
Anafenza's Creature Storm
In the spirit of the deck, Anafenza, the Foremost is a low CMC general who is under-costed for her size and abilities. In this deck, I doubt she'll ever end up attacking, so her first ability isn't necessarily relevant. Her second ability, however, is a wonderful creature based stand-in for two commander staples - Leyline of the Void and Scavenging Ooze . She gets the nod over Karador, Ghost Chieftain as our Abzan general because she costs less and is a better control piece.

The main combo in the deck is Enduring Renewal + Aluren . When we have a sacrifice outlet on board, this enables us to string together unlimited ETB and LTB effects together, which lets us do pretty much anything. Mass sacrifice, we got it. Mass card draw, we got it. Mass life loss, we got it. Mass life gain, we got it. Mass artifact and enchantment removal, we got it. Mass land destruction, well if we take a roundabout way, we can probably handle that too. The opponent is also up to graveyard shenanigans, you got it, we got it.

To be perfectly honest, the deck isn't designed to do much else. If we're completely shut down, we can try to go with a bit of junk control, but we're not necessarily going to win that battle. The deck will be able to hang in there and annoy enemies to a great effect, but we may not be able to do much in terms of winning the game quickly.

If you're looking for a combo heavy deck. This is for you. If you're looking for a classic reanimator, steer clear.

Sacrifice Outlets
1. Altar of Dementia - A wonderful free sacrifice outlet that can mill opponents out of the game, or mill you if you so desire.
2. Ashnod's Altar - Classic sacrifice outlet. It is a fill in for Phyrexian Altar , which is out of my price range.
3. Attrition - Sacrifice outlet plus removal? Sounds good to me.
4. Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim - She's a sacrifice and removal outlet. Just what this deck loves to do.
5. Blasting Station - Sacrifice outlet plus win condition.
6. Carrion Feeder - A free sacrifice outlet that can come down on turn one.
7. Disciple of Griselbrand - A sacrifice outlet that helps keep your life total high.
8. Vampiric Rites - Sacrifice outlet and life gain and card draw.
9. Viscera Seer - Another low CMC free sacrifice outlet. Let's you filter your draw too.
10. Bontu the Glorified - Sacrifice engine on a low-costed big indestructible body.

Limited Sacrifice Outlets
1. Grim Backwoods - Colorless mana source plus sacrifice outlet plus card draw.
2. Westvale Abbey   - Utility land that turns into a big fucking demon.

Fogs, Life Gain, Protection
1. Aetherflux Reservoir - A combo piece that helps you gain life and can win you the game.
2. Dauntless Escort - Creature protection and a free LTB effect.
3. Faith's Reward - So you destroyed my board? Hey, look, its back!
4. Gaddock Teeg - Most of our deck is creatures. This locks a surprising amount of opponents out of the game. If he's on the board and we need to cast a 4 drop, we can sacrifice him or bounce him. Rarely will he keep us from doing what we want to do.
5. Saffi Eriksdotter - Creature protection and fun all bundled into one low CMC creature. She goes does really fun things when paired with Renegade Rallier .
6. Selfless Spirit - See Dauntless Escort only cheaper.
7. Sterling Grove - Enchantment protection and tutoring.

Ramp, Card Draw and Filtering, and Tutoring
1. Abundance - Filters your card draws so you don't get stuck with too much (or too little) mana.
2. Auramancer - This deck runs a number of powerful enchantment combo pieces. Auramancer lets us tutor them.
3. Birds of Paradise - Don't leave home without them.
4. Crypt of Agadeem - Taps for black mana on it's own and can tap for 12 mana if you have a full yard.
5. Enlightened Tutor - This lets us find our combo pieces.
6. Yavimaya Granger - ETB ramp.
7. Fauna Shaman - Creature tutoring, graveyard filling, all around scary card.
8. Fecundity - This is especially fun when Anafenza is out.
9. Grim Haruspex - Card draw.
10. Knight of the White Orchid - ETB Ramp.
11. Recruiter of the Guard - A recurrable creature tutor that hits 31 creatures.
12. Sakura-Tribe Elder - Ramp creature that can sacrifice itself.
13. Sol Ring - Sol Ring.
14. Vizier of the Menagerie - Creature filtering in terms of draw and mana.
15. Elvish Visionary - ETB card draw.
16. Wall of Omens - Wall card draw.
17. Winding Canyons - Utility land that lets you cast your creatures as though they had flash.
18. Wood Elves - ETB ramp.
19. Uncage the Menagerie - Flexible tutoring. Either 2 creatures for 4 mana or 3 creatures for 5 mana.

1. Aura Shards - ETB triggered removal of artifacts and enchantments.
2. Dusk - Creature removal that only hits a few of your creatures. Dawn allows you to return most of your creatures to your hand.
3. Fleshbag Marauder - Most of the time, we'll sacrifice Fleshbag to himself. Recurrable creature removal.
4. Ghost Quarter - Stop a pesky land from being pesky.
5. Merciless Executioner - See Fleshbag Marauder .
6. Reclamation Sage - ETB artifact or enchantment removal spell.
7. Stonecloaker - Target graveyard removal and a repeatable ETB effect. Really fun with Aluren .
8. Pharika, God of Affliction - 3 CMC god that is tricksy graveyard removal.
9. Bone Shredder - Solid creature removal.

1. Athreos, God of Passage - This should be named Athreos, God of Value, because he either drains your opponent for 3 damage whenever one of your creatures dies, or you get your creature back to hand. Either way works for us.
2. Cadaver Imp - Slow creature recursion, but necessary.
3. Enduring Renewal - A combo piece. Let's you string together LTB effects without losing your creatures. Pairs perfectly with Aluren . We don't worry too much about the creatures you draw hitting the yard or playing with your hand revealed. This is a card we'll only play when we can abuse it. Let's us infinitely cast Memnite with a sacrifice engine.
4. Eternal Witness - Once again, just don't leave home without it. Don't even think about it.
5. Golgari Thug - LTB slow creature recursion plus dredge value.
6. Karmic Guide - Classic Recursion. We don't care about it's echo cost.
7. Mistveil Plains - Slow recursion.
8. Noxious Revival - See Eternal Witness plus instant speed plus free to cast.
9. Phyrexian Reclamation - Repeatable creature recursion.
10. Renegade Rallier - A recursion engine that does fun things with Saffi Eriksdotter .
11. Reveillark - A classic recursion piece. When it dies, you get two target creatures back.
12. Riftsweeper - This lets us get back cards from exile and protect our combo pieces from removal.
13. Wake the Dead - Instant speed creature recursion.
14. Corpse Dance - Recurrable creature recursion at instant speed. It also doesn't exile if it leaves the battlefield before the end step.

Drain and Life Loss
1. Blood Artist - Drains on LTB, which this deck sure does a lot of.
2. Bontu's Monument - Drains on creature cast and lowers the cost of nine of our black creatures.
3. Pious Evangel   - He gains us some life in the beginning, is an onboard sacrifice outlet, and drains opponents afterwards.
4. Zulaport Cutthroat - LTB creature drain.

Odds and Ends
1. Aluren - One of the combo engines in the deck. This pairs with Enduring Renewal and a sacrifice engine to get infinite ETB/LTB effects. It also pairs nicely on it's own with Stonecloaker for unlimited ETB and graveyard removal. The fact that others can use it to their benefit is not too terribly scary, because this deck is designed to abuse it's low-cmc requirement. This hits all but three of our creatures and gives them flash.
2. Cloudstone Curio - This let's you string together your ETB effects.
3. Dryad Arbor - A creature and a land.
4. Memnite - Zero CMC creature. This little bug goes infinite easily.
5. Drana, Liberator of Malakir - 3 CMC creature that blocks for days.

Potential Adds
1. No Mercy - One of my all time favorite cards and great protection that pairs quite well with our general.
2. Deathgorge Scavenger - Great graveyard removal that is repeatable, like Scavenging Ooze , but it is on ETB.
3. Mortal Combat - The deck plays a ton of creatures. There is definitely a chance that we could win with this.

The Maybeboard has the three cards that are outside of my budget, but they'd go a long way towards making the deck purr.

Have fun!


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95% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Enchantment Snake 1/1 BG, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Morph 2/2 C
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