Anax and Cymede, a tiny romance

Tiny Leaders mtghypatia

SCORE: 74 | 122 COMMENTS | 29238 VIEWS | IN 36 FOLDERS

asmodin says... #1

How about a Sunforger as a way to sort of tutor up half your Deck?

August 19, 2015 5:26 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #2

I used to run it, but it seemed to slow and mana intensive.

August 19, 2015 8:57 p.m.

Obscure trick: if you play Pyroblast over Red Elemental Blast you can trigger A&C's heroic ability with it for the extra damage. You'll probably never need to, but it is a thing you can do xD

September 5, 2015 1:12 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #4

What do you guys think of Stony Silence and Kor Firewalker in the sideboard? What would you take out?

September 5, 2015 10:07 p.m.

Burn seems very common in this format while artifact heavy and grave reliant decks seem far less common. I'd personally swap Rest in Peace for Kor Firewalker. But of course, it depends on your own personal meta.

September 6, 2015 12:12 a.m.

MattDovah says... #6

I guess you can swap Dragon's Claw for Kor Firewalker, cause they look so similiar, and maybe you can cut Mizzium Mortars, cause i think the overload is a little bit mana expensive and you already have stuff to remove multiple stuff from the field, such as the Fallout and the Shards.

September 6, 2015 4:42 a.m.

Krakshot says... #7

Angelic Gift is a solid option.

November 2, 2015 12:06 a.m.

Azodian says... #8

Have you considered adding a Launch the Fleet? It's a targeted card that also produces tokens.

December 1, 2015 11:23 a.m.

GhostChieftain says... #9

I like that you still have some of the little cantrips in here that I suggested many moons ago. I still think Astral Steel could get stupid in here because even if you only cast 2 spells before it, with it you are up to 5 triggers of heroic (if the others targeted) and with your swarm now that is super deadly

December 5, 2015 10:38 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #10

It's the 3cmc that is the problem :(

December 5, 2015 8:47 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #11

Also, the storm spells are copied, not casted, so they don't trigger heroic

December 5, 2015 8:48 p.m.

Ahhh that does put a damper on it. It helps to actually read doesn't it

December 7, 2015 11:56 a.m.

How about Chained to the Rocks as another budget Swords to Plowshares? For extra draw there are always cards like Faithless Looting, Enlightened Tutor, Land Tax, and even Browbeat. If you are having trouble against control players I would highly suggest both Grand Abolisher and Price of Glory as both neuter Counterspells pretty hard. They also just released a new rebounding protection spell called Center Soul. If you didnt know already, your color pool has access to really cheap Wrath of God effects. My favorites are Planar Collapse and Breaking Point. I hope these suggestions help coming from a Boros EDH player.

December 17, 2015 5:05 p.m.

I_has_a_Leg says... #14

Nice art.

December 17, 2015 8:22 p.m.

Add Dictate Of The Twin Gods or Dictate of Heliod for more powerful creatures and spells. also add Iroas, God Of Victory. His ability makes your creatures less blockable and he only cost 4 mana for a 7/4 with indestructible. Your ajani is not good. The good on is mentor of heroes. I reccomend you change it to gideon champion of justice or ally of zendikar. I hope you like my comments :)

December 21, 2015 6:41 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #16

This is tiny leaders, all spells must be 3CMC or less.

December 21, 2015 6:46 a.m.

WhatTheNether says... #17

I have my own Anax and Cymede deck and I haven't updated it in a while my version has a lot of expensive cards I don't even own in it. This has been helping me a lot building up to a revision of a more "budget" version that can still kick butt. The main goal is the same as this. I just run Legion Loyalist and Boros Elite as early beat down. Also I know Dragon Bell Monk is pretty slow but I like running him as extra +2/+2 because prowess and heroic.

December 23, 2015 5:59 a.m.

TheRedGoat says... #18

I like this, its pretty well built as far as synergy goes. I have a couple of questions though:

What are your thoughts on using damage spells that can divide damage as a means of triggering heroic on removal spells. Examples I know of being Twin Bolt and Arc Lightning.

On the note of heroic triggering, why not us Akroan Crusader, Vanguard of Brimaz, or even Phalanx Leader?

Budget, and actually having the cards, are probably a thing for you, but have you considered using Hangarback Walker, Orochi Hatchery, or even Shrine of Loyal Legions?

February 16, 2016 1:33 a.m.

zetimenvec says... #19

I'd recommend replacing Dragon's Claw with Kor Firewalker or Auriok Champion. They provide the same function, but they're also creatures that can block and attack extremely efficiently.

I also like Vanguard of Brimaz and Akroan Crusader in the deck. Maybe with a few more "up to two target creatures" spells. They seem slightly more cost effective, if slightly less consistent than straight up two 1/1s for 2.

March 4, 2016 12:19 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #20

Thanks! zetimenvec you are right!

March 4, 2016 4:42 p.m.

FossilGolem says... #21

Livewire Lash seems good in a deck revolving around heroic. Eh? Am I right?

April 27, 2016 10:49 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #22

It does! Going to try it out

April 28, 2016 8:38 a.m.

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