my own Abzan, counter-based deck. I just need the mula to pursue this dream of mine.

I understand your thoughts on courser and oracle. Oracle is the better of the two. having both just improves your chances getting at least once a game. It's your deck nonetheless, so you do what you have to do.

April 4, 2015 6:52 p.m.

Foxhound438 says... #16

Death's Presence is good for this kind of strategy since it gives a good defense against spot removal. Custodi Soulbinders and Cathars' Crusade might also be good in this.

April 19, 2015 11:24 p.m.

snotice says... #17

You inspired me to act on making an Abzan deck with Anafenza. Here's my deck: Anafenza, the Forgotten one

April 19, 2015 11:48 p.m.

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