And I'll Pay a Red | Only 5 Red Spells! *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH kanokarob

SCORE: 147 | 78 COMMENTS | 21407 VIEWS | IN 69 FOLDERS

RupertPhd says... #1

looks like a cool deck. i love artifacts. i bet there are some good additions, all i can think of is Flamekin Village | Dormant Volcano | more card draw like Loreseeker's Stone | Liar's Pendulum | Book of Rass | as you already have prototype portal there are some options to ramp with Darksteel Citadel | token Memnite | inf turns Ugin's Nexus | and then there are the Dross Scorpion options. and retrieval like Myr Retriever | Junk Diver. and as you already have several sac outlets for artifacts Spine of Ish Sah is nice if you get loads of mana

May 2, 2016 1:29 p.m.

kanokarob says... #2

Flamekin Village more often than not is just going to be a tapland, as very rarely do I attack. Dormant Volcano is ok but with the amount of ramp I have at my disposal it will probably make very little difference.

Loreseeker's Stone gets too potentially expensive for not enough advantage. I'd much rather have the Tower of Fortunes. Liar's Pendulum is cool but has too much uncertainty. This deck is fun to pilot but was designed to be a fast paced combo deck. Book of Rass is relatively inexpensive but I don't always have defenses up so I try to avoid hurting myself whenever possible.

I considered Darksteel Citadel from the start but Prototype Portal can already make Great Furnace tokens when necessary, which provide red which is vital despite being a 95% colorless artifact deck.

Memnite adds very little to the functionality of the deck.

I can already create infintie turns with Magistrate's Scepter and any infinite mana+untap combo, and Ugin's Nexus is not an activated ability, so I can't copy it. Not ideal.

I have Myr Retriever in here already. Ideally that, Trash for Treasure, Daretti, Scrap Savant, Codex Shredder, and Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer will be all I need.

Spine of Ish Sah is ok but is not an activated ability. I feel more comfortable with the Unstable Obelisk and Steel Hellkite, for the most part.

May 2, 2016 3:39 p.m.

RupertPhd says... #3

Right on. Cool. What are your inf. Mana or inf untap combos? Im not very familiar with kurkesh and some of these cards.

May 2, 2016 3:58 p.m.

kanokarob says... #4

Ill put them in the description shortly.

May 2, 2016 8:53 p.m.

MsSysbit says... #5

I think you might like Blightsteel Colossus, Blasphemous Act, Hoard-Smelter Dragon, Hoarding Dragon, and Hellkite Tyrant! Some big red cards that just aid your build a lot tbh.

May 17, 2016 6:35 p.m.

kanokarob says... #6

Blightsteel Colossus is an awesome card, but is more suited in a deck that can make him a wincon; this deck cannot, at least not as easily as my other wincons can be achieved.

Blasphemous Act would kill Kurkesh which I try to avoid doing myself, e's already likely to die frequently as it is.

Hoard-Smelter Dragon doesnt scream to me, but Hoarding Dragon and especially the Hellkite Tyrant look very helpful/amusing. Main issue is looking for room for them, on top of the fact that one of the most fun things about the deck is the almost complete lack of red spells. If anything, I'd like to remove red spells, not add more. For now, these two can go in the sideboard.

May 18, 2016 7:30 a.m.

MsSysbit says... #7

I get the fun of having a nearly colorless deck but a 5 mana 4/4 flying who can tutor any artifact and a 6/5 that can win you the game in one upkeep look worth it. Even if you added both you would only have 7 colored spells which is still pretty low color tbh.

May 18, 2016 9:55 a.m.

kanokarob says... #8

That's a swell opinion there but, at least for the moment, I can do without.

May 19, 2016 11:46 a.m.

Phaetion says... #9

Any thoughts on Scrap Mastery? Seems really good in a mono-red artifact deck (or any red artifact deck for that matter).

June 13, 2016 1:06 p.m.

kanokarob says... #10

I'm really wary about running Scrap Mastery. It is undeniably really good, but I have this unshakable fear that I'm either only going to ever have it in situations where it is useless, or will need it in order to just survive and won't have it. It definitely shouldn't be instantly out of the question for anyone else looking to build this deck, but I'm too pessimistic about its practicality to run it myself.

June 13, 2016 1:42 p.m.

carpecanum says... #11

Soul Foundry could give you more of your creatures (especially since most are so cheap that multiple mana creatures pay for themselves pretty soon even without infinite combos).

Portcullis locks down most decks as long as you can get rid of it if your boss is killed.

Mishra's Helix shuts people down so hard I took it out of my Rosheen Meanderer deck in the name of friendship.

June 23, 2016 11:44 a.m.

kanokarob says... #12

Definitely replacing the Mimic Vat for Soul Foundry. I so rarely cast the vat because most of time the game ends before anything worthwhile dies. Being able to make copies of my Myr Retriever and the like on a whim would be lovely.

I worry about Portcullis because my primary means of defense is tokens made in droves, so I need them untapped to block with.

Mishra's Helix looks really hilarious and cruel, but might be better suited for a duel commander deck. Will put it in the maybe board though.

June 23, 2016 7:15 p.m.

L@ughingM00n says... #13

This is an extremely well constructed and interesting deck. It inspired me to create a similar one. In my research, I discovered a few cards that could improve some aspects of the design. Coretapper can assist in adding charge counters to artifacts and be searched for with Myr Turbine and with infinite artifact untap, creates infinite charges. Myr Welder can be used for recycling necessary artifacts and retains all abilities of exiled cards if destroyed and brought back. Astral Cornucopia is an additional infinite mana combo piece. Soul of New Phyrexia provides protection for your field and a decent creature to copy an army from. Riptide Replicator casting for 5 then uber charging makes ridiculous myr tokens. Golem Foundry provides an easy token generator. I understand limiting red cards in the deck but I have found Koth of the Hammer helps generate necessary red mana if infinite mana combo isn't available, especially with Doubling Cube. Considering how many artifacts use charge counters, Ion Storm seemed appropriate. I believe Staff of Domination is not banned but I could be mistaken. Hope some of these were helpful.

August 3, 2016 2:49 p.m.

kanokarob says... #14

Lots of... unnecessary fluff you've suggested.

Coretapper is not as efficient as Contagion Engine or Contagion Clasp, namely the former, and being a creature makes it more susceptible to removal before I'm prepared to handle it.

Myr Welder is not the sort of recursion I want. I feel much safer with my Codex Shredder, Myr Retriever, Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer, Trash for Treasure, and Buried Ruin.

Astral Cornucopia costs more mana and takes more investment to do what Gilded Lotus is strictly better at in this deck. This takes 9 mana to be able to generate three on tap compared to the Lotus' 5, and though it can be played for a mere 3 and given additional counters, it takes more investment than is necessary when, more than likely, I'm searching it and Voltaic Key out first to go straight into godmode.

Soul of New Phyrexia, in this deck, is nothing more than big. It's ability is irrelevant to copy, and while useful, requires consistent mana to be kept open for it, and when again, I'm probably searching for it, I'd be more satisfied with Darksteel Forge.

Riptide Replicator is overkill. Titan Forge can already make large creatures which I rarely need anyway - barring tramplers - as the Myr Turbine's myr are more than capable of mounting a defense.

Golem Foundry's charge ability can't be copied by Kurkesh. Also, see above.

Koth of the Hammer is an ok card, but not exceptional here. Most of the time, if I have enough resources to do a bunch of stuff but I'm not going infinite, I'm just going to mount defenses. In an opening hand, he takes Kurkesh's slot in the curve, and otherwise, he'd be more likely to get searched out, in which case, I'd just get Gilded Lotus and Voltaic Key instead.

Ion Storm is flashy, and there's already an optimal number of different wincons in the deck. Darksteel Reactor for non-targeting total victory, Decimator Web for undamageable players, an abundance of methods to make infinite tokens for combat wins, and Darksteel Forge + Nevinyrral's Disk to force surrenders. Having to overextend to have Ion Storm and infinite mana and an artifact with charge counters is silly compared to a simple Decimator Web.

Let's compare all of Staff of Domination's modes (Except the first) with other options already in place.

  1. 2 mana for 1 life, or with Kurkesh, 3 for 2. Trading Post is 1 and a discard for 4. Lots of draw power here means plenty worth discarding, and at a cheaper price. Alternatively, everyone elses loses/I enter godmode before any damage I've taken becomes relevant.

  2. 3 mana to untap a creature, or with Kurkesh, 4 to untap 2. Very few of my creatures tap and stay there, those that do I either don't need untapped that turn, or are artifacts and thus can be untapped for 1 with Voltaic Key or the same price of 3 with Galvanic Key.

  3. 4 to tap a creature, or with Kurkesh, 5 to tap 2. There's nothing directly comparable in this deck, but with many token generator options, I have little fear of combat.

  4. 5 mana to draw 1, or with Kurkesh, 6 to draw 2. Let's see, Jayemdae Tome is 4/5 for 1/2, Temple Bell is 0/1 for 1/2, Candles of Leng is 4/5 for 1/2, Tower of Fortunes is 8/9 for 4/8... I may have card draw covered.

The only thing SoD has going for it is all these abilities are on the same artifact, but if I have enough mana to be using several of these abilities in the same turn, I should be doing them with cards I already have, and if I'm in so much danger that I need all of these abilities at the ready, it's unlikely it will make a difference anyway.

I'm not saying the deck is perfect as is, there are some expensive cards I think would be very good in here that I haven't sprung for yet, and it certainly isn't unbeatable. But I've been somewhat meticulous in deciding which cards would be the most efficient and effective, and with how many similar cards should reasonably be played, and swapping out for more cards that do similar things in less profitable/resourceful ways skews a number of aspects of the deck's consistency. I looked over all the cards you suggested back when I first brewed this, and chose the alternatives here for the reasons I've described here.

August 4, 2016 12:40 a.m.

KailDaemon says... #15

I love this, saving this for a later deck build. +1 dude

October 10, 2016 7:55 a.m.

Amazing build!

I just got some curious how energy counters exactly works and Aetherflux Reservoir

November 3, 2016 5:42 p.m.

kanokarob says... #17

Aetherflux Reservoir is great. Very helpful no matter when you play it.

Energy counters are OK. The two creatures need further testing but so far are not guaranteed to stay. Aetherworks Marvel is pretty great, though. A sac outlet is practically necessary to make effective use of it, but there's a good amount of that.

November 4, 2016 8:44 p.m.

if you got enough mana to use you should add in Aladdin's Lamp. with either allot of mana or a short enough library it practically becomes a tutor card. and the best part is you can use Kurkesh to copy it and get a second card for only one Red.

November 5, 2016 7:46 a.m.

kanokarob says... #19

Eh, by the time you have 10 mana you at least have a bunch of artifacts to interact with the board or dig deeper, if not having already achieved godmode. It's a neat trick but an inefficient investment.

November 5, 2016 2:14 p.m.

F3A5t says... #20

I love the story about your best game. +1 just for that even if it wasn't a good deck, but alas it is a great deck.

December 28, 2016 7:34 a.m.

Do you think Vedalken Orrery would be good?

March 12, 2017 7:51 a.m.

kanokarob says... #22

Vedalken Orrery wouldn't be bad, but Shimmer Myr covers the same effect, is more searchable, and slightly more recur-able.

There are a lot of effects that need to be redundant, like search or destroy artifacts, but flash isn't one of them. It's not necessary or even useful until you go infinite, at which point it's easy to recur or search.

March 12, 2017 5:02 p.m.

x12721 says... #23

Gleemax or Mox Lotus. Kidding. +1

March 27, 2017 8:04 a.m.

visser1 says... #24

Hey kanokarob, I was wondering if you had visited any new things that came out with amonket as pieces for this deck. I recently decided to try Kurkesh out because I liked the card Oracle's Vault and wanted to find a way to break it. Kurkesh was my solution lol

May 30, 2017 1:57 a.m.

kanokarob says... #25

Oracle's Vault is a good card, and Kurkesh can make it really strong and fast, for sure. If you want to use it that's reasonable, however as I see it, it doesn't add anything of value that the deck specifically needs. You have no control over the top card of your library beyond the Crystal Ball, which is likely on the chopping block when something comes around worth replacing it for. Kurkesh has little interest in casting a thing for free every turn, he's more into searching for the few cheap things he needs quickly to go off.

Again, Oracle's Vault isn't a bad card by any means, especially in Kurkesh. But for Kurkesh, there's no need for it.

May 30, 2017 7:31 a.m.

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