darkforce547 says... #2
I really like that you included Alpha Authority in here. Especially paired with Madcap Skills , giving you the possibility for pseudo-unblockable creatures. I'd be cautious about Bonds of Faith , since you're using Mayor of Avabruck Flip . Chances are you'll never use it on him, but I'd rather see something like Call To Serve to give a boost and evasion, or possibly even Curse of Stalked Prey to boost all of your creatures to give a boost to more than one creature.
If you find a way to slip Frontline Medic into the deck, I would highly recommend doing that, especially with the possibility to pair with Furor of the Bitten .
In the possibility you'll splurge mana for an aura, I would suggest Unflinching Courage , the aura staple these days. Gives a great boost, Trample and Lifelink. Definitely worth it if you can fit it in.
July 8, 2013 5:17 p.m.
Thank you for those suggestions! I think I'm going to use some of these. My deck has been fizzling out at FNM the last few weeks and I need to change it up!
July 17, 2013 5:36 p.m.
Ajani is kind of interesting; how's he working out for you? I've considered him in the past but I've opted for 2 extra copies of Boros Charm.
What about Chained to the Rocks as a method of removal at least for sideboard? You can make good use of Mountains for them. I actually maindeck them and find them incredibly useful.
I posted my comment regarding Alpha Authority on my comments section (in reply to your comment). tl;dr the card really really demands other cards afterwards that couple well with it, and you'll tend to go over your enemy anyways. It often ends up as a dead draw since the card provides no +/+ boost of any sort. Having creature removal could be more effective. HOWEVER, your deck has much less hexproof than my deck, so I would definitely keep copies around.
Boon Satyr is interesting; he used to be a champ in my deck due to flash lol. Eidolon felt kind of slow to me; but he IS just another Ethereal Armor copy and more :p
+1, from a fellow NAYA hero
March 6, 2014 10:41 p.m.
Thanks for the comment on my deck.
This one looks crazy fun. +1! Do you find you get to turn 5 often without getting hit by verdict? Control seems to be the meta I play against a LOT, so I play 4x boros charm. I need to consider abusing heroic with auras...
March 6, 2014 11:37 p.m.
Broliver thanks for taking time to comment. I definitely agree that the lack of hexproof for me makes more sense with Alpha Authority . The high level of scry ability has made it more viable in this set up. Ajani, Caller of the Pride has ended many games on turn 4 for me. The flying provides extremely useful evasion that early in the game. I originally ran 4 Boros Charm like you. That's also why I still have two in the sideboard. It's very resourceful against decks that have direct destroy creature cards.
March 7, 2014 11:57 a.m.
Cadmeus I do have trouble with control. The Silence in the sideboard has been useful for verdict and is also why I use 2 Boros Charm in the sideboard. Many times heroic ends the game on turn 4 before they can verdict (or at least cripples their gameplan. Additionally, being able to scry so much let's me dig for a second creature to hold post verdict. The most versatile is Mistcutter Hydra by being able to cast, enchant, and swing for the finish on turn 5 while my opponent is tapped out from the verdict. Thanks for the comments!
March 7, 2014 12:01 p.m.
Forgot to mention if you Silence on turn 4 you force a turn 5 verdict because it's sorcery speed so they can't respond. If they do respond and counter it they have used mana and can't verdict anyway.
March 7, 2014 12:02 p.m.
I still find it amazing that people don't really play Silence . I've always kept a few copies around; they just so happen to be back on my NAYA list (as of Friday). Silence effectively baits counters and will stop Verdicts. Good choice. If you want to cut 2 Silences and maybe 1 Gods Willing, you could run Ghor-Clans on the sideboard perhaps (unfortunately, this won't trigger heroic; but it's still fantastic).
The one thing I don't like about Eidolon of Countless Battles or Ajani is the double-white. I don't think you need 14 red symbols of mana in your landbase; how about some regular Plains to fill in for Temple of Abandon?
March 8, 2014 3:05 a.m.
I may do some play testing with a few regular lands for Temple of Abandon . The scry has been really strong for me setting up the game plan. I also like the idea of maybe using Ghor-Clan Rampager . It would be a way to sub spells for more "creatures" for added utility out of the sideboard. I've had pretty good success with Boros Charm over Ajani, Caller of the Pride . Still thinking I might use a one-of for the flying for a finisher. Thanks for the input!
March 10, 2014 12:52 p.m.
My Naya Aura deck uses Ghor-Clan Rampager and Boros Charm with great success. Unexpected combat tricks, and Ghor-clan can't be countered. Speaking of counters, my worst match-ups are against control, and Boros Charm keeps my board presence through a verdict. I have decided to try Silence as a 4x in my side just cause I like the thought of forcing counters and preventing verdict whenever I can.
March 10, 2014 2:37 p.m.
Aboithagameboi says... #18
I really suggest grabbing Witchstalker for a more relevant (more expensive) Hexproof creature.
April 29, 2014 10:47 p.m.
I like Witchstalker , too. May play the new two drop hexproof and go back to selesnya. Lots of good options and Godsend is total beast mode.
April 30, 2014 11:07 p.m.
This new configuration leads to a lot of turn 4-5 wins. I need to update the explanation so everyone can smell what I'm stepping in.
Jgentr3 says... #1
Hook me up with suggestions!
July 7, 2013 9:12 p.m.